The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 859 Dormammu Strikes

Chapter 859 Dormammu Strikes (Two in One)

For Logan, life is unlimited, so now and then he would occasionally personally deal with difficult issues, such as this artificial intelligence incident.

Although Logan has sent many avatars to various universes to deal with crises before, the universe is infinite, and Logan's avatars are not enough to cover all the universes. At most, they can deal with some urgent crises, so there are more The universe needs Logan's attention.

As for the Logan body in the Marvel universe, lying on the balcony every day is not resting, but observing the situation in each universe. Once there is a disaster that threatens the existence of the earth, Logan will send a clone to deal with it.

His body is generally not dispatched. After all, there are many strong men in the Marvel universe who can threaten the earth, and among them is the dark demon king Dormammu.

Dormammu was originally a wizard who discovered the dark space by accident and entered it. In order to become the master of the dark space, Dormammu abandoned his original body and obtained extremely powerful dark power. His body was also replaced by a terrible magic flame , and then began the conquest of other dimensions.

Dormammu is extremely powerful. As long as the dark space exists, he will not die. The earth is very special. Dormammu has been eyeing the earth for a long time. It's just that the ancient one has been guarding the earth before, and there have been many incidents with Dormammu. Although the next battle was extremely difficult, it still hindered Dormammu's ambition.

Especially after Logan came to the earth, after Logan showed great power, Dormammu hid and did not easily attack the earth, but this does not mean that he gave up, he just kept watching Logan secretly dynamic.

Time is not a problem for Domamu. The infinite life gives Domamu enough time to wait for Logan to leave. This time, when Logan went to other universes to solve the crisis, Domamu, who has been paying attention to the earth, Tom noticed.

Dormammu knew that the opportunity was rare and the time was running out. He decided to use this opportunity to completely devour the earth. Moreover, Dormammu knew the Ancient One quite well after many battles with the Ancient One. He was sure to completely solve the ancient one before Logan came back. One, so he went on the offensive regardless.


There was a violent shaking of the space barrier, and then the barrier between the dark space and the earth was broken, and Dormammu's huge body could directly invade the earth.

It's not because of the different space, so people on the earth, except Gu Yi, have not discovered it.

"not good!"

After Gu Yi noticed the shock, his expression changed drastically.

"Mage, what happened?"

Modu looked at Gu Yi whose expression had changed drastically and asked.

The reason why Modu appeared in front of Gu Yi was because Gu Yi was ready to deal with Modu's problem after listening to Logan's suggestion, but he didn't expect that the Dormammu invasion happened just after he called Modu over.

"Dormammu unexpectedly attacked the earth at this time! Let everyone in Kama Taj get ready immediately!"

Dormammu no longer cares about solving Modu's problem, and now the most important thing is Dormammu.

"Yes, mage, Karma Taj will fight with the mage to the end!"

Modu said firmly.

He didn't know at this time that Gu Yi had completely seen through his ambitions and was about to start dealing with his problems, otherwise Modu would have fled long ago.

"You must pay attention to Jibo. I have a hunch that he will not give up this opportunity. Jibo has studied dark magic for many years. It is impossible to guarantee that this time Dormammu's invasion has nothing to do with him."

"I will do my best to stop Domamu. You have to be prepared. Once Jibo appears, this time we must completely eliminate Jibo!"

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he set off immediately. Time was running out. Dormammu was imminent, and his magic hand had penetrated deep into the earth dimension.

"The situation this time is very abnormal. I have to be prepared. I can't lose my life here before my great cause is accomplished! It's best if Gu Yi is killed by Domamu, so that I have a chance to become the supreme mage!"

After Gu Yi disappeared, Mo Du's expression became gloomy. Although he didn't know that Gu Yi was going to deal with him, Modu, who was suspicious by nature, also felt Gu Yi's hostility. He immediately thought about the way out for himself. .

"Anyway, Kama Taj can't go wrong, otherwise it's useless for me to become the supreme mage, let those ancient one's loyalists stand in front, it's fine if Jibo doesn't come, if he comes, he can just get rid of the serious troubles! "

With a sinister smile on the corner of Modu's mouth, he turned around and went to gather people.



