The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 715 Waiting

Chapter 715 Waiting

Logan, who reappeared, appeared at Cake Island, the headquarters of the Big Mom Pirates' lair.

"It's still the same!"

Logan looked at the cake island below, which was similar to when he came more than ten years ago, not much changed.

"However, the strength of the personnel has improved a lot. It seems that Li Jian has paid a lot in exchange for Da Ma's cooperation!"

Logan sensed the situation on the island and said to himself.

"Let's find out where Katakuri is first!"

Logan is going to talk to Katakuri first to see how the other party chooses.

"found it!"

At this time, Katakuri was hiding in the dessert house and eating afternoon tea secretly.

"You still look like this! Katakuri, you have to be sneaky even after afternoon tea!"

While Katakuri was eating to his heart's content, Logan's voice suddenly came from behind.


Katakuri immediately turned to look at the person coming, and at the same time put his whole body on alert, ready to attack at any time.

"It's you! Are you back?"

Katakuri looked at Logan in surprise.

"Well, I just came back not long ago! It's been a long time! Katakuri, you've grown up!"

Logan sat there and said with a smile.

"Are you here because of your mother's betrayal?"

Katakuri lowered his guard and asked.

"Yes! Lingling must die! I want you to take over the Big Mom Pirates!"

Logan said straight to the point.

"Is there no other way?"

Katakuri asked sadly.

"No! Either Lingling dies, or the Big Mom Pirates are destroyed, and Lingling dies! How do you choose?"

Logan took a sip of black tea and asked.

"I choose the Big Mom Pirates!"

Katakuri said after being silent for a while.

"Katakuri, I know that your resentment towards Lingling is no less than that of outsiders. Since you were young, she ignored you, treated you as a tool, and even killed your father. Back then, I also looked at you for your sake. Did not kill her, but after I left, she chose to help others attack people around me, and since then, her fate has been doomed!"

Logan looked at Katakuri and said.

"I know! I tried to persuade my mother, but she never listened to other people's opinions!"

Katakuri said helplessly.

"That's her own death, she can't blame others! This time I come back, after I solve all the problems, I will leave completely, and I will not be able to take care of you in the future. You have to take care of yourself!"

Logan stood up and patted Katakuri on the shoulder and said.

"Are you not coming back?"

Katakuri looked at Logan and asked.

"Well, I won't come back! This time I came back to say goodbye. I didn't expect that there were still remnants of the world government, so I solved it together! I don't want the situation I have paid so much to be easily destroyed by others. Already!"

Logan nodded and said.

"I see, when are you going to do it?"

Katakuri asked.

"Now! So, your tea time is over!"

Logan said before leaving the dessert house.


After speaking, Logan left the dessert house and went to find the aunt.

"Is this day still here? Auntie? Hehe..."

Katakuri's laughter was full of sarcasm and disgust.

"Go and see her doomsday!"

Katakuri ate the last donut in his hand, covered his mouth with a scarf, and left the dessert house with his weapon in hand.

"Well, why hasn't the dessert been served yet!"

At this time, Charlotte Lingling was preparing to taste a dessert robbed from a small island somewhere.

"Mom, the boat has landed and is being sent over quickly, please wait a little longer!"

Charlotte's eldest son Perospero hurriedly explained.

Perospero is the most loyal son to his aunt. As the eldest son, although he is not the strongest in strength, he is the strongest with all his strength, so he is the last one to see something happen to his aunt.

"Hurry up! I want something sweet!"

Aunt's cravings are about to break out.

"You can't taste your dessert!"

Just when Perospero was about to ask the pastry chef to serve other desserts first, Logan suddenly appeared and said.

"It's you!"

The aunt was taken aback, and stared at Logan. She couldn't understand how the person who had been confirmed to have left for ten years would reappear, and many people had already deduced that Logan should be dead. In their perception, No one can survive in the starry sky, let alone for that long.

"Lingling, long time no see!"

Logan pulled out a chair, sat at the dining table and said.

"What, what should I do? By the way, find reinforcements!"

Perospero was stunned by the sudden appearance of Logan. He had experienced Logan's horror many times. Logan's appearance at this time must not be to catch up on the old days. He was seriously injured, and his life and death are still unknown. With Logan's extremely defensive character, it is absolutely impossible to let it go.

So Perospero was going to contact the reinforcements from the World Government, hoping that Big Mom and the other party could join forces to repel Logan, so he sneaked away while Logan was not paying attention to him.

"You didn't die! And you came back!"

The appearance of Logan made Big Mom's cravings temporarily subside. Although Big Mom didn't see any changes on the surface, she was fully alert in her heart and was ready to attack at any time. She must not give Logan a chance to make a move first. Logan is already extremely powerful, let alone Logan ten years later, who knows how strong he is now.

However, after seeing Perospero retreating quietly, the aunt understood that Perospero should be looking for reinforcements from the World Government, and Logan had no signs of doing anything for the time being, so the aunt was happy to delay the time and wait for the reinforcements.

"Want me to die? It's not that easy!"

"I'm here this time, aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

Logan casually picked up a piece of dessert from the table and ate it. I have to say that the dessert of the Big Mom Pirates is really the best in the world, and it can be compared with a little deliciousness.

"I am also forced to help! If I don't help him, he will lead someone to destroy my pirate group! For the sake of my family, I can only cooperate with him!"

said aunt.

"Being helpless? Lingling, are you kidding me? Who can force you? And for the sake of your family, how many children died at your hands? Are you telling me here that you cooperate with each other for the sake of your family? Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

Logan looked sideways at the aunt and asked.

"In Pirate World, it's normal to betray an ally. Now that you're back, it means Garp is fine. I can use that person's information as a bargaining chip to continue working with you!"

Big Mom looked at Logan and said.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I am not here to negotiate with you, but to destroy you! However, since Perospero is going to help you call for reinforcements, I will wait here for a while. To save you have to fight twice, it's laborious!"

Logan unceremoniously pointed out the purpose of his coming. It was a surprise that Perospero went to call for reinforcements. Logan was going to do it after the reinforcements arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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