The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 732 Exploration

Chapter 732 Exploration (Two in One)

"Xiao Wu, why do I always feel that someone is watching us?"

Xiong Xiaopang sat on Logan's shoulder, looked around and asked.

"Uncle Fat's sense is still very strong! There is indeed something spying on us! It's just not a person!"

Logan smiled lightly.

"Not human? Is it a ghost?"

Xiong Xiaopang grabbed Logan's hair nervously, his small eyes were full of panic, and the hair on his body stood on end. Although Fatty is very powerful, he is really timid, and he is a bit afraid of ghosts and the like. Powerless.

"What? Fat Uncle is still afraid of ghosts? No way? Didn't you say that you have become a fairy?"

Logan asked amusedly.

"I'm afraid of a shoveling ghost! Which ghost dares to show his head, I'll let him fly away!"

Fat Master was so excited that his Sichuan accent came out, and he firmly refused to admit that he was afraid of ghosts.

"Don't worry! It's not a ghost! It's artificial intelligence!"

Logan suppressed a smile and said.

"Is it an intelligent brain? Where is it? I've wanted to see it for a long time. I've only seen it in movies before, but I haven't really touched it yet. Will there be a Terminator T-800 and a liquid robot T-1000? East give me Among the discs I got, I think T-800 and T-1000 are the most handsome, I asked Dongfang to capture two robots for me a long time ago, but I was beaten up by this bastard!"

Xiong Xiaopang said with bright eyes.

Although Xiong Xiaopang has been bored in the world of Valkyrie and can't go out, he knows the outside world very well. In order to prevent Xiong Xiaopang from being too bored, Dongfang Yuhua has prepared a lot of things for Xiong Xiaopang, such as movies and TV games. Warehouse, although the Terminator is not the first sci-fi movie Xiong Xiaopang has watched, but it is his favorite, especially the T-800 and T-1000 in it, which Xiong Xiaopang likes so much.

I can't wait to get into the movie and catch the T-800 and T-1000 as toys. Back then, I was pestering Dongfang Yuhua to get it for him. Everything in the movie is fake. Where can I get it for him? The angry Dongfang Yuhua beat him up Xiong Xiaopang gave Xiong Xiaopang a meal, but Xiong Xiaopang ignored Dongfang Yuhua for a month.

"I don't know, but even if there are robots, there shouldn't be such advanced existences. It is not so easy to achieve that level of technology!"

Logan looked at the excited Xiong Xiaopang and smiled wryly.

"Look for it quickly! There is no T-800 and T-1000, and a robot is fine! I have always wanted such a toy, but your old-fashioned father just disagrees, huh, now I am free, he can't control it Already!"

Xiong Xiaopang couldn't sit still anymore and flew up by himself.

"Don't act casually, we have to find out the situation here first, even if the artificial intelligence robot you want is not available in this world, other worlds will have it, I guarantee you will get it!"

Logan grabbed Xiong Xiaopang and said.

"All right!"

Xiong Xiaopang is not an ignorant person, so even if he is reluctant, he has no objection.

"Then what shall we do next?"

Xiong Xiaopang sat back on Logan's shoulder and asked.

"I'll search the situation here first!"

After speaking, Logan took Xiong Xiaopang and flew into the sky.


Waves of sensory fluctuations began to be released from Logan's body, covering the entire earth in the blink of an eye. Logan used the combination of knowledge and consciousness.

"There are no human beings on the surface of the earth. Although there are some beasts, they have undergone drastic mutations, and they can no longer see their original appearance!"

After quickly scanning the ground, Logan spoke.

"Is everyone dead?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked.

"Not necessarily, maybe there are survivors hiding in the underground fortifications, but it's very troublesome to find them like this!"

Logan slowly fell from the air to the ground and said.

"Then where is the artificial intelligence you mentioned?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked curiously.

"It should also be underground, but I can't sense electromagnetic waves, so I can't find the specific location."

Logan explained.

"Then what should we do?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked helplessly.

"Don't worry, I have a way!"


Suddenly, a mysterious man wearing a red cloud robe with a black background appeared in front of Logan and Xiong Xiaopang.

"Hey, the person here is either a human or a ghost!"

Xiong Xiaopang immediately became furious, and his playful accents came out, making Logan dumbfounded.

"Uncle Fat, Uncle Fat, don't get excited, this is my puppet!"

