The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 870 Discussion

Chapter 870 Discussion
"Guys, have you noticed a strange phenomenon?"

The Flash Barry asked his companions through the micro-communicator embedded in the ear.

"Barry, are you saying that the dead are being raised and the wounded are being recovered?"

Supergirl asked back.

"Yes, I just pulled out a dead man who was seriously injured from the ruins, but the miracle is that when the damaged building was restored, the dead man started breathing again, and he came back to life!"

Barry said in shock.

"It's the same here, and even those who have only a little bit of scratches, the scars disappear in an instant. What's going on?"

Superman also said.

"Everything that happened today is so weird! First, I don't know what caused the universe to go to destruction, and then the destruction stopped, and everything that was destroyed is recovering, and now even the dead are recovering!"

"Is it man-made or is there a problem with the universe? If it is man-made, it would be terrible! If there is a problem with the universe, then what caused all this to happen?"

Wonder Woman Diana said.

"Not only on the ground, but also in the sea, the large seabed cracks caused by the destruction are constantly healing, and the submarine volcanoes that erupted due to the vibrations have also suddenly extinguished, and those dead creatures are constantly being resurrected!"

"I have never seen such a miraculous thing, but I always have a creepy feeling, can anyone explain what is happening now!"

Neptune watched everything that happened in the sea, and the fear he felt was far greater than the surprise.

"Bruce, have you found anything over there?"

Superman contacts Batman and asks.

"No, there is no one in Logan's family, and I have no other way to contact him, but I always feel that everything that happened this time has something to do with him!"

Batman looked at Logan's penthouse and said.

"Then what should we do next? I feel like we can't help at all!"

Said Supergirl's older sister Alex.

"Gather at the assembly point, let's study the information we have and see what conclusions we can draw!"

Superman said after thinking for a moment.

"Roger that!"

"Let's go now!"

"almost there!"



The superheroes put down what they were doing and rushed to their base. This time the disaster happened so unexpectedly that there was no warning at all, so everyone was caught off guard.

After a few minutes, all the superheroes arrived at the meeting point, and everyone had serious expressions on their faces.

"Tell me what we have learned!"

Superman glanced at the silent heroes and said.

"I don't know anything else, but through the analysis of this period of time, I can conclude that the force that destroys the earth is antimatter, but I don't know what force organizes antimatter!"

"Moreover, the mysterious force that suddenly appeared is constantly erasing the influence of antimatter. All the destroyed buildings we have seen are restored and the dead are resurrected, all because of that mysterious multiple force!"

Cyborg looked at the virtual screen between his hands and said.

"By watching the destroyed buildings being restored and the dead resurrected, I feel that there must be a power of time, because the signs are exactly the same as time backwards, and those who are injured and resurrected do not remember what happened before, or even I don't remember being hurt or dying!"

Flash Barry Allen said with a serious face.

"The point that Barry is making is exactly the same as going back in time, it's that someone has rewound the time of these people, and more importantly, other people who are not injured have not experienced time rewinding, and I have never heard of it at this point. !"

"Usually time regression is targeted at the whole, so no one will remember what happened, but now it is targeted at individuals, only those who have experienced time regression do not know what happened, while others have no impact!"

Batman Bruce Wayne said.

"If that's the case, someone must have done it on purpose!"

"First of all, time regression must be caused by humans or machines, and it will not appear for no reason, especially this crisis of universe destruction."

"Secondly, Cyborg said that this mysterious force contains time, space and other unknown energies, which means that someone must have deliberately done it to save the universe, and if the force that destroys the world is antimatter, then it must be with Anti-Surveillance related."

"But we have defeated the anti-matter, and our friend Oliver died with the anti-monitor at the cost of his life. Now that the anti-monitor is dead, who restarted the anti-matter mechanical tower?"

"Besides, who wants to destroy the world? Why do you want to destroy the world? And who stopped the destruction? What is the mysterious power he used?"

"Based on the information we know, we know very little about what happened this time. If someone hadn't stepped forward, I don't think anyone would have been able to escape this crisis!"

Superman concluded.

"The anti-monitor is dead, but the anti-matter mechanical tower stayed, which eventually triggered this crisis again. We thought about destroying the anti-matter mechanical tower, but the observers told us that once the anti-matter mechanical tower is destroyed or If you forcefully stop it, the entire universe will disappear!"

"So when the infinite universe was in crisis, we didn't destroy the antimatter mechanical tower!"

When Supergirl thought about the crisis of the infinite universe, several of them were taken to the space where the antimatter mechanical tower was located, for which the Flashes of other universes were sacrificed.

"If this crisis is caused by the antimatter mechanical tower, even if the destruction of the universe is prevented, the antimatter mechanical tower still exists. Doesn't that mean that this situation may occur in the future? The crisis of universe destruction has never been eliminated?"

Batman Bruce Wayne said worriedly.

"Antimatter mechanical tower? Why didn't you say it before?"

Wonder Woman asked.

During the crisis of the infinite universe, only a few heroes had seen the anti-matter mechanical tower, and no one else had seen it, because the infinite universe had been destroyed at that time, and only the space where the anti-matter mechanical tower still existed.

"That was not a memorable event. It was too cruel for the people we went through. No one wants to bring it up again, especially when we sacrificed a good friend for it!"

Among these people, Barry the Flash and Oliver Quinn the Green Arrow had the best relationship. Oliver's death hit Barry very hard, and others would not say much to take care of his emotions.

"Things are different now! Tell us what you went through!"

Batman said with a serious face.

The crisis has not been resolved, and superheroes cannot let down their vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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