The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 723 Doomsday

Chapter 723 Doomsday
"There are not many opportunities! If you can't seize the opportunity, then go to hell!"

Logan's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person, without any warmth at all.



As soon as the second black-robed man said a word, a strange black flame suddenly appeared all over his body. No matter how hard the other party tried, he couldn't extinguish the black flame on his body. In the end, he could only be reduced to ashes in pain.

"Don't say anything superfluous, tell me what I want! You can still leave a whole body, otherwise, I will use countless ways to make you die extremely painfully!"

Logan looked at the third person.

"We will not betray the young master!"

The third man in black robe said loudly.

"Really? I'm so touched! Unfortunately, the answer is wrong!"

Logan's finger clicked again.

"Ah! Kill me!"

The third black-robed man uttered a scream of pain. The black-robed man fell to the ground and struggled in pain. He could see fresh blood dripping from his exposed skin, and his body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye. There was no sound at all.

"Heh heh heh, uncle's methods are more cruel than before!"

Dover looked at Logan excitedly and thought to himself.

"There are three more! What's your choice?"

Logan glanced at the last three people and asked.


The three swallowed with difficulty. What happened at the scene made them feel extremely horrified. The tragic death of the three partners made the remaining three look at Logan as if they saw a devil.

"We really don't know!"

The fourth black-robed man collapsed. He thought it would be an extremely easy task, but he didn't expect to meet the evil star Logan. The miserable way of death made him shudder, and he couldn't hold back anymore.



The fourth person seemed to be trampled to death by a giant, completely invisible.

"I won't do it, I won't do it!"

The fifth person turned around and ran away. He couldn't stand it anymore. Logan was even scarier than the rumors they had heard.


The fifth person directly turned into a cloud of thick water.

"You're the only one left!"

Logan looked at the last black-robed man left in the temple and said.


Although the last man in black robe was trembling with fear, he still didn't say a word, or he didn't dare to take any action at all. He felt that he was locked by an invisible force. The man couldn't even imagine how he would die.

"I know that the five of them don't know Li Jian's location at all, so I killed them without hesitation. As for you, I think you belong to Li Jian's confidant, right? That's why I left you at the end!"

Logan raised his hand and said to the last man in black robe.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

The black-robed man said in a trembling voice.

"Do you think there is nothing I can do if you don't tell me? It seems that you don't know me well enough!"

Logan shook his head and said.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


The last black-robed man was caught off guard by the sudden suction, and before he could react, Logan grabbed his head.

"I can directly pull the enemy's soul out of the body and read their memory! So, you can't hide anything!"

"Human Road!"

The black-robed man immediately rolled his eyes up, revealing the whites of his eyes, and then his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Are you hiding in that place? I'm a little surprised!"

Through the memory of the man in black, Logan found Li Jian's hiding place.

"Uncle, do you know where the person behind the scenes is hiding?"

Doflamingo asked after seeing Logan open his eyes.

"Well, I've been to that place before, and I thought it was weird before!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Where is he hiding?"

Doflamingo asked.

"An island where Vegapunk once stayed. I went there to ask Vegapunk for help for the immortality liquid!"

What Logan was talking about was a base of the world government hidden in the windless belt, where dozens of nautical miles were shrouded in dense fog all the year round. Without special methods, it was impossible to find the location of that island.

"Uncle, are you going to go now?"

Doflamingo asked.

"The sooner Li Jian is eliminated, the safer this world will be, and I'm running out of time!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Do you still want to leave?"

Doflamingo asked.

"Well, I came back this time to say goodbye, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing!"

Logan said.

"Maybe we will never see each other again? Uncle, take care!"

Doflamingo looked at Logan and said.

"Well, you too, the power of darkness will fascinate you, but don't lose yourself, understand?"

Logan patted Doflamingo on the shoulder and said.

"I see, uncle!"

Doflamingo nodded and said.

"Where is Rocindy?"

Rogan asked.

"In the New Navy, now a lieutenant general of the New Navy, he will trouble me from time to time!"

Doflamingo said annoyed and helplessly.

"You are an older brother, so you should be more tolerant of him. What's more, many of the things you do are not allowed. It is better for Rosindi to do it than others!"

Logan said.

"I know, if it were someone else, I would not be able to see your sun tomorrow!"

Doflamingo said.

"No matter how much power you have, don't let it be too much. Enough is enough. Do you really want to rule the world? Don't let yourself get too deep! Otherwise, sooner or later you will become the target of the coalition government and the new navy!"

Logan persuaded.

"Understood, I don't touch some things anymore, maybe one day I will go to sea again to find the treasure you left in Ralph Drew, after all, there are not many things that interest me now!"

Doflamingo nodded and said.

"Really? That's good. I really left a lot of good things in Ralph Drew. I think you will be interested!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Then I really want to look for it!"

Doflamingo said.

"Okay, I'm leaving, remember what I said, don't be swallowed by the darkness, or the power I left behind will appear!"

Logan said.

"Don't worry uncle, I know how to do it!"

Doflamingo said.

"Dover, take care!"

"Uncle, goodbye!"

After Logan said goodbye to Dover, he tore apart the space and appeared on the island where Li Jian was hiding.

"The changes here are a bit big! It seems that Li Jian has been busy!"

Logan looked at the completely changed island and whispered.

"I felt that there was a problem with this warehouse back then, but I forgot it when I was busy dealing with the world government. I didn't expect such a disaster to be left behind!"

Logan came to the warehouse that was closely guarded by the world government.


Logan smashed the thick door of the warehouse with a punch.

"Li Jian! I finally saw you!"

Logan looked at Li Jian, who was almost carved out of the same mold as Li Feng, and said.


Li Jian didn't expect Logan to be able to find his hiding place. The situation was beyond Li Jian's control.

(End of this chapter)

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