The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 740 Area 51

Chapter 740 Area 51

Zhang Jianfeng and his confidants looked in shock at Zhao Tianlin, Liu Bokang and others who were swallowed by the flames of their souls, and a chill went straight to the top of their heads. Zhao Tianlin's tragic situation really frightened the others.

It can be seen that after the soul flame fell on Zhao Tianling and the others, their souls were pulled out, and the black flame instantly entangled their souls and burned them up.

The souls of Zhao Tianlin and others were writhing in pain. Their souls were getting weaker and their bodies were drying up. The whole process lasted more than ten minutes. But for Zhao Tianlin, Liu Bokang and others who lived like years, their 10 minutes is simply longer than someone else's entire life.

In the end, no matter how painful they were, they could no longer make a sound, they could only open their mouths powerlessly, their eyes were full of pain, despair and expectation. At this moment, they felt extremely regretful in their hearts, why did they provoke this person who was even more terrifying than the devil? It's just that there is no one who sells regret medicine in the world, they can only hope painfully that their souls can be burned out as soon as possible.


Zhang Jianfeng swallowed hard. He didn't expect that Logan, who had always been very friendly, would be so horrified after he lost his temper. During the entire 10 minutes, Zhao Tianlin and others were the most painful, but Zhang Jianfeng and others were bystanders. It was also very difficult.

They couldn't imagine what it would be like if they fell into the fate of Zhao Tianlin, but they knew that even if all human beings were destroyed, they must not provoke Logan. Any bad thoughts, I am afraid that Logan will target himself.

As the instigator, Logan was eating delicious food leisurely at this time, completely indifferent to what happened to Zhao Tianlin and others, and Xiong Xiaopang didn't even raise his head, just throwing the food on the table without stopping.


The souls of Zhao Tianlin and others finally disappeared completely, and even their bodies turned into nothingness.

"The fly in the way is solved, Chief Zhang, I hope this is the last time, otherwise I don't mind completely destroying the human beings in this world, waiting for new life to appear. For me, as long as the earth exists, it doesn't matter whether there are human beings or not." , to help you, it is based on the relationship of being human beings, understand?"

Logan picked up a wet towel and wiped his hands and said.

"Yes, yes, Luo, Mr. Luo, I promise, no one will disrespect you again!"

After seeing Logan's methods, who would dare to think otherwise!

The fate of Zhao Tianlin and others kept reminding them how miserable the fate of offending Logan would be.

"I will solve the problem of the red queen first, and then I will solve the radiation. It won't be long before you can return to the ground!"

The food was eaten, people were killed, and Logan was going to get down to business.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo!"

Zhang Jianfeng wanted Logan to leave quickly. In his eyes, Logan was more terrifying than the devil.

"Uncle Fat, are you full? We should leave!"

Logan looked at Xiong Xiaopang who was wiping his hands and asked.

"Let's go! The food here tastes good, come again next time!"

Xiong Xiaopang jumped off the chair with his fleshy body and said.

"Then let's go meet the Red Queen!"

Logan picked up Xiong Xiaopang and put it on his shoulder and said.

"Boss Zhang, thank you for your hospitality!"

Logan looked at Zhang Jianfeng who was so frightened that he hadn't calmed down yet and said.

"No, you're welcome!"

Zhang Jianfeng hurriedly waved his hand and said.


After speaking, Logan took Xiong Xiaopang and left the base directly.


After Logan left, Zhang Jianfeng and the others couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed to the ground.

"Boss, this Logan is really terrifying!"

Zhang Jianfeng's men said tremblingly.

"I just hope that no one will provoke Mr. Luo again, otherwise human beings will really be completely destroyed!"

Zhang Jianfeng looked at the positions of Zhao Tianlin and others and said absentmindedly.

Although the Red Queen launched a nuclear war and almost destroyed the world, she still has nothing to do with the bases where humans hide. But for Logan, getting in and out of these bases hidden deep underground is extremely easy, and there is nowhere to hide.

"Xiao Wu, do you know the base where the artificial intelligence is hiding?"

Xiong Xiaopang sat on Logan's shoulder and asked while picking his teeth with his paws.

"According to Zhang Jianfeng's information, Hell Dao has locked the position of the Red Queen, and we will go to join Hell Dao now!"

Logan nodded and said.

"This is the first time I've seen an artificial intelligence with autonomous consciousness. I've seen it in movies before. Thinking about it, I'm a little excited!"

Xiong Xiaopang said excitedly.

"You don't want to keep it?"

Logan asked with a smile.

"I think so too, but it's a pity I can't! It's been played in the movies, and this kind of artificial intelligence must not be left behind, otherwise it will destroy mankind if there is any taboo."

Xiong Xiaopang said regretfully.

"Don't worry, there are still many worlds ahead, sooner or later I will get you a suitable artificial intelligence!"

Logan said.

"Really? We agreed! You are not allowed to go back on your word!"

Xiong Xiaopang said happily.

"Since I was a child, since when did I stop talking! Don't worry! I promise to get it for you!"

Logan assured.

Not long after, Logan brought Xiong Xiaopang to meet Hell Road. The base where the Red Queen was located was the mysterious Area 51 in the United States before the world was destroyed.

There are many secrets unknown to the outside world. Aliens, alien spaceships, and prehistoric civilizations are all researched here, so some of the technological level of this base is far beyond the outside world, and the Red Queen is also seeing this. Hiding here for a while.

"Is it here? I can't tell the difference! It's still so desolate, it's just a desert!"

Xiong Xiaopang stood on Logan's shoulder, looked around and said.

"The real base is underground. It can be said to be the most heavily defended base on Earth. It hides countless secrets and has many sophisticated weapons!"

Logan and Hell Road slowly fell from the air and said.

"Are all human beings in this world belong to rats? Why do they all like to live underground?"

Xiong Xiaopang complained.

"It's safe and secret to put it underground. Unless the earth explodes, the crisis of annihilation will not threaten them!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Shall we break in?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked curiously.

"Do you want to fight all the way in?"

Logan looked at the excited Xiong Xiaopang and asked.

"Just treat it as a relief! This world is too boring, too boring!"

Xiong Xiaopang said.

"Alright then! I'll leave it to Fatty Uncle!"

Logan said indifferently.

"No problem, Xiao Wu, you can just watch, let you see how powerful Uncle Fatty is!"

Xiong Xiaopang held his head high and walked towards the warehouse in the distance with his overlord steps. There was the ground entrance of the base. Now that he was being targeted by Fat Lord, Area 51 would be delisted from the world.

(End of this chapter)

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