Chapter 869

"You, how did you do it!"

Little Alexander Luthor looked at Logan in shock and asked.

He clearly felt that the destruction of the universe had stopped, and it was constantly returning to the state before he activated the antimatter mechanical tower, especially the antimatter mechanical tower had stopped functioning, and this space and the antimatter mechanical tower were constantly being destroyed.


Logan didn't speak, but two rays of light shot out from his eyes and hit little Alexander Luthor.

"what are you going to do!"

Little Alexander was horrified to find that he could not move, and was restrained by a mysterious force. Except for his eyes and mouth, he could not move at all.

"I said I want to destroy this space and you, this space is collapsing little by little, and the next step is to get rid of you!"

There was a solemn look in Logan's eyes. This time, what he had to do was something he had never done before, to prevent the destruction of the universe and restore it to its original state.

Because this time the destruction is not over by preventing the destruction of the universe. If everything damaged by antimatter is not repaired, then the prevention will fail. Antimatter is hidden in those damaged places. Logan uses the power of time, reincarnation and deprivation at the same time Repairing everything that was broken.

It is precisely because of the existence of the power of time that the damaged buildings will continue to return to their original state.

If it is not for the existence of antimatter, Logan just needs to prevent the destruction of the universe. Those destroyed spaces will slowly recover with the passage of time, and destroyed buildings can also be rebuilt.

The disaster caused by Alexander Luthor Jr.'s activation of the antimatter mechanical tower caused great trouble to Logan, and it took great effort to stop and repair it.

This is also the most difficult disaster that Logan has ever encountered. Even Logan, who has recovered to his peak state, is struggling.

If Logan hadn't become the Lord of Hell and could use the power of hell, Logan would be powerless in the face of such a disaster. This is also the reason why the split body found Logan to restore one body.

"Get rid of me? You have exhausted all your strength to prevent the universe from being destroyed, do you still have the strength to deal with me!"

Little Alexander Luthor tried his best to resist, trying to get rid of Logan's control, he used all his strength and superpowers.

"how so!"

Little Alexander Luthor was shocked. Although his superpower was not born with him, it was completely integrated with him. It was nothing to him to destroy the world, but no matter how he struggled right now Can't get rid of Logan's control.

"Don't waste your efforts, I used the power of hell to suppress you. If you want to rely on your own strength to resist the entire hell, your strength can't do it!"

At this time, Logan's head was covered with sweat, and his tone became a little more serious, which showed how difficult he was.

But this is not surprising, he is trying to prevent the entire universe from being destroyed, which is countless times more difficult than saving the earth before.

The reason why the destruction of the universe stopped was because Logan used hell to suppress it. Hell is an existence higher than the DC universe, and it is a level of existence with the main universe, and both the main universe and the lower-dimensional universe are the same as hell are related, so hell is the most special existence.

However, what Logan can do in the lower-dimensional universe cannot be done in the main universe. The level gap is there. Although the difference between the two is only a line, this line is as high as a moat.

The simplest point is that the heavenly father-level powerhouse is the top existence in the lower-dimensional universe, but the heavenly father-level powerhouse in the main universe is only the beginning of the top-level powerhouse.

Immortals are not as good as dogs. Although the Heavenly Father walks all over the ground is a bit exaggerated, there is indeed no shortage of such strong men in Nuoda's main universe, because the entire lower-dimensional universe is not necessarily larger than the main universe!The main universe can be counted as truly boundless.


Little Alexander Luthor stared at Logan with wide eyes.

"What was lost has already been lost, and delusional attempts to save it will only pay more. The unification of the infinite universe is a foregone conclusion. This cannot be changed anyway. Your reckless actions have caused the collapse of the universe."

"If you continue to live according to the previous trajectory, you will become a superhero who is completely opposite to your father, and will be worshiped by countless people!"

"But I didn't expect you to end up on the same path as your father, and even caused far more damage than your father. Based on this, you can no longer be left in the world!"

"In the name of my lord of hell, I will deprive you of superpowers and the right to reincarnation. From then on, you will disappear in the world, and your soul will be completely scattered!"

Logan's last words triggered the rules of hell, and the powerful laws of hell fell on little Alexander Luthor in an instant.



Little Alexander Luthor screamed loudly, and saw that his whole body began to collapse, turning into dust and dissipating, no matter how hard little Alexander Luthor tried, he couldn't stop it.

"No! I don't dare anymore! Give me a chance to change!"

Little Alexander Luthor had a horrified expression on his face. He only realized his desire for life at the moment when death really came. In the face of death, everything else was unimportant.


Logan gave a soft drink, and strange spells appeared on Little Alexander Luthor's body that was constantly collapsing, and these spells slowly wrapped Little Alexander Luthor's whole body.


After the spell completely enveloped little Alexander Luthor, little Alexander's physical body exploded completely, and all the spells were engraved on little Alexander Luthor's soul.


Under the effect of the spell, little Alexander Luthor's soul burned up, and what could be seen was that little Alexander Luthor had a painful expression on his face, his mouth was wide open, but he couldn't say anything. After a few breaths, little Alexander Luthor's soul was completely burned out, and there would never be little Alexander Luthor in the world again, and he was completely out of his wits.


Logan took a deep breath. Getting rid of Alexander Luthor Jr. was just a matter of convenience. The real trouble was getting rid of the antimatter, which was extremely difficult, and Logan didn't have any good solutions.

It relies on the deprivation ability that can deprive everything, otherwise there is really no way.

"If it weren't for the fact that the earth in the DC universe is so important, I wouldn't have to work so hard!"

The status of the earth like DC universe and Marvel universe is much higher than that of other dimensions. Its special role makes Logan unable to watch these two earths be destroyed anyway and replace them with other universes. Might just give up.

But the real difficulty is yet to come, and Logan regrets accepting this task, but it's too late to regret it, so he can only bite the bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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