Logan hurriedly comforted him.


Xiong Xiaopang flew up and surrounded Logan's puppets in large numbers.

"Well, I brought it back from the Two-dimensional world, I didn't expect it to be useful!"

Logan said with a smile.

This puppet is exactly the hell path among the six puppets that Logan made at the beginning. It was combined with the devil fruit at that time, and it can control electromagnetic force and signal transmission. It is the best way to find the location of artificial intelligence.

"What's the use of him? Huh? Why is his body so cold?"

Xiong Xiaopang poked Hell Dao's body with his finger and asked in surprise.

"Of course the body of a dead person is cold!"

Logan said.


Xiong Xiaopang's eyes were about to pop out.

"Of course it's a dead person, otherwise how would you be a puppet! What a fuss!"

Logan rolled his eyes, oh, by the way, Logan didn't roll his eyes.

"Can he find the location of the brain?"

Xiong Xiaopang didn't care about Logan's attitude, he was researching around hell.

"Well, Hell Dao can manipulate electromagnetic force, and can capture any electromagnetic signal and light wave signal, so as long as the brain is on the earth, Hell Dao can find it!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Then what are you waiting for! Find it quickly!"

Xiong Xiaopang said excitedly.

If there is no T-800 and T-1000, artificial intelligence is fine, these are rare toys for Xiong Xiaopang.

"When looking for artificial intelligence in hell, we went to look for any remaining enemies hiding underground. If there were no human beings, we had to restore the environment here, restore the balance of the ecology here, and make the main universe The restoration of the original source of the human world provides energy!"

Logan can't forget that their main task is to maintain the safety of the earth in each universe. Can they guarantee to provide the earth in the main universe with the energy to restore its original source? Before this task, everything else must give way.

"Well, I also want to see if there is any difference between the humans in this world and the humans in our world!"

Xiong Xiaopang sat on Logan's shoulder again and said.

"call out!"

Logan split a trace of divine consciousness to control Hell Dao, and let Hell Dao fly high into the sky to capture the electromagnetic signals of this world.

"But before acting, it's better to get rid of the obtrusive things first!"

Logan looked up at the empty sky and said.

"Does it have to be destroyed?"

Xiong Xiaopang was a little reluctant to ask.

"Fat Uncle!"

"Okay, okay! Listen to you! Seriously, I thought I was here to play. I didn't expect so many things. I knew Dongfang would not let me out so easily!"

Xiong Xiaopang muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Uncle Fat, there is plenty of time to play, let's get down to business first!"

Logan said helplessly.

"Then ask me to come!"

Standing on Logan's shoulder, Xiong Xiaopang volunteered.

"Okay, you come!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Taishang Laojun, hurry like a law, thunder and fire, listen to my order, and kill that big banana!"


As soon as Xiong Xiaopang finished speaking, suddenly many thunderbolts fell from the sky, followed by several explosions in the air, and some mechanical fragments fell from the air. The lightning struck and exploded some hidden and wireless devices arranged by the brain to monitor the ground. Man-machine, although these hidden drones are silent, their flight will cause slight vibrations in the air, and Logan and Xiong Xiaopang can easily find the position of these drones with a little sensing.

"Heh, hehe..."

Logan was speechless about Xiong Xiaopang's weirdness, and the Taishang Laojun was withdrawn by him. It seems that there are many mythical ghost movies.

"Humph, hum, I still want to spy on you Fat Master, I really think Fat Master is a vegetarian!"

Xiong Xiaopang said arrogantly.

"The obstacle has been removed, let's look for traces of humans! I hope there are still humans!"

Logan took one last look at the decimated city nearby before taking off to find an open field.

"Xiao Wu, will our world become like this?"

Xiong Xiaopang sitting on Logan's shoulder looked down at the dilapidated city and asked with low expectations.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. With the old man around, he won't let this happen! Even the fairy world can't destroy the earth, let alone human beings. Whoever dares to make a change, the old man will be the first to destroy it." kill them!"

Logan's mood is not very high. In such a huge world, there is no trace of human beings on the ground at all. Even if there are some wild beasts, they all turn into monsters due to the strong radiation. There is desolation everywhere. Without the existence of green, if you rely on self-seeking to recover, Logan estimates that it will take at least tens of thousands of years to recover to the level where life can move on the ground.

