The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 731 New World

Chapter 731 New World

Not long after, I saw Xiong Xiaopang running back with a backpack like a hill on his back.


"Fat Master is exhausted, okay, Fat Master is ready, when shall we set off?"

Xiong Xiaopang wiped the sweat off his forehead and asked.

"Fat, Uncle Fat, are you emptying out your house?"

Logan looked at Xiong Xiaopang's backpack in shock and asked.

"Xiao Wu, you don't understand. We are traveling far away, and we don't know how long we will be away. These are all delicacies here. You may not be able to eat them when you go to the lower-dimensional universe, so I specially prepared them. So much, how about it, am I being thoughtful?"

Xiong Xiaopang said as if he was about to praise me.

"Uncle Fat, you are awesome! You don't need to bring food or anything! Isn't tasting exotic food the purpose of this trip? How can you taste exotic food like this?"

Logan and Dongfang Yuhua did not tell Xiong Xiaopang the purpose of going to the lower-dimensional universe this time, and Xiong Xiaopang simply thought that he was just going out for fun.

"Oh, what you said seems to make sense! Or, I won't take it?"

Xiong Xiaopang scratched his head with his fleshy paws and asked.

"No, think about it, we will go to various worlds, and there will definitely be all kinds of delicacies that we have never seen before. At that time, you can eat whatever you want, whatever you want, Why bring these with you?"

Logan bewitched.

"Okay, then I won't bring it, but Xiao Wu, you can't lie to me, you want to take me to eat delicious food all over the world!"

Xiong Xiaopang said reluctantly putting down his backpack.

"Don't worry, I promise to satisfy you, just leave it to me!"

Logan assured.

"Are you ready?"

At this time, Dongfang Yuhua appeared and asked.

"Okay, I don't have anything to prepare, and I bid farewell to Hiyori."

Logan said.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Dongfang Yuhua clasped his hands together, and a gloomy light shot out from his eyes, and then a space portal appeared in front of Logan and Xiong Xiaopang.

"Is this the cross-latitude portal?"

Logan looked at the door exuding strange space fluctuations before him and asked.

"Well, with your ability, you can't enable cross-latitude teleportation yet, but it's no problem to travel in the lower-dimensional universe, and the pendant I gave you can amplify your space ability and realize cross-universe teleportation. When the time is up, The gate of the fairy world created by the boundary stone will open the passage of return, and you and Xiaopang can come back at that time."

Dongfang Yuhua lowered his hands and said.

"It seems that turning on the cross-latitude teleportation will consume a lot of money for you!"

Logan can feel that the energy in Dongfang Yuhua's body has been greatly reduced, which shows the great consumption.

"Indeed, it's also the first time for me to open cross-latitude teleportation. After getting familiar with it, the consumption will be greatly reduced. Hurry up, this space gate won't last long."

Dongfang Yuhua reminded.

"Uncle Fat, shall we go?"

Logan turned to look at Xiong Xiaopang sitting on his shoulder and asked.

"Okay, okay!"

Xiong Xiaopang was a little nervous at this time. After all, he hadn't been out of the world of Valkyrie for nearly 2000 years. Now that he could leave, he was both excited and a little apprehensive, not knowing what kind of situation he would face.

"Don't worry, fat uncle, I'm here!"

Logan comforted softly.

"Hmph, Xiao Mian, does Fatty still need you to take care of him! Let's go, Fatty has been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Xiong Xiaopang said pretending to be calm.

"Father, let's go!"

Logan looked at Dongfang Yuhua and said.

"Well, be careful!"

Dongfang Yuhua nodded and said.

After Logan and Xiong Xiaopang looked at each other, Logan stepped into the portal.

After stepping into the portal, Logan and Xiong Xiaopang immediately felt an indescribable sense of dislocation. They couldn't feel the existence of the orientation at all. They couldn't tell the difference between up, down, left, and right. They were obviously walking forward, but they felt like they were going backwards. .

Logan has traveled through space before, but this is the first time he has this feeling. However, Logan is also feeling the structure of this passage while traveling.

Logan discovered that in this channel, apart from the energy of space and time that he was familiar with, there seemed to be higher-level energy, but Logan didn't know what this higher-level energy was, but he was sure Yes, this energy is definitely the key to being able to travel across dimensions.


Maybe it was a moment, maybe 100 years, the time and space in the passage was chaotic, I don't know how long it took, a light suddenly appeared in front of Logan and Xiong Xiaopang, and then the two left the passage and appeared in the among the stars.

"Wow, is this the starry sky of the lower-dimensional universe?"

Xiong Xiaopang stood on Logan's shoulder, looked around curiously and asked.

"Well, compared to our world, the toughness of the universe here is a little weaker, and the strength we can exert is much stronger. If you do it here, be careful, otherwise it will cause destruction!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Below is the earth, Xiao Wu, hurry up and see how the world here is different!"

Xiong Xiaopang urged impatiently.

"All right!"

Seeing Xiong Xiaopang's impatient look, Logan could only give up the idea of ​​exploring this universe and see what the earth in this world looks like first.


Logan appeared directly on the earth in a flash, but the earth here is very different from Logan's hometown. Looking around, it is a completely dilapidated scene, and there is no human figure at all. It is obvious that this place has experienced annihilation. The devastation of World War II turned into this scene.

"Xiao Wu, are you sure we've come to the right place? I don't like this place, the air here feels so bad, it makes me uncomfortable!"

Xiong Xiaopang frowned and looked around and asked.

"No, it seems that this world is on the brink of destruction. The radiation in the air is so strong that human beings simply cannot survive in such an environment. Human beings are not extinct, and there are probably not many people left!"

Logan walked on the dilapidated streets, felt the structure of the surrounding environment, and easily found that the radiation and toxic substances in the air were very dense, and human beings could not survive in such an environment.

"Isn't there no food to eat?"

Xiaopang said with a mournful face.

"Now is not the time to think about this. We must find a way to do the final rescue. If the earth is completely destroyed, it will also have an impact on our world. We must strive to restore the vitality of this world!"

Logan said with a serious face.

"Okay, what do you say?"

Xiaopang is not a fool, he knows how to distinguish between serious and serious, and he also understands that Logan is right.

"First of all, we need to find the place where the remaining human beings live, and we need to find a way to change the environment here!"

Logan flew into the air with Xiaopang and looked down at the ground and said.

(End of this chapter)

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