Chapter 725 Daddy
"If you don't have the strength to match your ambition, you can only end up dead!"

Logan completely destroyed Li Jian's body. Without Li Jian, the remnants of the world government would not be able to compete with Logan's relatives and friends. The destruction would happen sooner or later, but these had nothing to do with Logan.

Logan destroyed the entire island for insurance, and after doing all this, Logan left.

There is not much time left for him, and before Logan completely leaves the Two-dimensional world, he will visit all his relatives and friends. It can be said that this is the last reunion.

Logan went to see his teacher Zefa first. Zefa and his wife Amanda have been living in the Chambord Islands. After knowing Logan's return, Zefa has been waiting for the appearance of his most proud student.

But Logan didn't get together with Zefa for too long. After spending a day with Zefa, Logan stopped by to see Rayleigh. When Logan found Rayleigh, Rayleigh was trapped in the slave auction. In the first game, Rayleigh, who lost everything, sold himself again, which made Logan dumbfounded.

After bidding farewell to Rayleigh, Logan went to see his former subordinates, Da Niao and the others. The brothers left the navy and lived in seclusion in the East China Sea, living a leisurely life. These brothers were very excited about Logan's arrival. Being able to be Logan's subordinate is the most proud thing in their life.

Logan once again tasted Chef's food, and the brothers got drunk, but Logan left before Big Bird and the others woke up. The farewell is what Logan hates the most, so he chose to leave quietly.

Then Logan went to see Shanks, Mihawk, and Bucky. Shanks' strength became stronger and stronger, and his domineering aura was cultivated beyond the limit, and he completely integrated the arrogance into himself. And Mihawk's swordsmanship is even more unfathomable. Logan believes that there is nothing to teach Mihawk in swordsmanship.

But if you want to say that the happiest is Bucky, Bucky can be said to be as rich as a country. Bucky has found all the treasure maps that Logan prepared for Bucky to force him to train. Now Bucky can be called It is counting money and getting cramps in the hands, and sleeping on the treasure every day.

Of course, Bucky's strength has also improved a lot, because those treasure places are not so easy to break into. Without the corresponding strength, one can only look forward to the treasure and sigh, but can't get the treasure in front of him. This is something Bucky can't tolerate, so In order to get these treasures, Bucky also desperately made himself stronger.

After that, Logan went to see his nephew, Dorag, who can be said to have realized his ideal. He was very happy in the coalition government. After meeting Logan, he learned from Logan Some new means.

After Logan left Dorag, he went to visit Doflamingo and Rosindi, as well as the students of his new navy.

Then Logan took the three brothers Ace, Sabo and Luffy to reminisce about the barbecue they ate when they were young. The three brothers happily talked to Logan about what they had done over the years, and they also had a tacit understanding without asking Logan When to leave, because they know that Logan hates seeing off the most.

The three brothers pretended to be asleep silently when Logan left, but after Logan left, the three brothers stood on the edge of the cliff together and wept silently as Logan left, knowing that this was the last time they saw each other in this life. It's Logan.

"Are you going?"

Karp stood beside Logan and asked.


Logan nodded slightly.

"Can't you just leave?"

Cap asked softly.


Logan shook his head with difficulty.

"Is this the last time we'll see each other?"

Garp turned his head to look at the sea and asked.

"It's the last time I'll see you! But you can still see me!"

Logan shook his head and said.

"What do you mean?"

Karp asked.

"I will leave a reincarnation clone here, and he will accompany you to the end of your life, but I must leave myself!"

Logan looked at Garp and said.

"Changsheng is tiring, isn't it?"

Karp asked.

"Where I came from, there is a saying 'with great power comes great responsibility!', I have a premonition that I still have a lot of things to do, and there are many people who want me to protect!"

Logan said in a low voice.

"take care of yourself!"

Garp patted Logan's shoulder lightly and said.

"Well, I'm leaving!"

Logan's figure is still in place, but Garp knows that Logan has already left.

"He's gone, but I'm still here!"

Logan's reincarnation clone said.

"You are not him after all!"

Cap sighed.

"You're right, I'll never be him!"

The Samsara clone nodded and said.

It was also on this day that no one saw Logan and Hiyori again. After Logan returned to Wano Country, he left quietly with Hiyori without disturbing anyone.

"Host, it's time for me to leave!"

The system that had been silent for more than ten years suddenly made a sound when Logan opened the gate with the eyes of reincarnation.

"What do you mean?"

Logan didn't know why.

"The meaning of my existence is to allow you, the host, to go home. Now that this mission is over, I should disappear too!"

said the system.

"Are you going to leave me too?"

Logan asked a little disappointed.

It is precisely because of the existence of the system that Logan went from being weak to the top of the world step by step, and saved the world time and time again.

"Can you tell me about your history?"

Rogan asked.

"After you return to the original world, your past memories will be restored, and you will know everything!"

said the system.

"Is it true that someone manipulated all this?"

Logan asked with a wry smile.

"I don't know the identity of that person, but he has prepared everything for you, which means he has no malicious intentions!"

said the system.

"Well, I know, it's just that I don't like the feeling of being calculated!"

Logan said.

"Host, goodbye!"

After the system said goodbye, Logan felt light in his head, as if the shackles had been released.

"Goodbye, system!"

Logan said softly.

"what happened to you?"

Hiyori looked at Logan distracted and said.

"It's okay, are you ready?"

Logan took Hiyori's hand and asked.

"Get ready! I have long wanted to see what your world looks like!"

Hiyori said expectantly.

"I hope you won't be disappointed, let's go!"

After speaking, Logan took Hiyori's hand and walked into the gate.


In a certain corner of the earth, a black space portal suddenly appeared, and two figures walked out of the gate.


The moment Logan stepped out of the portal, a series of memories suddenly flooded his mind, the amount of information was quite large, and Logan was a little down for a while.

"You're back!"

Just when Hiyori was looking at this novel world and Logan was in a daze, a voice suddenly sounded beside them.


Looking at the mysterious man in front of him, Logan blurted out suddenly.

"Welcome home, Xiao Wu!"

The mysterious man said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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