The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 722 Stunned

Chapter 722 Stunned

Logan was not only throwing Kaido, but also used mysterious power. Every time Kaido felt that his body was about to be torn apart, Kaido exhaled in pain.


Kaido's men watched with trepidation as Kaido turned into a sandbag.


"Is this a dream?"

"It must be a dream! Otherwise, how could Lord Kaido be in such a miserable situation!"


"How could Logan be so strong! The captain has no ability to resist at all!"

Jhin, as a subordinate second only to Kaido in strength, knows Kaido's strength very well, but what happened to Kaido at this time broke Jhin's three views.

"Logan! Don't bully people too much!"

Although Kaido was constantly beaten by Logan, he was very conscious, and this sense of humiliation made him simply unbearable.

"Hey, you still dare to be arrogant? I'll throw you to death!"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Logan fell even harder, the ground was split open, and the entire Ghost Island began to tremble, which shows that Logan used a lot of force.

After being thrown by Logan for more than ten minutes, Kaido's voice became weaker and weaker, until finally he was completely silent. Kaido looked miserable at this time, a lot of dragon scales fell off, and the blood on the ground flowed into a small river .


Logan threw Kaido, who was about to fall into a coma, out.

"I haven't seen you for many years, the ability to be beaten is not as good as before!"

Logan stood in front of Kaido and said.

Kaido is already delirious now, otherwise he would have to fight with Logan after hearing it. This day, Kaido was ashamed of an adult, and he was thrown around like a rag, and he couldn't resist at all. The greatest shame in life!
"Take Kaido and get out of Wano country immediately! Otherwise, I'll peel off his dragon skin and pull his dragon tendons, you hear me!"

Logan turned to look at Jhin and said.

"Yes, yes! We're leaving now!"

Jin hurriedly nodded and said.

Jin didn’t dare to be negligent. He didn’t think he was more resistant to beating than Kaido. With the method just now, Jin felt that he would die if he couldn’t stand it for a minute. So after Logan gave the order, Jin and Quinn hurriedly drove Kaido, who had recovered his body, to their pirate ship.

Kaido's subordinates don't even want to stay in Wano for a second, it's too scary, that's one of the most powerful Five Emperors in the sea!The key to being beaten like this was that Logan didn't use much strength at all, and they couldn't imagine what it would be like for Logan to use all his strength.

"Logan, thank you! You saved Wano again!"

When the Beast Pirates were busy escaping from Onijima, Kozuki Oden came to Logan and said.

"Should be, are we friends! Besides, Kaido counts as one of my former subordinates. He caused trouble, and I must solve it!"

Logan waved his hand and said.

"Let's go back! Onijima, I will send someone to rest. The crisis in Wano Country is completely over!"

Kozuki Oden said.

"You go back first! If I don't get rid of that Li Jian, I still can't let it go! He is much more sinister than his father, and if he stays for a while, he will be more dangerous!"

Logan said.

"Don't be in such a hurry, right?"

Kozuki Oden asked.

"It's better to get rid of it as soon as possible. After all, I still have to find his hiding place. Although I have some clues, I still have to implement them. I don't have much time to stay here!"

In fact, Logan didn't want to go back and experience that embarrassing atmosphere again, that feeling really made him uncomfortable.

"How long can you stay this time?"

Kozuki Oden asked.

"Hihe must leave before giving birth! Otherwise, it will be very troublesome! So, you should go back and spend more time with Rihe!"

Logan said.

"Then be careful yourself. I heard that this Li Jian is very extraordinary. He has mastered a power that we can't resist. Even Newgate has been tricked!"

Kozuki Oden instructed.

"Don't worry, he can't hurt me. The only trouble is that it's hard to find him, but there are already clues. I believe this trouble will be solved soon!"

Logan said.

"Okay, then I'll go back to Palace City by myself!"

Kozuki Oden said.

"Well, tell Hiyori for me, I'll be back soon!"

After speaking, Logan left Wano Country.

Although he didn't stay in Wano country for a long time, Logan felt very awkward and helpless!
"If I knew today, why did I have to do it at the beginning!"

Logan shook his head and sighed.

"According to Watergate's information, this Li Jian should be hiding in a secret base of the former world government. Although there are not many remaining bases of the world government, each of them is hidden extremely deep! It is quite troublesome to find it. !"

Logan thought while hurrying.

"It seems that we need to use other people's intelligence network! Just go to see how Dover is doing!"

Logan is going to find Doflamingo. After all, Doflamingo is now the king of the underground world and should be able to help Logan, so Logan immediately turned to the Bell Kingdom where Dover is located.

Although Logan can directly travel through space, he still chooses to fly there, although the speed will be slower. Logan wants to see how much the Pirate World has changed in the ten years since he left.

"Dover's development of this country is pretty good! It seems that he didn't use the fruit of childishness to turn humans into toys to strengthen his rule like the original work!"

Wano Country is not particularly far from Bell Kingdom, and Logan's flight speed is not slow, so after more than an hour, Logan arrived at Bell Kingdom.

"Let me see where this kid is now!"

Logan sensed Doflamingo's location after a short while. At this time, Dover was in the palace, and there were several people covered in black robes around him. Maybe the two sides were doing some kind of transaction.


Logan didn't care too much, and appeared directly beside Doflamingo.

"As I said, I am no longer a Tianlong person! You dare to appear on my site, I think you are courting death!"

As soon as Logan appeared, he heard Dover's voice suppressing his anger.

"I thought it was some of your guests, Dover! I didn't expect it to be some lackeys of Li Jian!"

The sudden appearance of Logan caught both parties present by surprise.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Dover asked happily.

"Come and see you, and ask you for a favor by the way, but I didn't expect to have unexpected gains!"

Logan looked at the men in black robes and said.

"These guys are the remnants of the world government. They wanted to cooperate with me, but I refused!"

Doflamingo said.

"Well, I see, I heard what you said! Just leave it to me!"

Logan said indifferently.

"You guys, who knows where Li Jian's lost dog is?"

Logan stared at the men in black and asked.

"Logan, we will not betray the young master!"

One of them said harshly.

"wrong answer!"

Logan said calmly, and with a point of his finger, the man in black robe who answered turned into nothingness.


Logan's indifferent voice sounded again in the hall, making people feel that the surrounding temperature dropped dozens of degrees instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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