Technology has made human beings progress, but human beings here are ultimately destroyed in the hands of technology. Although Logan saw many destroyed planets in the Two-dimensional world, he didn't have much feeling, but he felt deeply here , the same planet as his hometown, but with a completely different fate. The scene here seemed to make Logan see the scene after the main universe earth was destroyed by the fairy world. Logan swore that the tragedy here would never happen to his own earth.

"Xiao Wu, it should be okay there, right?"

Just when Logan was thinking wildly, Xiong Xiaopang said suddenly.

Logan looked up at the place Xiong Xiaopang said. It was an open area several miles away. Logan could tell at a glance that it was a crater left by a nuclear weapon explosion, and the surrounding objects should have been exploded. completely destroyed.

"Just choose there!"

Logan said with a sigh.

"Xiao Wu, what are you going to do?"

After the two fell down, Xiong Xiaopang jumped off Logan's shoulder and asked.

"Through the veins of the earth to see if we can find the existence of living organisms, this is the first time I have done this, and I don't know if it will work!"

Logan said uncertainly.

This world has been destroyed too badly, and there is almost no natural energy. Otherwise, Logan can use natural energy to find out if there are any human beings survived. Now he can only try to communicate with the earth and use the pulsation of the earth to find the existence of life forms. , which is time-consuming and laborious.

"What do I need to do?"

Xiong Xiaopang looked at Logan and asked.

"Although there are no living things here, we must also pay attention to the harassment of artificial intelligence. Fat uncle, you can help me look at it, and destroy everything that comes close to this place! I must concentrate on it and not be distracted!"

Logan thought for a moment and said.

"Don't worry, Xiao Wu, with Uncle Fat here, I promise nothing will disturb you!"

Xiong Xiaopang patted his chest and promised.

"Then let's get started!"

After speaking, Logan squatted down, and then pressed his hands on the ground. Waves of energy waves emanated from Logan's hands, extending deep into the ground, and spreading in all directions at the same time.

At this time, Xiong Xiaopang's small eyes were emitting a sharp light. He was floating in the air, vigilantly feeling whether there were any beasts or drones approaching.

After half a day passed, Logan slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of fatigue flashed across Logan's eyes.

"How is it? Xiao Wu, have you discovered the existence of humans?"

Xiong Xiaopang immediately noticed that Logan had opened his eyes, and hurriedly asked.

"I found a few places with life fluctuations, but I'm not sure if it's human!"

Logan said with a sigh of relief.

"Shall we go check it out?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked.

"Well, the nearest one is [-] kilometers away from us in the southeast direction, and I feel that there are many life forms there!"

Logan nodded and said.

"You need a break?"

Xiong Xiaopang could see Logan's exhaustion.

"It's okay, no one in this world can hurt me, this consumption will recover soon!"

Logan shook his head and said.

"Then let's go!"

Xiong Xiaopang jumped onto Logan's shoulder and said.

"it is good!"

Logan took Xiong Xiaopang and flew towards the direction where he sensed the living body. The distance of [-] kilometers was only a blink of an eye to Logan.

"Is it here?"

Xiong Xiaopang jumped off Logan's shoulder and asked.

This is a huge wasteland with no plants at all, and there is a mountain several hundred meters high not far away. It can be seen that this mountain should have been much higher than the current height, and the current height should be the height of the extinction. The remaining mountains after the world.

There is also a river flowing nearby, but the river water is exuding colorful colors, and one can tell that the water is highly poisonous.

"Well, there is a space a few hundred meters below that mountain, where some life forms live."

Logan nodded and said.

"It should have survived the final nuclear apocalypse with the resistance of this mountain?"

Xiong Xiaopang looked at the remaining mountain body and said.

"Well, this mountain should have been thousands of meters high. This is the remaining height after the nuclear attack. If there is not this mountain, those lives hiding underground should not be able to survive the nuclear attack!"

Logan nodded and said.

"How do we get in?"

Xiong Xiaopang scratched his head with his chubby hands and asked.

"Fat uncle, you should sit on my shoulder, and I will take you in!"

Logan said.

"Have you found the entrance?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked in surprise.

"I found it, but I can't open it, otherwise the living body inside won't be able to withstand such strong radiation from the outside. I have other ways to get in!"

Logan said.

What Logan refers to is the ability to blur the power of the gods. This ability is simply not easy to use. It can play an unexpected role in any world.

(End of this chapter)

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