The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 708 Goodbye, Naruto World!

Chapter 708 Goodbye, Naruto World! (two)
Konoha, the place of inheritance.

"I gotta go!"

Logan looked at the people who had been together for decades and said.

The news of Logan's departure has not been made public, and only a few people know about it. After all, there is still an Otsutsuki Ichishi hidden somewhere, and the later the news of Logan's departure is leaked, Otsutsuki Ichishi will not dare to make any changes easily.

Not many people came to send Logan off, they were all very close to him, including Itachi and Shisui, Naruto and Sasuke, Hinata and Neji, Obito and Rin, Konoha who he grew up watching Past Hokage, Kushina, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Roki, Maitekai, Nagato Trio and Dark Guard.

"It's been more than 20 years since I came here. Many of you grew up watching me, and some of you learned a lot from me, and some of you have changed because of my fate. It is my honor to meet you. !"

"But, after all, I don't belong here. To this place, I'm just a passer-by. After all, I have to leave. Now is the time for me to leave. In the future, I will rely on you to protect the ninja world and the earth!"

"Although I have left, I have left some things behind. I believe that you will protect the Ninja World well in the future!"

Logan said, looking around at the people around him.

"Grandpa Logan, do you have to leave?"

Naruto asked sadly.

For Naruto, Logan and Hiyori took over the role of parents when he was young, which had a great impact on his growth and made him feel the warmth of family. Naruto was very sad to leave.

"Naruto, you have grown up, saved the ninja world, saved people, and realized the biggest dream in your life, but your life has just begun. In the future, you will encounter various difficulties and enemies , but I hope you will always maintain this kindness, and don't give up at any time!"

"My mission is still going on, I have other things to do, and I came here to find my way home, now your parents are home, and I am going home too! I can I feel that someone who is very important to me is waiting for me to go home, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Even if I don't leave now, it won't be long before that strong calling will take me away! "

Logan patted Naruto on the shoulder and said.


"Naruto, Lord Logan can't always protect the ninja world. The future still depends on us, and Lord Logan has done a lot for the ninja world. Without him, we can't be reunited. It's time for Logan to My lord is reunited with his family!"

Minato looked at Naruto and said.

"Naruto, when you miss me, come here to inherit the sacred tree and take a look at it. The sacred tree is equivalent to my clone, and I can sense you through him!"

Logan pointed to the inheritance tree and said.

"I, I know!"

Naruto said with a sob.

"grown ups……"

"Don't say anything, let me leave happily! The more you talk, the more reluctant I am to leave here! But life is always a feast, and for me who lives forever, staying here and watching you grow old Go, it's very cruel! So, don't say anything! Listen to me!"

Just as Zhishui was about to speak, Logan interrupted him.

When he was in One Piece World, Logan left without saying goodbye to his closest family and friends because he couldn't stand the scene of parting. Originally, he wanted to leave like this this time, but this is a farewell. It would be ruthless to leave without saying a word.

"Shisui, as the patriarch of Uchiha, you still have heavy responsibilities. You shoulder the responsibility of maintaining peace between the village and Uchiha. Don't abandon your kindness at any time. It is your most precious quality. Take good care of your Family and friends, nothing is more important than them!"

"Itachi, Konoha owes you Hokage!"

"Sasuke, although redemption is important, your family is more important. Don't neglect your family. The responsibility to protect the ninja world is not one person's, but everyone's!"


Logan stated his expectations for everyone one by one, saying his final farewell.

"No matter what kind of enemies you encounter in the future, I believe that you will defeat them, and the ninja spirit will be passed on forever. No matter what time it is, I will always believe in you!"

"Hiyori, please say a few words! We should never see each other again!"

Logan looked at Hiyori with a big belly and said.


Hiyori nodded slightly.

"Kakashi, Shisui, Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Neji, although you are not my children, I have always regarded you as my and Logan's children, seeing you grow up, watching you get married Having children is the greatest comfort for me and Logan, no matter what others say or how you look at you, you have always been the children I am most proud of!"

"Also, you are not allowed to bully sister Tsunade, otherwise, if I leave, Shenshu will teach you for me!"

Rihe pretended to threaten, and Jiraiya smiled wryly, who is bullying whom!

"I am really happy when I am with you. In my world, I bear the hatred of genocide, and I have always lived in fear. I am afraid that others will discover my identity. But here, I have no worries. No, laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, thank you for your company!"

"About Logan's arrangement, although I don't know the specifics, but I know that everything he does is for your own good, just like in my world, you must live well, no matter what happens in the future , I believe that you will overcome it, take care!"

At the end, Hiyori's tears flowed down uncontrollably, and the sadness of parting lingered in everyone's heart.

"Okay, there is a saying in my world, it's called 'send you a thousand miles, you must leave at the end', the time is up, we should go!"

Logan hugged Hiyori and slowly rose into the air, and Hiyori held the little beast in his arms. It will leave the Two-dimensional world with Logan and Hiyori.


"grown ups!"


The farewell people looked up at Logan and Hiyori, and called softly, but they could not speak the words to stay. Logan had done too much for this world, and it was time to rest.

"Goodbye, my friends! Goodbye, Naruto World!"

Logan looked away from the people on the ground, looked through the barrier of time and space, looked at Muye Village, looked at the world in the distance, and said goodbye to this world.

"Space Teleportation!"

A dark space portal appeared in front of Logan and Hiyori. The two took a last look at the farewell crowd, and then walked in together. After that, the portal disappeared, and Logan and Hiyori left the Naruto world completely. Since then, the world has never seen Logan again, leaving only some legends about him.

(End of this chapter)

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