The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 695 Beyond the Peak

Chapter 695 Beyond the Peak ([-]) ([-] in [-])

"thank you!"

Logan bared his teeth and thanked Otsutsuki Zero.


The blue veins on Otsutsuki Zero’s forehead were exposed, and there was a burst of pain from the closed Samsara Sharingan. Logan’s thank you almost made Otsutsuki Zero’s liver explode. Obviously, he wanted to rely on Logan to evolve Baiyan into reincarnation In the end, Logan snatched the Samsara Sharingan on his forehead, and let Logan's Samsara Sharingan evolve to its final form. This is really a great irony for Otsutsuki Rei!

"Otsutsuki Zero, you have great ambitions! You want to use my pupil power to evolve Baiyan into Tenseikan state, and then combine the pupil power of Tenseikan and Samsara Sharingan. If you succeed, you can No one can really compete with you!"

"Although the idea is good, it is your sorrow to meet me! Thank you for allowing my reincarnation Sharingan to evolve to its final form! In order to express my gratitude to you, I will let you die without pain!"

Logan felt the powerful pupil power of his eyes. That feeling made him confident that he could overcome everything. Any person or force that stood in his way would be ruthlessly destroyed. This feeling was really wonderful to him.

"Logan, you won't be able to be proud for long! We've already considered this worst-case scenario! Otherwise, why do you think I'd evolve my white eyes into Tenseikan!"

After Otsutsuki Zero took a deep breath, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said.

"Oh? Then I have to take a good look at your methods! Let me try how powerful Ten Tails and Tenseikan are! I just want to get used to the ability of reincarnation writing sharing eyes!"

Logan shrugged and said indifferently, that casual attitude caused Otsuki Rei's anger, which had been suppressed with great difficulty, to surge to his head again, and he wished to tear Logan's irritating mouth.

"The silver wheel is reborn!"

Now it's Otsutsuki Zero who is too lazy to talk nonsense with Logan. I saw that Otsutsuki Zero released many Taoist jades from the palm of his right hand, and then used his hands to rotate these fairway jades. While rotating, the appearance of the Taoist jades will be covered. A layer of green chakra forms a green halo, and then emits a huge tornado from the halo.


In the eye of the tornado, there is even a flash of lightning, which is very different from the original Otsutsuki Sheren's use of the Yinlun Reincarnation Explosion, and the power is not the same.

"This old ghost, I can't dodge it, I can only resist!"

Logan was a little annoyed. When Zero Otsuki was fighting with himself, he kept forcing himself to face the earth, so that when Zero Otsutsuki used those powerful moves, Logan could not dodge, otherwise Zero Otsutsuki would The attack will fall on the earth, and it is unknown how many people will die in this way.

"Reincarnation Coercion!"


At this time, Logan displayed reincarnation pressure, and an invisible blade-shaped shock wave suddenly appeared, colliding violently with Otsutsuki Zero's lightning tornado, and Logan's sharp shock wave split Otsutsuki Zero's lightning tornado into pieces In two halves, the power of the shock wave itself gradually dissipated.

"Reincarnation Split!"

Being passively beaten has never been Logan's style, so Logan took the initiative to attack. Now that Logan is using Samsara Split, it is not like before when he can't exert the full power of Split. Under the blessing of the strongest form of Samsara Sharingan Reincarnation Split, Logan is confident that he can split the moon.

"Reincarnation Seeking Dao Jade!"

Otsutsuki Rei felt a tearing energy wave emanating from Logan's eyes. This is after the white eye was transformed into Tenseiken, Otsutsuki Rei was able to vaguely perceive the energy wave of Logan's attack.

The nine Taoist jades behind Otsutsuki Reishi turned into shields to resist in front of him in turn. At the same time, green chakras are attached to the Taoist jade. After being blessed by Tenseiken's pupil power, the Taoist jade has increased in hardness several times. levels.


"Crack, click..."

There was a crisp collision sound, followed by the sound of the Dao-seeking jade shield breaking. Logan's move was indeed extremely terrifying. The reincarnation seeking Tao jade, which was so hard that it could withstand all attacks, was destroyed layer by layer by Logan's attack.


