The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 716 Big Mom's End

Chapter 716 Big Mom's End

"Well, kill me? Logan, you underestimate me!"

After listening to Logan's words, the aunt laughed angrily.

"Looking down on you? No, no, no, I don't look down on you at all! You are the Four Emperors in front of others, but you are a scum in front of me! Killing you is not much harder than killing other people!"

Logan shook his index finger and said, the contemptuous tone made aunt immediately furious.


"Logan, don't be too arrogant!"

The aunt slapped the table in front of her and said.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity, these desserts still taste good!"

Logan looked at the desserts scattered all over the ground and said with regret.

"Arrogance? This is not arrogance, I'm just telling a fact! You were far from my opponent in the past, and you are even less my opponent now! Are you sure you don't want to wait for your reinforcements to arrive before attacking?"

Logan looked up at the aunt with a gloomy face and asked.

"Logan, you are courting death!"

Grandma yelled angrily.

"sit down!"

Logan stared and shouted softly.


Following Luo Ge's order, the aunt immediately sat down, as if she was frightened by Logan, but in fact, the aunt was pressed down by a pressure that was too strong to resist, and no matter how hard she tried , and couldn't get rid of the force that suppressed her.


The aunt's face was flushed, and she had obviously tried her best to resist the pressure, but she still sat firmly on the chair, and could only stare at Logan with fiery eyes.

"I said, you are not my opponent, just wait for your reinforcements!"

Logan glanced at the angry aunt and said.

"You guys, change the table for me again, and serve me some dessert. It's been too long since I've been away, and I miss the food in this world!"

Logan ignored his aunt and said to several pastry chefs trembling in the room.

"I, I, we..."

The pastry chef stuttered and couldn't speak.

"Go, change the table and serve some dessert!"

At this time, Katakuri, who was behind Logan, arrived and ordered several pastry chefs.

"Yes, Ka, Katakuri-sama!"

The pastry chef replied tremblingly.

"Katakuri, kill him for me!"

Big Mom yelled when she saw Katakuri coming.

"Mom, you are not even his opponent, let me die? You are really my good mother!"

Katakuri said with a mocking smile.

"Katakuri, do you want to betray me!"

asked the aunt angrily.

"Betray you? Yes! I thought about it a long time ago! It's just that I can't do it until today! I've been waiting for this day for a long time! Mom, your end is here!"

Katakuri looked at Big Mom calmly and said.

"Katakuri, do you want to die?"

The aunt said furiously.

"Ah, do you want to kill me like you killed my father? But it seems you can't do it now!"

Katakuri completely let go, and the resentment accumulated for many years broke out at this moment.

"Since childhood, when we needed you most, you were busy having children with other men. If he hadn't helped me, Bree and I would have died long ago! What kind of mother are you? To you, we are just tools, right? You can throw it away at any time, after all, when you are interested, you can have more children!"

Katakuri said loudly.

There were other children of the aunt imprisoned by Logan in the room. At this time, they were shocked to see that Katakuri, who had always been known for his calmness, fell into a state of madness.

"I have already made an agreement with the adults, you die, and the aunt pirates are born. This is the last thing you do for your children as a mother! The pirates will be taken over by me, and I will not change the name. It will still be called Big Mom Pirates."

After venting a bit, Katakuri regained his composure, and spoke to Big Mom calmly.

"Well, well, well!"

Grandma laughed angrily.

"Do you think that if I die, you can safely take over the Big Mom Pirates? Someone will come out to stop you! You will not end well!"

Big Mom also regained her composure.

"Then kill them! Until no one objects!"

Katakuri said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Well, well, you are really my good son!"

The aunt suddenly laughed, but her eyes were burning with raging anger.

"I'll do it!"

Logan began.

"No, I will do it! It must be done by me!"

Katakuri said firmly.

"Okay then! Let me know when you need me to take action!"

Logan looked at the firm Katakuri, and closed his eyes again to rest his mind.


Katakuri nodded emphatically.

This is a difficult decision for him. At that time, there will definitely be big mother's children who will come forward to oppose it. At that time, it will definitely cause a bloody scene, and the big mother pirate group will also be seriously injured, but this is a must. Only in this way can the Big Mom Pirates be reborn from Nirvana and become a brand new Big Mom Pirates, getting rid of Big Mom's shadow.

"Huh? Your reinforcements have arrived!"

Logan suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"It's just a pity that it's not a big boss! But it's a surprise to be able to cut off his wings!"

Logan said with some regret.

"You are Logan? The culprit who destroyed the world government?"

The person who came was hidden in a black robe, his voice was full of hatred.

"You bastard who hides his head and shows his tail! Li Jian didn't dare to show himself, so did you send a cannon fodder like you to test him?"

Logan sat on a chair and looked at the person who came and asked.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to meet an adult, it depends on your ability!"

Without saying a word, the man in black robe started to attack Logan directly.


When the black-robed man rushed towards Logan, Logan's finger pointed and fixed him in the air, unable to move.

"Little reptiles dare to attack me? It seems that no one has told you about my style!"

Logan said calmly.


The black-robed man struggled desperately, but helplessly no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the force that bound him.



Following Logan's order, the black-robed man let out a miserable cry, and then slowly turned into powder. Everyone present, including the aunt, looked at the scene in shock. A strong man comparable to the Four Emperors, To be killed by Logan in this way, completely powerless to resist, Logan didn't even move a hand, just one word destroyed the other party.

"It's really pitifully weak!"

Logan shook his head and said.


At this time, the aunt looked at Logan with fear in her eyes. The aunt hadn't known what fear felt like for a long time, and at this moment she felt the taste of fear again.

"The next one is you! Originally, I wanted to catch a big fish, but I didn't expect that only a small shrimp came. I really didn't enjoy myself!"

Logan's tone was full of regret, and the aunt also understood that she was doomed to die today, and the level gap was too great.

(End of this chapter)

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