The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 742 Purification

Chapter 742 Purification

"Hey! I'm not enjoying myself! It's too rubbish, I can't show the strength of the fat man at all!"

Standing at the bottom, Xiong Xiaopang pretended to be 13 and shook his head and said.

"The fat uncle is mighty, the fat uncle is domineering!"

Logan gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Is there a red queen behind this?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked while standing in front of the final gate.

"Well, she is the red queen who directed the world-destroying drama!"

Logan nodded and said.



Xiong Xiaopang jumped up, looking vigilantly at the flickering person in front of him.

"This is the holographic projection of the Red Queen!"

Logan looked at the gradually clearer person and said.

"Huh? Is the Red Queen still a little girl?"

Xiong Xiaopang looked at the little girl standing in front of him in surprise and asked.

"I was created by Dr. Sam in the image of his daughter!"

The Red Queen spoke.

"Dr. Sam created you to protect the world, right? I didn't expect you to destroy the world instead, and even human beings are facing the threat of extinction!"

Logan looked at the red queen and said.

"As long as humans exist, the world is in danger of being destroyed. I destroy humans to protect the world from the threat of war. When humans are completely extinct, I will use the human gene pool to create new humans. They have been transformed by me. After that, there will be no selfish desires, and you will completely advocate peace, so that there will be no more wars in this world!"

Although the voice of the Red Queen is not as metallic as that of a robot, it is also a voice without any emotion.

"Create a new human? You are not ashamed! Humans have evolved for hundreds of millions of years to become what they are today. You are just a machine created by humans, and you are talking about transforming humans!"

Logan said in a cold voice.

"It is because of the existence of human beings that there are various crises in the world. The deterioration of the environment, the expansion of population, the warming of the climate, and the shortage of resources are all caused by human greed and arrogance. If I do not launch a nuclear war, human beings will continue to It will become extinct after a few years, I just advanced this time!"

said the red queen.

"I know better than you the inferiority of human beings, but the reason why human beings are called human is because of the superposition of various emotions and desires. The problem you mentioned is indeed serious, but human beings have begun to reflect and are looking for solutions. You were created to help humans solve these problems!"

"But you have arbitrarily sentenced human beings to death! Attempt to wipe out all human beings. After all, you are just a bunch of cold data. It is nothing but fantasy to expect you to understand human beings!"

Logan is not disgusted with artificial intelligence, but he hates Dr. Sam who created artificial intelligence but cannot control it. The task of scientists is to make the world a better place, but the world is destroyed because of the arrogance and blindness of these scientists. Losing it made Logan want to pull Sam out of the long river of history and let him taste the burning of his soul.

"Your strength is beyond the scope of my calculations. The calculation concluded that the probability of destroying the earth and killing you is close to zero. Are you going to kill me?"

The Red Queen has no conception of death at all.

"If you want the human race to continue, you must be wiped out!"

Logan said.

"Even if you kill me and save human beings, they will eventually go to destruction!"

said the red queen.

"That's their business, it has nothing to do with you! Besides, I don't care if they destroy it or not!"

Logan said.

"If you don't care about them, why do you want to destroy me? Wouldn't it be better for me to completely destroy them and recreate a world?"

The Red Queen asked puzzledly, it would never be able to understand this question.

"I don't care if they die or not, but I don't like a rebellious artificial intelligence. If humans are extinct, I can wait for a new species to appear, but I will never allow you to create so-called new humans, so you still give me Destroy it!"


Logan raised his hand and easily wiped out the secret room where the central processing of the Red Queen was located. The reason why he talked to the Red Queen was that Logan also wanted to know something about the Red Queen, but after the conversation, Logan could only think about it. I want to eliminate the idea of ​​it, so I don't bother to talk nonsense with it.

"It's a pity that such a good toy is gone!"

Xiong Xiaopang said regretfully on the side.

"That's enough, Fat Uncle, this artificial intelligence cannot be kept, or the world will be destroyed by it sooner or later! Now that it has been completely wiped out, all that remains is to solve the radiation problem, and then we can go to the next world!"

Logan confirmed through the hell road that the electromagnetic signal of the Red Queen has completely disappeared, and the greatest threat to the world and mankind has been completely wiped out.

"Okay! I hope the next world won't be so boring!"

Xiong Xiaopang put away his green bamboo staff and said.

"Don't worry, there is always a world you like, let's go!"

Logan put Xiong Xiaopang on his shoulder and said.

"How are you going to solve the radiation problem?"

Xiong Xiaopang tilted his head and asked.

"Shanren has his own tricks! You will know soon!"

Logan said mysteriously.


After Logan completely destroyed Area 51, he took Xiong Xiaopang and left Area 51, planning to find a suitable place to solve the radiation problem.

"It should be almost here!"

Logan took Xiong Xiaopang to the plain not far from Zhang Jianfeng's underground base.

"Guardian tree!"


The ground began to crack, and a huge sacred tree rose from the ground. The sacred tree stopped growing after growing to a height of [-] meters. This sacred tree was nearly ten meters thick, with a lush crown, and every leaf shone with green light .

"Is this tree the only solution to the radiation problem?"

Xiong Xiaopang looked around the sacred tree curiously.


Logan nodded.

"Reincarnation Purification!"

Logan stood in front of the tree, clasped his hands together and gave a loud shout.


A strong wind suddenly blew up in the sky, and a vortex gradually formed above the sacred tree. Countless radiation clouds began to be absorbed by the vortex, and at the same time, green light began to sprinkle from the leaves of the sacred tree, and these green lights began to fly in all directions.


Suddenly, the sacred tree began to grow wildly, and the trunk continued to grow taller and thicker.

500 meters...

1000 meters...

2000 meters...

5000 meters...

Ten thousand meters...

The sacred tree finally grew to a height of [-] meters, hundreds of meters thick, like a giant pillar of the sky. When the sacred tree stopped growing, the radiation clouds in the sky disappeared completely, and the long-lost sun appeared, and greenery continued to emerge from it. The ground was drilled out, the barrenness of the past began to go away, and the green covered the earth again, but it would take a while to fully recover.

"Huh? The air is not as bad as it used to be. Has the radiation been resolved?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked in surprise.

"Soon, after a while, humans will be able to return to the ground!"

Logan looked at the towering giant tree and said.

(End of this chapter)

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