Of course, the Reincarnation Seeking Dao Jade didn't have any effect at all. At least Logan's attack had been greatly weakened. When he broke through to the sixth layer of the Dao Seeking Jade shield, the power of splitting was no longer enough to destroy the shield.

"You can actually feel the power fluctuations of splitting. It seems that Tenseikan has brought you a lot of benefits!"

Logan was a little surprised to see that his reincarnation and split did not cause any damage to Otsutsuki Rei. You must know that Otsutsuki Rei had broken his arm before.


Zero Otsutsuki said nothing, and looked at Logan with a gloomy face. Logan, whose eyes had evolved into the final form, was even more difficult to deal with than he imagined. For a while, Zero Otsutsuki had no good way, let alone suppress it now Logan is gone, and it is very likely that if he is not careful, he can stay here and become a stepping stone on Logan's way forward.

"After the evolution of Logan's eyes, I won't have the upper hand in medium and long-range attacks. It seems that I can only fight in close combat. I hope his close combat has not improved much, otherwise I will be really dangerous, and His deprivation ability is also very troublesome, you must always be careful not to be caught by him!"

Rei Otsutsuki was about to start a melee battle. After a few long-range attacks, Rei Otsutsuki found that he was firmly in the upper hand, and he could clearly feel that Logan still had many powerful means that he hadn't used at all. Rei Otsutsuki Shi didn't plan to give Logan a chance to use it. After all, the longer the preparation time, the more powerful it would be. It would be too sad if Logan held back his big move and killed himself in one fell swoop.


Otsutsuki Zero is completely silent during the battle now, and he wants to defeat Logan, and he can't say that Logan can't, every time he is at a disadvantage, so he doesn't make trouble for himself at all, it is better to fight See the real chapter below.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The aftermath of the collision between the fists and feet of the two can crush the surrounding meteorites into powder.

I have to say that the melee combat of the Otsutsuki clan is really powerful, and even Logan feels a lot of pressure. You must know that Logan has always been the strongest in melee combat in One Piece World, and now he is facing Otsutsugi After that, Rei actually had some difficulty. It seems that Tenseikan not only strengthened Otsutsuki Rei's pupil power, but also strengthened his close-up strength a lot.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is the acupuncture points similar to those of the Hyuga Clan. Logan must always pay attention not to be hit by the opponent's acupuncture points, which makes Logan's attack less indomitable than before, and a lot more restraint.

Although acupuncture can't seal Logan's actions, it will also cause a slight pause in his attack. A pause in a master duel may cause a reversal of possession, so Logan tried his best to avoid being hit by Otsutsuki Zero.

"It's not the way to go on like this! I've been tied up all the time. Although I can transfer the acupuncture points, I still need to do it deliberately, and transferring the acupuncture points is useless for Tenseikan who can clearly see the location of the acupuncture points!"

Logan was a little irritable. It was really uncomfortable to be forced into a predicament by an acupuncture point in a well-prepared situation.

"Acupuncturing is really troublesome. No matter how strong it is, it will have an impact after being tapped on the acupoints. No one dares to ignore it!"

"By the way, if you attach an armed color, will you be able to ignore acupuncture points?"

Logan suddenly thought of the armed color, the flowing cherry armed color can flow the armed color outside the body surface, which is equivalent to adding a layer of protection, and the skin is wrapped by the armed color, which should be able to resist the impact of acupuncture , Logan decided to take a chance.


Logan's whole body is covered with armed color, and at the same time, there is an invisible layer of armed color flowing outside the body surface. This change of Logan surprised Otsuki Zero, but Otsuki Zero's attack did not Any pause, there will be more changes in the battle, and almost all the strong can be calm and will not be affected in any way.


Otsutsuki Zero discovered a weakness in Logan, and quickly clicked on it, trying to curb Logan's actions.



There was an excited smile on Otsutsuki Rei's face, and he finally caught the opportunity to hit Logan's acupuncture points. Although Otsutsuki Rei felt that there was something separated, he didn't care, because as long as he was He hit it, even if it was in the air, Chakra would enter the acupuncture point and seal the opponent's actions.

