The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 894 The Avengers Assemble

Chapter 894 The Avengers Assemble ([-])
"Your life!"

Dr. Banner's voice has changed, his sanity is constantly losing, and he can no longer suppress Hulk.


Dr. Banner began to transform, the clothes on his body were shredded, and his body continued to grow.



Dr. Banner turned into a Hulk, let out a roar, and smashed the iron can beside him with a punch.

"The beast is out!"

Loki, who was being imprisoned, heard Hulk's cry, and said with a smile of successful plot on the corner of his mouth.

"Yo, have you started fighting yet? Luckily you're not late!"

Xiong Xiaopang, who had just flown to the space carrier, also heard Hulk's roar, and when he saw the engine was destroyed, he immediately became excited.

"Fatty, be careful!"

Yamata no Orochi, who was behind Xiong Xiaopang, said, but from his excited look, it can be seen that Yamata no Orochi's hands were itchy.

"Little Ba, here comes the opportunity to show your talents! You can't compete with me!"

Xiong Xiaopang pulled out the green bamboo stick behind him and said with bright eyes.

"All right!"

Yamata no Orochi replied honestly.

"Let's go!"

Xiong Xiaopang kicked his short legs, and quickly rushed to the interior of the space carrier, rushing towards the place where Hulk roared.

"Steel clatter..."

Natasha struggled to lift off the iron pipe that was pressing on her body.


Startled by the sound, Hulk looked back to see Natasha standing up.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Heavy and powerful footsteps sounded, and Hulk rushed towards Natasha. Hulk in anger would destroy everything that moved in front of him, and now he aimed at the black widow.


Natasha ran desperately. Once Hulk caught up with her, her life would be over. Fortunately, they were in the cabin at this time, and the space was small, so Natasha would not be caught up by Hulk at once, but the distance is also shortening.




There was a sound of machinery being crashed in the cabin, showing Hulk's destructive power.

Natasha was running hard, but the distance between Hulk and her was getting closer and closer. Natasha felt miserable, she survived so many battles, is she going to die at the hands of her companion?


Hulk, who chased after Natasha, swung his casserole-sized fist at Natasha. Natasha closed her eyes tightly. After waiting for a while, she found that Hulk's fist hadn't landed yet, and opened her eyes for a while. Look, a panda that is not as tall as she is sitting blocks the Hulk's fist.

"Hello, beauty, leave this big guy to me, go and drink coffee leisurely!"

Xiong Xiaopang turned his head and winked at Natasha and said.


Natasha was amused by Xiong Xiaopang. She knew very well about Xiong Xiaopang's identity. When Xiong Xiaopang showed his power, Natasha was attracted by this panda, and she knew that she was safe.

"Please, fat man!"

Natasha knows that Xiong Xiaopang likes to be called Lord Xiong the most, and looks domineering.

"Hey, no..."



Before Xiong Xiaopang could finish his chatter, Hulk kicked him flying and knocked down the wall next to him.

"Hey, I'll go! If you dare to disrespect Fat Master, you're dead, see if I don't cut you to death!"

Xiong Xiaopang was furious, and actually made himself ashamed in front of beautiful women. This uncle can bear it, but his aunt can't bear it, so he must teach this green man a lesson.

"Huh? Fatty, you're here too!"

Sol heard the voice here and rushed over, only to see Pang Xiong who was kicked away by Hulk.

"Sol! This big green guy is mine, you can't take it from me!"

Xiong Xiaopang glanced at Sol and said.

"Okay, I won't fight with you, I'll go and see Loki, I can't let him escape! Get him out as soon as possible, or this space carrier will be destroyed!"

Sol knows the character of Xiong Xiaopang, whoever dares to grab the target he likes, Xiong Xiaopang dares to be anxious with anyone, so Sol is going to check on Loki's situation, with Xiong Xiaopang here, Hulk It's just a matter of time before it's settled.

"This spaceship is my favorite toy, how could he destroy it!"

Xiong Xiaopang likes this kind of advanced technology the most. The first time he saw the space carrier, he regarded it as his own toy and never allowed anyone to destroy it.


Hulk let out a roar, and rushed towards Xiong Xiaopang, the solid ground inside the space carrier was crushed by Hulk.

"Asshole, look at the stick!"

As soon as Xiong Xiaopang talked about the green bamboo stick, he swept towards Hulk who was rushing towards him.


An embarrassing situation happened, Xiong Xiaopang's body was too small compared to Hulk, and the bamboo stick he waved did not hit Hulk's body, but was caught by Hulk instead.



Hulk picked up the bamboo stick and brought Xiong Xiaopang to the ground, and Comrade Xiong Xiaopang was thrown face to the ground.

"Asshole, the fat man is angry, you are dead!"


Xiong Xiaopang got up and took a deep breath, his body suddenly became bigger, a head taller than Hulk, it's not that Xiong Xiaopang didn't want to become taller, it's just that the height of the floors here is limited, no matter how high it is, it will break the upper floor up.

"Look at my Overlord Fist!"

Fatty didn't use the green bamboo stick anymore, and started hand-to-hand combat with Hulk. In Fatty's words, hand-to-hand combat can reflect the domineering of a male bear. Although Fatty likes to shoot guns secretly, but in the Marvel world There were few people who could threaten Fat Master, so Fat Master began to aggressively choose hand-to-hand combat.


The fat man hit Hulk in the face with a punch, deforming Hulk's face.


Hulk flew aside and crashed the plane.


After Hulk got up, he roared angrily. It was obvious that Hulk's size was bigger. This is the characteristic of Hulk, the angrier he is, the stronger he is.


Hulk stomped on the ground hard, and his whole body rushed towards Xiong Xiaopang like a cannonball.


Hulk bumped into Xiong Xiaopang's head, and immediately Xiong Xiaopang felt as if someone hit his head with a planet, and the sky was full of stars twinkling.

"Fatty, hurry up! If this continues, the space carrier will sink!"

Nick in the main control room also knew about the situation at the lower level. After learning of Xiong Xiaopang's arrival, Nick breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from his many contacts with Xiong Xiaopang, the other party would never let go of such a showman chance.

"This is impossible! Fatty finally found such a satisfactory toy, how could this damn big guy destroy it! Look at Fatty's Fengshen legs!"

Xiong Xiaopang knew that it was not the time to play, so he immediately started to show off his power, and kicked Hulk, who was immediately kicked away.

"Ouch, what the hell!"

But while Hulk was being kicked away, he grabbed Pang Xiaopang's short legs, and one person and one bear flew out at the same time.


Hulk shattered the glass and quickly fell to the ground with Xiong Xiaopang.

In this way, Xiong Xiaopang and Hulk flew out of the space carrier under the shocked gaze of a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers.

"What a good man, no, what a bear! Self-sacrifice!"

The S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers looked movedly at Xiong Xiaopang who disappeared before their eyes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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