Chapter 741

"In order to prevent the Red Queen from escaping, let's set up an electromagnetic barrier first!"

As an artificial intelligence, the Red Queen can change its position at will as long as it is connected to the Internet. Although it needs a central processing unit to play its full role, as long as it escapes, as long as it is given enough time, it can create new processing power again. device, so Logan would never make such a low-level mistake.

Logan completely isolated the entire Area 51 with hell roads, shielding all electronic signals. As a result, the Red Queen was completely trapped in this base. As long as the central processing unit here is destroyed, the Red Queen will be completely Disappeared.

But Logan didn't block the signal inside the base, so the base would be paralyzed, and Xiong Xiaopang would have no way to enjoy himself, so Logan let the Red Queen control the base to resist the invasion of himself and Xiong Xiaopang.

"Warning! Warning! The base signal is completely blocked! An unknown enemy appears!"

After the Hell Road blocked Area 51, the warning lights of the underground base flashed, and immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

In the secret room in the deepest part of the base, the red queen who fell into a deep sleep was immediately awakened by the alarm, and Area 51, which was taken over by the red queen, immediately entered a state of efficient operation.

All weapons are activated, defensive measures are fully activated, and all robots are dispatched. First, the peripheral warning weapons are activated.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

When Logan and Xiong Xiaopang walked towards the entrance of the base, countless shells roared and fired at Logan and Xiong Xiaopang.


A layer of transparent protective film protected Logan and Xiong Xiaopang, even if the shells fell on the protective film, it could not break the protective film.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Countless shells exploded, but they still couldn't stop the footsteps of Logan and Xiong Xiaopang.

"Dragon Slaying Nine Swords!"

Xiong Xiaopang brandished his green bamboo stick and sent out a few slashes. Fat Lord used the bamboo stick as a sword, but the power was no less than that of a sword.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The slash easily destroyed the fortifications on the ground of Area 51.

"Hey, Uncle Fatty, you're really good at using the old man's sword!"

Logan admired.

"That's a must! Fat Master is a genius in martial arts, and your father's old background has long been hollowed out by me!"

Xiong Xiaopang said while carrying the green bamboo stick.

Dragon Slaying Nine Strikes was learned by Logan's father, Dongfang Yuhua, when he was fighting an evil dragon. It is extremely powerful, and it is easy to kill real dragons at the highest level.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As soon as the two finished speaking, they heard several sharp whistling sounds from far to near. It turned out that after seeing that the ground defenses were destroyed, the Red Queen called the missiles from Area 51 to launch an attack on Logan and Xiong Xiaopang.

"Dragon Watching Palm!"

Xiong Xiaopang raised his soft and fat hand, and slapped it towards the air. Several huge bear paws appeared out of thin air, easily destroying the launched missiles!
"Boom, boom, boom..."

The violent explosion shook the ground near the base.

"I look down on Fat Master too much!"

Xiong Xiaopang curled his lips and said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Then there were multiple missiles.

"I shoot..."

"Wait, fat uncle, this is a nuclear missile. It will be very troublesome if it is blown up by you!"

Logan discovered that this time it was not an ordinary missile, but a nuclear bomb, and hurriedly stopped Xiong Xiaopang. The reason why Logan stopped him was not because he was afraid that the nuclear bomb would harm himself and Xiong Xiaopang, but because he was worried that the nuclear bomb would block the electromagnetic blockade of the hell. It caused such harm that the red queen ran away.

"Isn't it just a nuclear bomb! What's the big deal!"

Xiong Xiaopang muttered, but he didn't act recklessly.


Logan directly used the ability of space to exile several nuclear bombs into space, and now the nuclear bombs can no longer play a role.

"Is that all right?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked dissatisfied.

"Come on, Fat Uncle! I'll leave this to you!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Hey, I'll let you see how powerful Uncle Fatty is!"

"Nine Strikes to Destroy Immortals! I'll hit!"

Xiong Xiaopang jumped up, held up the green bamboo stick and slammed it hard to the ground.


"Crack, click..."

The ground cracked violently, bottomless and horrible cracks meandering into the distance, and even the mountains in the distance were trampled by Xiong Xiaopang's blow.

"Uncle Fat, take it easy, and be careful to destroy the earth!"

Logan said distressedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was too excited and didn't keep my hand. Be careful next time!"

Xiong Xiaopang said without looking back.

"I hit! I hit! I hit!"

Xiong Xiaopang's obese body displayed an incongruous agility, and the green bamboo stick in his hand was swung violently by him, completely destroying the entire ground base in Area 51.

"This is the entrance to the base, right?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked while standing in front of a gate made of rare metals.

"Well, going in from here is the entrance to the base. There are various defensive measures on each floor, all the way to the deepest underground!"

Logan thoroughly investigated the base with his knowledge.

"Then hit it layer by layer!"

Xiong Xiaopang said excitedly.

"Look at me watching the dragon's palm!"

Xiong Xiaopang raised his brother and slapped towards the gate.


The extremely hard gate that could defend against nuclear attacks was blown away by Xiong Xiaopang's palm, and the robots and defensive weapons on this floor were completely destroyed by the gate.

"Ah? It's all gone? It's too useless! If I knew I wouldn't use such force, I still want to see the robot!"

After Xiong Xiaopang entered the first floor of the base, he found that all the robots had been destroyed.

"It's okay, there are plenty below! Do you want to take the elevator down?"

Logan, who was following behind Xiong Xiaopang, asked.

"No, I want to fight!"

Xiong Xiaopang refused.

"Look at my self-created dragon step!"


Xiong Xiaopang's chubby legs threw a stool on the ground, the ground immediately cracked, and then the whole ground fell to the next floor, completely destroying the robots on the next floor again.

"Ah? Is it too hard? What a broken base, I can't even hold my foot!"

Xiong Xiaopang muttered dissatisfied.

"Come again!"



"Come again!"



"Come again!"


It wasn't until the tenth floor that Xiong Xiaopang controlled his strength and didn't completely destroy everything. If the Red Queen had feelings, he would have cursed at this time.

"I'm too strong! I can't even control my strength!"

Xiong Xiaopang said with one hand on his waist.


Logan looked at Xiong Xiaopang speechlessly.

"Wow! Robot!"

Xiong Xiaopang looked at the robot with a weapon pointed at him with bright eyes. Although it was not as imposing as the T-800, it was at least a robot, and it could satisfy Xiong Xiaopang's curiosity.

It's just that these robots are completely toy-level existences for Xiong Xiaopang, and they can't cause any harm to Xiong Xiaopang at all. Then Xiong Xiaopang is like playing a game, hitting from the top to the bottom, and seeing the final boss red queen.

(End of this chapter)

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