What Logan felt was that there was a chakra stabbing Liuying, but it was deflected by Liuying's flow, and then stabbed the armed color on his body. Otsutsuki Zero's blow did not hit his acupuncture point , and has no effect on itself.


Logan was also refreshed, and found a way to restrain Datongmu Ling's acupuncture.

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

Although Otsutsuki Reishi was excited, his movements did not stop at all. When he found that he had stabbed Logan's acupuncture point, he transformed the green Taoist jade in his hand into a huge yellow chakra lightsaber, and pointed at Logan with force. After the split, he wanted to use this short opportunity to win with one blow.

"Infinite space!"

To Otsutsuki Rei's surprise, Logan's movements did not stop at all. While he was attacking, Logan's defensive methods were also used at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The powerful Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion was blocked by Logan's infinite space, Otsutsuki Zero watched helplessly as the lightsaber finally stopped in front of Logan, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't strike anymore.

"I missed you?"

Otsutsuki Zero was a little confused.

"No! Although it was close, it's a pity that I missed!"

Logan spread his hands and said, that really deserves a beating.

"How is it possible! I clearly hit your acupuncture point, how could you not be affected!"

Otsutsuki Zero didn't believe it, he saw Logan's acupuncture point very clearly, and seized the slightest opportunity to click on it, he firmly believed that he hit it.

"Could it be that strange thing?"

Otsuki Rei suddenly thought that when he hit Logan, there was a layer of strange energy that isolated his fingers from Logan's body, but Otsuki Rei also shot chakra from his finger, and that position was Logan's body a degree.

"Did you find it? This is a flowing protective film! There is no law, it can deflect your chakra! So acupuncture points are useless to me!"

Logan showed two rows of big white teeth and said with a smile.

"You have so many means!"

Otsutsuki Zero had to admire Logan's endlessly weird methods, the energy that turned his skin black while being invulnerable, and the protective layer that could flow on the body surface. These were all powers he had never heard of before. Mu Lingshi has a headache, he can't attack from a distance, he can't fight in close combat, he is almost at a loss, is he going to explode himself while hugging Logan?
It doesn't seem to work, Logan has the ability of space and the ability of blurring, Otsutsuki Zero estimates that even if the earth is blown up, Logan will be fine, how can there be such a difficult enemy in this world? !

"Is it necessary to use the last resort? In that case, I will..."

Otsutsuki Rei's face was cloudy and uncertain, as if he was making a difficult decision. After a while, Otsutsuki Rei's face calmed down, and his eyes became more firm, but Logan had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"This old boy is not going to do good things!"

Logan stared at Otsutsuki Zero and thought.

"Is there any means he hasn't used? This is a difficult family! If it were someone else today, I don't know how many times I would have died!"

Logan didn't dare to relax. His character is that no matter what enemy he faces, he will never underestimate him. As a traveler who has watched countless movies, he knows how many taboos the strong have. Heroes died at the hands of little people, how many battles with great advantages were overturned in the end, those are bloody lessons!Logan will never let himself become a negative example!

"It's better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster! The brave will starve to death! Don't give him any chance to make a comeback. The next battle will end this old boy's life!"

Logan is not going to wait any longer, and it will change sooner or later. Now that he has got everything he wants, he should end it early and go home to embrace his wife.



Logan clasped his hands together and gave a loud shout. Unparalleled explosive power suddenly erupted from his body. The energy robe on his body fluttered without wind. The twelve Taoist jades behind him gradually merged into six. The black sword, the black sword is constantly absorbing energy from the surroundings, and even the light is swallowed together. The sharp blade seems to be able to easily cut through the space. Logan is preparing to show his peak strength and quickly end the battle .



Logan seems to have turned into a Super Saiyan, the difference is that the hair is not golden, and the golden light is not shining on the body, but there are strands of lightning wrapped around Logan's body.


Logan grabbed the black sword beside him, and a trace of ruthlessness and indifference flashed in Jiugouyu's reincarnation writing wheel eyes.

"It's coming!"

Cold words came out of Logan's mouth, and at this moment Logan appeared at his peak!
(End of this chapter)

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