Dormammu's giant claw protruding from the dark space was hit by a ball of golden light. Dormammu roared in pain and retracted the claw.

"Gu Yi, are you here to die!"

Dormammu stared at Gu Yi with huge eyes and said angrily.

"Dormamu, give up your unrealistic ideas! No matter what you do, you will fail! Get out while you still have the chance!"

Gu said with a serious face.

It would be best not to fight against Dormammu. In terms of strength, Gu Yi is not as good as Dormammu. The two have collided countless times for hundreds of years, although Dormammu was repelled by Gu Yi every time. But Gu Yi tried his best every time, and Dormammu obviously still had more energy left.

The reason why Dormammu was forced to retreat was mainly because Dormammu was unwilling to be injured. It would take an unknown number of years for his huge body to recover from an injury, and every time Gu Yi was determined to die with Domamu If Gu Yi was really injured because of Gu Yi's desperate efforts, it would be a bit of a waste.

After all, Dormammu is not invincible. He also has opponents of the same level, and there are also strong men who covet the dark space. Dormammu must also be cautious.

However, after many battles, Dormammu is already familiar with Ancient One's method. For him, the most troublesome method of Ancient One is the Eye of Agamotto, which is the time gem. Dormammu is very familiar with this move. There is no way to deal with it.

"Gu Yi, we have fought countless times. You should be very clear that you are not my opponent. I think you should just back away!"

"Going to other planets with your identity and strength will also be welcome, I want to decide on Earth!"

Dormam said.

"Am I your opponent, but as long as you have the Eye of Agamotto, you can't break through me to devour the earth, and you didn't attack the earth during this period of time, but because Mr. Logan is there, now that he has left, you immediately I'm here, I can't beat you, but as long as Mr. Logan comes back, Dormammu can't decide whether you can survive or not!"

Gu Yi wouldn't take the initiative if Dormammu didn't make a move. If it could be delayed for a second, it would be best if it could be delayed until Logan came back, so that all crises would be resolved.

Gu Yi also mentioned the matter of Dormammu to Logan before, hoping that Logan could take action to solve Dormammu, but Logan refused. Gu Yi asked why, Logan didn't say the reason, but said that the time was not up.

"I admit that Logan is very strong, but he is not invincible. Since you are not sensible, don't blame me for being rude. Although the Eye of Agamotto is troublesome, it is not that there is no way to fight it, but it is a bit expensive. That's all, this time I don't want to wait any longer!"

"Today I will completely solve you, not to mention that Logan may not be able to come back, even if he does, I am not unable to deal with it, Gu Yi, today you are dead!"

Dormammu was unwilling to wait any longer, time was precious, and every second wasted was dangerous.


Dormammu waved his huge black claws and patted Gu Yi.


A huge golden shield appeared out of nowhere and blocked Dormammu's giant claws.

"Wow! Wow!"


"Huh, huh..."

Immediately afterwards, Dormammu controlled the hurricane, sky thunder, and ground fire to attack Gu Yi.

"Mirror space!"

Gu Yi raised his hands and swiped, and the whole space immediately began to shake, becoming like a mirror, immediately blocking the elements controlled by Dormammu into the mirror space.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A violent explosion sounded, and Dormammu's mirror space exploded, but fortunately, Dormammu's elemental array also disappeared.

"What's the matter? Did it thunder?"

Although the previous explosion was extremely strong, it did not reach the earth in the different space, but the resulting explosion wave still spread to the earth, like a thunderstorm.


Gu Yi pinched a few fingerprints on his hand, and then the Eye of Agamotto opened, revealing the Time Gem inside. Usually, the Time Gem is sealed in the Eye of Agamotto.

"Is this going to use the Eye of Agamotto? Gu Yi, you're stupid!"

Dormammu looked at Gu Yi solemnly.

Although he said before that there is a way to deal with the Eye of Agamotto, as the earliest thing in the universe, it is also the most mysterious Time Stone among the six most powerful Infinity Stones in the universe, so it is not so easy to deal with.

