The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 858 Eradication

Chapter 858 Eradication
"Finch, you can't get other people's blood on your hands!"

John looked at Harold and said.

"Finch, the three of us are used to this kind of life of killing. You don't need to make this decision. You have done enough!"

Root also spoke.

"I think that among us, I am the most qualified to do it! I have been tortured by them for six months. I have long wanted to avenge this revenge. Now that the opportunity is in front of me, I can't just let it go. !"

Xiao stared at Greer covetously, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Only Shaw in Harold's team was caught because he helped his partner escape from Greer's trap. Greer's men tried their best to instigate Shaw to use him, but in the end they all ended in failure.

Moreover, Xiao seized the opportunity to escape, so Xiao hated Greer deeply. At the moment of being caught, Xiao not only thought about how to escape, but also wanted to kill Greer all the time.

"No, I have to come to this matter in person. Just like what the gentleman said, it is my responsibility that the matter has developed to this point. If I had listened to your opinions before, Xiao would not have been arrested, nor would we They will be chased and killed by them, and so many people will not be implicated to death!"

"I used to tell myself that no matter when, no matter what the situation, we can't take other people's lives under the pretext of saving people. Everyone has the opportunity to change their ways. I always think this is right."

"However, what I have experienced during this period has made me doubt my decision. Although I understand that the situation has changed, this kind of thinking is no longer suitable for our current situation. I also know that my decision makes our situation more dangerous. But I have been stubbornly unwilling to admit it!"

"Because I'm afraid, I'm afraid that once I change my original intention and start to violate the rules we set at the beginning, we will become as bad as them, or even worse!"

"For me, you are my closest partners and friends. I don't want you to become unscrupulous as our enemies. Once the bottom line is broken, it will become more and more out of control."

"But I get it, the problem is me, I don't trust you enough, I'm scared of being alone, and it's because I put everybody in danger, John, Shaw, Root, Fusco, we never knew each other From becoming the closest friends and family members, along the way, you are the ones accommodating me and helping me, and I am the one who puts you in danger every moment, and I thank you all for believing in me without reservation."

"I did a poor job in terms of trust. I am ashamed of you, but now, I have realized that what really matters is not the means or the method, but the person. In the future, I will believe in you like you believe in me, no matter what happens in the future. What, we all spend it together!"


Harold took the gun from Xiao's hand after speaking, and shot Greer's head under the surprised gaze of the other four.


A crisp sound sounded, it turned out that Logan blocked the bullet fired at Greer with his index finger.


Everyone looked at Logan's outstretched index finger in shock. They couldn't believe that someone could stop the bullet fired from the muzzle with one finger. This simply refreshed their worldview.


Harold looked at Logan in surprise and asked, he had just made mental preparations and broke his own rules.

"Shooting Greer was just a test for you, passed the moment you shot, your hands are not for killing, leave him to me! I'm ready in hell for him Arrangement, killing him will lose too much fun!"

Logan looked at Greer who was collapsed on the ground and said.



As soon as Logan gave an order, a terrifying black-haired beast hand suddenly appeared from the void.

"Help, help! Who, who will save me!"

Greer, who had always been calm, changed his expression drastically, and let out a terrified cry.

"My God! What is this?"

Fusco's fat body trembled and shrank back in horror.


The beast claw grabbed Greer who was about to escape, then retracted into the black hole and disappeared.

"Don't worry, this is just an ordinary ghost in hell. It is responsible for capturing those villains who have caused devastating damage to the world back to hell. Without my order, it will not attack you."

Logan said to everyone with a smile.


"Ming, Ming ghost?"

Fusco swallowed hard and asked.

"Are you really the Demon Lord of Hell?"

Root licked his lips and asked around Logan.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not. This world will depend on you from now on. This time I helped you, but only this time. As long as the earth will not be destroyed in the future, even if all human beings are extinct, I will not do anything again." !"

"Harold is optimistic about your machine, don't let it become like a Samaritan, or the world will be completely hopeless!"

Logan looked at Harold who was a little shocked and said.

"I, I know, with the lessons of the Samaritans, the machine will never become like that, and I set it not to kill people, this is the highest order that cannot be changed."

Harold said with a sigh of relief.

"What about the Samaritans?"

Fusco, who was acting as a tool man, hid behind John and asked while looking at the big screen in front of him.

"You don't need to worry about this, I will handle it!"

Logan said.


Logan snapped his fingers.


A figure appeared in the room.

"I go!"

Fusco sat down on the ground in fright.

"Don't worry, this is my subordinate who is responsible for completely disposing of the Samaritans!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Aren't there ghosts in hell? Why are there still people?"

Fusco asked, pointing to the hell road.

"You are misunderstanding. Who told you that hell is full of ghosts, and there is everything down there. I still need a policeman there. Why don't you come and try?"

Logan teased Fusco and said.

"No, I haven't lived enough!"

Fusco shook his head vigorously and refused.

"Hell's errand pay is very high! And you can't die!"

Logan teased.


Fusco was a little tangled, caught in a dilemma there.

"Do you want to do it now?"

Hell Road asked.

"Completely eliminate, don't leave a single byte, make sure it has no chance of resurgence!"

Logan nodded and said.

"I see!"

After talking about hell, he raised his hands, and saw an electromagnetic light wave shot out from his hands, completely covering all the servers of the Samaritans.


Those servers flashed lightning instantly and burned quickly.

"Is this all right? It will definitely have a backup!"

Harold said worriedly.

"I have already driven all its data to the server in this room. As long as this place is destroyed, he will disappear completely!"

Hell Road said.

The artificial intelligence that nearly set off a massacre ended its short life.

(End of this chapter)

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