The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 726 Cause and Effect

Chapter 726 Cause and Effect (Two in One)

"So, everything was arranged by you?"

Logan looked at the mysterious man with an uncertain expression and asked.

"How much do you remember?"

the man asked.

"Not many, most of them are memory fragments!"

Logan said.

"Do you remember your name?"

"Well, you gave a very unprofessional name, Dongfang Xiaowu!"

When mentioning his real name, Logan looked disgusted.

"Your mother started it, not me!"

The man said with a smile.

"I remember you started it!"

Logan stubbornly said.

"Well, if you say it's me, it's me!"

"But I can't stay here anymore, it's really very difficult to maintain the barrier that keeps you from being discovered!"

The man pointed to the transparent barrier that enveloped the three of them and said.

"Going to your lair?"

Rogan asked.

"The resentment is still so great! Let's leave first and then talk!"

After the mysterious man pinched a few handprints, Logan and Hiyori felt a slight space shaking, and the three of them came to a strange place.

"It's been so long, your lair hasn't changed much!"

Logan looked at everything in front of him and said.

"Logan, who is he?"

Hiyori had been silently watching Logan talking to the mysterious man before, and after arriving at the mysterious man's territory, Hiyori asked Logan.

"My father, Dongfang Yuhua, is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years and is much stronger than me! He is also a guard for other people's tombs. If I guess correctly, he is the one who threw me into your world! "

Logan's tone was full of resentment.

"Then your original name is Dongfang Xiaowu?"

Hiyori asked curiously.

"Well, it's a very common name, but I still like to be called Logan, after all, Dongfang Xiaowu is dead!"

Logan spoke.

"It seems you remembered something!"

"You are Xiaowu's wife, Guangyue Rihe?"

Logan's father Dongfang Yuhua looked at Hiyori and said.

"Hello, father-in-law, I am Logan's wife. According to our rules, my name should be Dongfang Rihe now!"

Hiyori said respectfully.

"Very well, I didn't expect this kid to bring back another wife. Although his wife in the previous life has been dead for a long time, his descendants have developed a very large family. I will take you there if I have a chance. Meet Xiao Wu's descendants!"

Dongfang Yuhua said.

"I'll talk about those things later! Can you tell me specifically what's going on? Why did I appear in the Two-dimensional world!"

Logan interrupted Dongfang Yuhua and asked.

"That should have been 2000 years ago! You brought your sister to find me, but you were attacked by a disabled fairy on the way. When I arrived, you tried your best to protect your sister's soul, but you yourself faced The dangerous situation where souls fly away!"

"Although I tried my best, your soul is still broken, and I can't restore your soul. I can only seal you. For 2000 years, I have been looking for a way to revive you."

"Until a few years ago, I used the soul gems and reality gems of the lower-dimensional universe and artificial intelligence technology to reorganize your soul and send it to the Two-dimensional world. I hope you can complete Nirvana in the Two-dimensional world and succeed. The odds are actually not great, but fortunately, the lives of the Dongfang family are strong enough, you have overcome the crisis of life and death, and your strength has far surpassed before!"

"The most important reason for sending you to the Two-dimensional world is to prevent the disabled immortals from knowing that you are not dead, and also to make you a secret weapon against the disabled immortals. Nowadays, there is a shortage of strong people in the human world. The recovery speed of the source is far slower than expected, I must be fully prepared!"

Dongfang Yuhua told about Logan's situation.

"How's Xue'er's condition? Have you rescued her?"

After Dongfang Yuhua finished speaking, Logan asked after being silent for a long time.

"Xue'er is still sleeping. Her situation is different from yours. It's not time for her to wake up. Moreover, you can't stay in this universe. Your existence can't be discovered by the remnant immortals!"

Dongfang Yuhua said.

"What do you mean? I just came back, and you want to drive me away again?"

Logan asked dissatisfied.

"If you want your unborn children to have a better future, then listen to my arrangement!"

Dongfang Yuhua asked.

"Wait, you mean unborn children?"

Rogan asked.