"My task is not to defeat you, as long as I drive you away, or drag it until Mr. Logan returns, and the longer the fight, the greater the impact on the earth, Dormammu, I will not let you do what you want !"

Gu Yi manipulated the time gem and said.


Suddenly, two pitch-black tentacles shot out from Gu Yi's back and bound Gu Yi's hands.

"The Eye of Agamotto is indeed powerful. I admit that I have no good way to stop it, but as long as you are not allowed to activate the time gem, then the Eye of Agamotto will not pose any threat. Now your hands are trapped by me." Already, is there anything else you can do?"

Domamu has been thinking for countless years to find a way to resist the Eye of Agamotto, but no matter what Domamu thinks, there is no good way. The only way to fight the Time Stone is the other five gems that are also the Infinity Stone, but Domamu Tom tried to look for it too, but never found it.

Finally, after Dormammu thought hard, the way to resist the Eye of Agamotto is to control Gu Yi's hands. This is the simplest and most direct way. When the time gem cannot be activated, it is just a special gem. For Dormammu There is no longer any threat.

And Dormammu's previous actions were just to make Gu Yi ignore the dark tentacles he secretly released,
"Dormam, I know you are full of tricks, you don't think I will be bound by you so easily, do you?"

Gu Yi, who was trapped by the dark tentacles, said with a relaxed expression, he didn't look like he was caught at all.

"Your hands are trapped, what else can you do? You can't even cast magic, what else do you have to do against me!"

Dormammu didn't relax because he had restrained Gu Yi. Although Gu Yi was not as strong as him, he was very difficult to deal with. Dormammu would never let down his vigilance at any time.

"You're right about one thing. If it is true that Gu Yi's hands are bound, there is no way to resist you, but who told you that I am Gu Yi!"

"Gu Yi" said with a strange smile on his face.

"What did you say!"

Dormammu's expression immediately changed drastically. Although he felt something was wrong with Gu Yi before, he just thought that the two sides hadn't faced Warring States for too long, so there would inevitably be some changes.

But thinking about it now, there are many places in the "Ancient One" that are slightly different.


A burst of white smoke came out, "Ancient One" disappeared, and the one who replaced it turned into Logan.

"You are Logan! How is it possible, I saw with my own eyes that you left the earth and went to other dimensions!"

Dormammu opened his eyes wide in shock and said to Logan.

"Yes, I left, but that doesn't mean I won't come back. Do you think I didn't notice you when you observed me? Your every move is under my watch."

"Before you attacked the earth, I came back and turned into Gu Yi, waiting for you to take the bait!"

Logan glanced at the dark tentacles that bound him and said.

"How is it possible! Attacking the earth was my temporary idea, how could you know!"

Dormam asked incredulously.

"Ancient One needs the Eye of Agamotto to control time, and I have the ability to control time and space. If I want, I can know what will happen in the future at any time, so knowing that you are going to attack the earth is a very simple thing! "

As Logan said, with a slight force, he broke the dark tentacles that bound him.

"Logan, you are insidious!"

Dormammu said with an ugly look.

"Dormammu, I should say this! It is you who came to attack the earth, not me to attack the dark space, and I am a person who is afraid of trouble. Before, the ancient one persuaded me to let me destroy you, but it is easy to defeat you." , but it is a bit troublesome to completely eliminate, after all, you have already integrated with the dark space, so it is not appropriate to destroy a space casually like this!"

"If possible, I would not want to fight against a difficult opponent like you. After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing, and this time my leaving is also a test for you. If you are honest, I will not touch you. But you are so ignorant that you tried to devour the earth while I was away, so I can't let you go!"

"For once and for all, so I decided to get rid of you, solve the trouble, and save you from thinking about the earth in the future!"

Logan moved his body and said.

"Destroy me? Logan, you underestimate me! I admit that you are strong, but I am not weak either. No one has ever said such big words!"

Dormammu's huge black face was extremely gloomy, he felt insulted, no matter how he is also the top powerhouse in the universe, he was so unbearable in the mouth of Logan, he couldn't bear it!
The next thing will definitely be the Great War of Extermination. What kind of earth-shattering collision can happen between the top powerhouses in the two universes?
(End of this chapter)

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