The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 707 Goodbye, Naruto World!

Chapter 707 Goodbye, Naruto World! (one)

"Is everything arranged?"

Hiyori leaned lightly on Logan and asked.

During the previous Fourth Ninja World War, Logan did not let Hiyori get involved because of Hiyori's pregnancy problem, and protected her early.

"Um, all right!"

Logan said softly.

"Are you about to leave?"

Hiyori asked.

"Wait for another six months! Naruto will leave after getting married in half a year, and he will take you back to Pirate World to have a look, maybe he won't come back after leaving!"

Logan gently stroked Hiyori's hair and said.

"Is it?"

Hiyori asked excitedly.

It’s been decades since I left Pirate World. Although Hiyori didn’t say anything, she still misses her parents and elder brother in Pirate World all the time. When she heard Logan say that she wanted to go back to Pirate World, she was very excited .

"However, when we got here, it took decades. If it takes so long to go back..."

Hiyori didn't continue.

Going back in a few decades, Hiyor worries that when he goes back, people will be right and wrong, which will only add to the sadness.

"Don't worry, it won't take that long. If I want to go back to Pirate World now, it will only be a moment. Moreover, the passage of time in Pirate World is different from here. We have been away for decades, maybe there Maybe it's only been a few years!"

Logan smiled and comforted.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Hiyori asked excitedly.

"Of course, I won't lie to you if I lie to anyone! After the Eye of Samsara evolved to its final form, my abilities in all aspects have undergone earth-shaking changes. Crossing the galaxy is not a problem at all!"

Logan smiled and comforted.

"Before I leave, I can see my parents and elder brother for the last time, and I won't have any regrets! And if my father and mother know that I am pregnant, they will be very happy!"

Hiyori said softly while touching her unchanged abdomen, her face was full of maternal brilliance, which made people's hearts flutter.

"Yes! Oden and Ah Shi will definitely be happy for you!"

Logan said.

"Hee hee, you should call them father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Hiyori said with a mischievous smile.


Logan's face was full of embarrassment. To be honest, Kozuki Oden and Kozuki Oden were younger than him, and he and their daughters had children, so he couldn't call them father-in-law and mother-in-law. .


Seeing Logan's embarrassment, Hiyori immediately laughed happily. Logan's current embarrassment is hard to see.

"Cough cough cough..."

"By the way, I heard that Kakashi's child is about to be born? Let's go and see!"

Logan awkwardly changed the subject and said.

"Well, Champs is about to give birth. After Kakashi became Hokage, he definitely didn't have time to take care of Champs. Before the war, I always took Champs with me to take care of her."

Hiyori said.

Uchiha Champ, Kakashi's wife, Hiyori and Mikoto's matchmaker, ended Kakashi's bachelor days and was about to give birth.

"That's right, Kakashi finally got the hang of it, but if Itachi hadn't given up so much for Konoha, he would have married Izumi a long time ago, and maybe he would have children too!"

Logan said regretfully.

Izumi Uchiha, Itachi’s childhood sweetheart, has never forgotten Itachi for so many years, and has been taking care of Itachi’s parents. She is indeed a very gentle girl. Solve Itachi's problem before leaving, and it will be perfect.

"Itachi really worked too hard, don't worry, I will definitely solve their problems before leaving, and the two already have a good impression of each other, so it will be easier to handle it!"

Hiyori said.

"It's been a long time since we went out together, let's go to the village today!"

Logan said.

"Well, listen to you!"

Hiyori nodded.

"Let's go then!"

Logan took Hiyori's hand and left the place of inheritance.

The loss of Konoha is not big, and there are not many places that need to be repaired. The whole village has become more prosperous because of Naruto's existence. A large number of fans who want to see Naruto have been blocked outside the village. Now Naruto can be described as a big celebrity too.

Logan and Hiyori wandered the streets of Konoha, looking at the happy people, Hiyori was both happy and a little sad in his heart. The 20 years in the world of Naruto can be said to be the most relaxing day for Hiyori, although there are War or something, but Hiyori never intervened, and has always been well protected by Logan, living a carefree life, enjoying the peace that is not available in the world of pirates.

"Thinking of leaving here soon, my heart is always full of reluctance!"

Hiyori said sadly.

"No way, life is always a feast. Even if we don't leave now, after decades, everyone around us will be gone, and we will be even more sad. When they are all still there, we will leave, give There are good memories for both parties, so enjoy the last good time! Don't think too much about it."

Logan said comfortingly.

"Well, I see! As long as I'm with you, I'm willing to go anywhere!"

Hiyori leaned on Logan and said.

"Don't worry, I will always be by your side! Time has no meaning for us!"

Logan said.

"Well, walk with me again!"

Hiyori said.

"it is good!"

The two stopped and stopped along the way, and Hiyori pointed to various places and told interesting things they had encountered.

In the next six months, prosperity was gradually restored among the countries, and the damage caused by the war was gradually forgotten by people, and they lived a stable life again.

Konoha is also preparing for Naruto's wedding. Naruto and Hinata specially moved up the wedding date in order to get married before Logan and Hiyori left.

In the second month after the end of the war, Champs successfully gave birth to a fat boy. Kakashi finally had a son, and he would not be as lonely as in the original book.

Itachi and Uchiha Izumi also married in a low-key manner under the witness of Logan and Hiyori. Izumi finally waited until this day, and Logan's big regret was resolved.

Sasuke and Sakura also came together. Konoha's other [-] Xiaoqiang, except for Ya and Shino, also have their own other half, especially Neji, who was killed by ten tails in the original work. But here, Ningci survived and got together with Tiantian. This change can be said to be brought about by Logan.

If anyone is the happiest person, it must be Naruto. He saved the world, his parents and the most respected master are resurrected, his best friend is back, and there is another person who has always loved him The girl is going to marry him, Naruto can be said to be proud of himself!

Everything is developing in a positive direction, and Logan has no regrets in the world of Naruto. After attending Naruto's wedding, Logan and Hiyori also have time to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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