"Well, don't you know? They are twins! The talents of the two little guys can be said to be unparalleled, even the descendants of immortals can't compare!"

Dongfang Yuhua nodded and said.

"How do you know it's twins? Why can't I perceive it?"

Rogan asked.

"You can see it at a glance!"

Dongfang Yuhua said.

"Eyes? I haven't asked you yet. Why are your eyes so weird? Are the pupils and the whites of your eyes the opposite color from others?"

Logan pointed to Dongfang Yuhua's eyes and asked.

"You have the nerve to say that my eyes are strange? Look at your eyes! Is this the pupil power that controls the power of reincarnation?"

Dongfang Yuhua counterattacked unceremoniously.

"I'm too lazy to tell you!"

"Since you know it's twins, do you know when the baby will be born?"

Rogan asked.

"Now is not the time for your children to be born. There will soon be a war in the future. The future of mankind is still uncertain. Once we fail, your children will be our last hope. The world is completely sealed, Hiyori and the children stay here!"

"In this small world, I leave them with the power to fight against the fairy world. If we all die, the seal will be released automatically, and your children will be born immediately. They will accept everything I leave behind and become future enemies. The leader of the fairy world!"

Dongfang Yuhua said.

"Oh, if I knew this was the case, I might as well stay in the Two-dimensional world, so that my children won't face this kind of situation, Immortal Realm? Remnant Immortal? You have been fighting them for more than 2000 years, and in the end you have to Let all future generations continue?"

The arrangement of Dongfang Yuhua made Logan very upset. His irresponsible father left when he and his sister were very young. Although Logan knew that his father left to fight against the disabled immortals in the fairy world, but for Luo Gen For Gen and his younger sister Dongfang Xueer, his father is the last relative.

Logan and his younger sister are also twins. Logan was born a stick of incense earlier than his younger sister Xueer. It is said that his mother died of serious injuries after giving birth to himself and his younger sister one after another.

As the father, Dongfang Yuhua, when the two brothers and sisters were five years old, he left his brother and sister to fight for the so-called survival of human beings. The brother and sister left when they needed him most, and Logan was full of resentment.

"Xiao Wu, I know you have always been angry at me for not being by your side when you needed me the most, but I have my responsibility. You had your sister by your side when you were young, but when I was young, only A panda is by my side, and the guardian mission of the Dongfang family has been integrated into our blood!"

"No matter where you are, as long as the human world encounters a life-and-death crisis, you will answer the call! Once the human world is captured by the remnant immortals, you will be even more dangerous in the Two-dimensional world! Because you will not lose to that world, At that time, you will be as conspicuous as a bright light in the dark, and all your relatives and friends will be destroyed!"

"I have told you since you were a child that I will not interfere with your fate. As long as I have breath, I will never let you stand in front. If you choose to be sealed in this small world with your wife and children , I will fulfill you!"

Dongfang Yuhua looked at Logan and said.

"Logan, listen to your father-in-law. From your conversations, your father-in-law has always been fighting alone, but we have always been by your side. This time, you will accompany your father-in-law to defeat the enemy! I will fight with the child We are waiting for you to come back victorious, and then you can watch the children grow up, and it will not be like your childhood! For the sake of the children, you must succeed!"

Hiyori took Logan's hand and said.

"Okay, tell me about your plan!"

Logan took a deep breath and asked.

"I will resist the attacks of the Immortal Realm and the Remnant Immortal here. Your task is to maintain the order of the lower-dimensional universe. The Immortal Realm is not fighting alone, but has a large number of subordinates and various alliances. They will never give up in the Human Realm. !"

"I can resist the attack of the fairy world, but I can't stop their subordinates and allies from invading the lower-dimensional universe. The slow recovery of the origin of the human world has a lot to do with the destruction and destruction of the lower-dimensional universe by them!"

"The earth is one of the few source planets in the universe. We are here in the main dimension universe. The battle of Ragnarok at the beginning of the universe completely damaged the origin of the earth. If we want to restore the origin of the earth completely, we must rely on the following The earth in the dimensional universe provides energy, and everything the enemy does to the lower dimensional universe will greatly slow down this recovery process!"

