The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 893 The Avengers Assemble

Chapter 893 The Avengers Assemble ([-])

Xiong Xiaopang, who was playing the game with all his heart, suddenly stopped, and he turned his head to look into the distance suspiciously.

"Xiao Wu, why do I seem to feel the breath of that kid Loki?"

Xiong Xiaopang put down the game controller in his hand and walked to Logan and asked.

"I thought Fatty only knew how to play games! It's not easy to find Loki!"

Logan looked at Xiong Xiaopang in surprise and said.

"Why is he here? Sol came and left before, and Loki is here again this time. Is there something wrong with Asgard?"

Xiong Xiaopang scratched his head and asked.

"No, it's just Loki's boring ambition!"

Logan shook his head and said.

"Frivolous ambition? What do you mean?"

Xiong Xiaopang tilted his head and asked, looking at Logan who was lying on the side.

"Occupy the earth and become king, that's all Loki's ambition!"

Logan said.

"When he was in Asgard, Loki seemed to be robbing Sol's throne. Do you want to turn his attention to the earth again? He is so obsessed with the throne!"

Xiong Xiaopang sighed helplessly and said.

"People have their own aspirations, but Loki is not reconciled. Coupled with Sol's concern for the earth, Loki naturally targets the earth, just to hurt Thor."

Logan said.

"Aren't you going to intervene?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked.

"Why should I intervene? If I intervene in everything, what are those superheroes doing? What's more, now that the Avengers have initially formed, this is a test for them."

Logan spread his hands and said.

"The Avengers? It's an interesting feeling!"

Xiong Xiaopang said with bright eyes.

"What? Do you want to participate too?"

Logan looked at Xiong Xiaopang in surprise and asked.

"How can I miss such an interesting event! I must participate!"

Xiong Xiaopang rubbed his hands excitedly and said.

"Since you want to participate, go for it. Playing games at home every day will make you moldy. You should go out for a walk, fat uncle!"

Logan looked at the excited Xiong Xiaopang and said.

"It makes sense, how can such an interesting thing lack me! Just to see if Loki has grown!"

Xiong Xiaopang nodded in agreement.

"Well, go! Don't play too much, I won't go, and I have to monitor some restless guys!"

Logan said.

"Okay, I'll be back when I go!"


Xiong Xiaopang couldn't wait to fly into the sky, and flew towards the position of the space carrier.

"Baqi, look at Fatty Uncle, don't let him get into trouble!"

Logan said to Yamata no Orochi who wanted to keep up with Xiong Xiaopang.

"Yes, Immortal, I will definitely not let anyone hurt Fat Master!"

Yaqi snake hurriedly nodded in response, and then quickly followed.

"Interesting! The next thing will be even more interesting!"

Logan watched the figures of Xiong Xiaopang and Yamata no Orochi in the sky gradually turn into two black spots and said with a smile.

Loki never expected that his arrival would attract Xiong Xiaopang's attention. Although he expected that Logan would not make a move, he did not expect Xiong Xiaopang to make a move. If Loki did, he would have planned more carefully .

At this time, Loki had already used tricks to get himself arrested and imprisoned in the cell of the space carrier. Only Captain America felt that there was a problem with Loki on the S.H.I.E.L.D.

The current Avengers are not so united, and there are some big or small contradictions among them. Tony is very upset with Steve because of his father Howard's appreciation of Captain America. He always mocks Steve as an old man. Especially now that Steve looks younger than Tony.

Dr. Hulk Banner was upset by Hulk's influence, and there was always anger in his heart, but this anger was suppressed by Banner.

Although Thor likes the earth the most, he can barely be called a god, so he looks down on the other Avengers of mortals, which is not intentional by Thor.

Although the bald guy has gathered the Avengers, he is not at ease with these people. The Avengers are not only a powerful threat to the enemy, but also very dangerous to the S.H.I.E.L.D. If there is no contradiction, it is far more dangerous than Loki.

Coupled with the influence of the Heart Gem in the center of Loki's scepter, the conflict between the Avengers is magnified. At this time, the Avengers are having a dispute, all of which are Loki's tricks.

After he learned about the Avengers from Hawkeye, he knew that if he did not separate the Avengers, his plan would be very troublesome and might even be blocked, so Loki was arrested with tricks , and then rely on the power of the mind stone to disintegrate the Avengers from within.


An explosion interrupted the quarrel between the Avengers, and the space carrier shook violently. It turned out that Hawkeye, who was abducted by Loki, used the loophole to attack the space carrier.

The most dangerous thing on the entire space carrier is the Hulk. Once this guy goes crazy, the entire space carrier can be torn apart by him. This is also Loki's strategy, which angered Banner and turned him into a Hulk.

"Put on your battle armor!"

Captain America got up and said to Tony who fell on the ground.

"Okay! Listen to you!"

Now is not the time to quarrel, the enemy has already fought, Tony and Steve are going to put on the battle armor, and the other is going to get the shield to meet the enemy.

"Hurry up and get the weapon!"

At this time, the space carrier is in chaos, one of the hosts has been destroyed, and no trace of the enemy has been found.


The bald man called his right-hand men.

"The outside of the carrier is under attack, the number three engine is destroyed, we are hit! Lose one more engine and we are doomed! Someone has to fix the engine!"

Hill found out the situation of the space carrier as quickly as possible and reported it to the bald man.

"Stark, did you hear that?"

Nick called Tony Dow.

"I'll fix it!"

At present, only the battle armor on Tony's ship can go outside to repair the engine, and this task can only be entrusted to him. Steve is responsible for assisting Tony.

"Colson, open the defensive blockade in the closed area! Then go to the armory!"

Nick calls Coulson.


Nick called the Black Widow again. Before the explosion, the Black Widow was with Dr. Banner.

"I'm fine!"

Black Widow replied.


Banner beside Black Widow made a suppressed sound.

"We're fine, right?"

Natasha looked at Dr. Banner lying on the ground worriedly and asked, this is a nuclear bomb, once it explodes in the sky, almost no one will be spared.

At the same time, Hawkeye led the team quietly into the interior of the space carrier through the vent, preparing to destroy and rescue Loki.

"Banna? You have to insist, or you will fall into Loki's trick!"

"We'll be fine, listen to me!"

Black Widow kept comforting Dr. Banner.

"Are you hurt?"

Some soldiers rushed over here, but the black widow stopped them with gestures and told them to leave here quickly.

"We'll be fine, okay? I put my life on me and I'll get you out!"

Dr. Banner has started to transform, his body has started to turn green, Hulk is about to explode!

(End of this chapter)

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