"Your task is to destroy those enemies in the lower-dimensional universe, especially some enemies who disturb the timeline are the most harmful to the earth! You have the ability of time and space, which is not a problem for you at all. Remember, the enemy The purpose of tampering with the timeline is to destroy the earth, as long as it is beneficial to the earth, I allow you to correct some established trajectories!"

Dongfang Yuhua told Logan all the arrangements and tasks.

"Arbitrarily modifying the timeline will cause irreversible damage, right? Are you sure that after I modify the fate of some people, it will not cause harm to the ninja world? You know, I am very aware of the effect of the butterfly effect. In the Two-dimensional world, I will I have experienced it myself!"

Logan frowned and asked.

"You don't need to worry about this, I have a way to deal with it, but you must remember that it must be a change that is beneficial to the human world, and it must not be too frequent! There must be an interval of more than one month between time travels! Wait for you to cause After the time ripples of the time dissipate, you can proceed to the next time travel!"

"Otherwise, after layers of ripples are superimposed, the resulting time tide can destroy the entire universe!"

Dongfang Yuhua said.

"I know, I will try not to change the timeline, and only destroy the enemies who travel through time!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Okay, if you have any questions, communicate with me in time! With your strength, in the lower-dimensional universe, no one can threaten your life, but don't take it lightly at any time. The fairy world is very good at deceiving people. You have the eyes of reincarnation. And you have the power of reincarnation, you can see through the soul, don't forget what I taught you, the enemy's chess pieces can cause greater casualties to the enemy, the key is how to use them!"

Dongfang Yuhua instructed.

"I understand. Is there anything else? If not, I want to spend more time with Rihe! I don't know when we will meet next time!"

Logan said angrily.

"Give me some of your so-called ultimate immortality liquid!"

Dongfang Yuhua stretched out his hand and said.

"You know this as well?"

Logan stared at Dongfang Yuhua and asked.

"Although I am not by your side, I have been paying attention to your growth!"

Dongfang Yuhua said.

"Things from the Two-dimensional world can also be used in this world?"

Logan took out a few boxes of Ultimate Immortality Liquid from his Shenwei space and asked.

"Yes, but you must be able to bring it out from the Two-dimensional world. So far, no one has been able to do it except you. You not only brought things out, but also brought back a wife and pets! "

Dongfang Yuhua said after putting away the ultimate longevity liquid given by Logan.

"Wear this on your body, so that the Remnant Immortal will not know that you have returned!"

Dongfang Yuhua took out a pendant in the shape of a stone gate and handed it to Logan and said.

"what is this?"

Logan said as a result of the pendant.

"It's made of world stones, which can cover everything about you, so that the fairy world can't figure out your existence! Don't leave your body at any time, even in the lower-dimensional universe!"

Dongfang Yuhua said.

"There are so many good things! Is there anything else you want to give me?"

Logan put the pendant on and asked.

"This world stone pendant is also a portal, allowing you to travel freely in any universe! There is only one in the world, what more good things do you want!"

Dongfang Yuhua said angrily.

The origin of this pendant is indeed very extraordinary. Its predecessor was the portal left in the human world by the fairy world. After the core was taken away by Dongfang Yuhua, it was refined into a pendant, which can cover up all the secrets of the wearer, and can also be used as a space teleportation Door use, it can be said to be an artifact of escape.

"The old guy really didn't live in vain for so many years! If I remember correctly, this should be the portal of the fairy world, right? You were snatched here. I really admire you!"

Logan also recognized what was in his hand. He had seen it in history books and heard various legends about the gate of the fairy world. He also knew that his father had been looking for the gate of the fairy world in his early years, so he went several times Unexpectedly, the life of a brother was found by his father and refined. This is really a good thing!

"Go! Then leave after visiting the Hui people! The war will come soon!"

Dongfang Yuhua looked up at the three suns in the small world and said.

(End of this chapter)

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