The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 895 The Avengers Assemble

Chapter 895 The Avengers Assemble ([-])
"Fat man!"

Seeing that Pang Xiong was dragged out by the Hulk, Yamata no Orochi hurriedly flew out with him.

Hulk's problem was solved by Xiong Xiaopang, and all the enemies who invaded the interior were wiped out except Hawkeye, who was shaved by the Black Widow and passed out.

Sol, an idiot, was still played by Loki, and he put himself in a cell, and was thrown by Loki from a height of [-] meters with the cell, and Loki escaped successfully.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also caused a lot of casualties. Nick's capable man Coulson still did not escape the fate of being stabbed by Loki, but Loki was also hit by Coulson with a new weapon , although it didn't cause too much damage, I have to say that the physique of the Protoss is indeed powerful and terrifying!

"Agent Coulson is dead!"

Nick's sad voice came through the communicator.

"The medical team has rushed over!"

Nick's subordinates report.

"They are here, they are useless!"

Nick said.


Tony, Steve, and Natasha, who were still on board, were very sad when they heard the news. Among the three, Natasha had the deepest friendship with Coulson, and Tony also often dealt with Coulson. Steve Although less, he knew that Coulson admired himself the most. Before Hawkeye attacked the space carrier, Coulson wanted Steve to sign him.

"Found it in Agent Coulson's coat, he'll never get your autograph!"

Nick threw Coulson's hard-earned card about Captain America on the table in front of Steve and Tony, and Steve picked up the card sadly.

"We are in a blind state, the communication is broken, we can't find the Rubik's Cube, Banner, Sol, and Fatty are gone! I can't do anything, I lost my best confidant, maybe I did it myself!"

"That's right, we originally planned to use the Rubik's Cube to make weapons, but I didn't bet on it, but on a more risky project!"

"That's my ideal, Stark knows, we call it the Avengers Project, the idea is to bring together the best people in the world and see if they can make a bigger difference!"

"When we need them most, they can work together to fight against the enemy we are not sure to defeat! Coulson believed in this ideal until his death, and he believed in the existence of heroes!"

Nick Fury looked at Captain America and Iron Man sitting in front of him and said, Tony got up and left the main control room when he heard this, he always had an opinion on Nick in his heart, and was full of guilt for Coulson's sacrifice.

The idea of ​​the Avengers came about when Nick was influenced by Captain Fantastic. For this reason, he also worked hard for a long time to promote this plan, but he was always rejected by the committee. Overcome obstacles from the heroes.

They all have varying degrees of contempt for each other, and the current situation is also related to the conflicts between the Avengers. Nick Fury knows that Coulson's sacrifice is an opportunity to unite the superheroes.

"Okay! That's a corny concept indeed!"

Nick looked at the back of Tony leaving and laughed at himself.

Captain America Steve looked at the cards on the table without saying a word. His heart was full of anger, guilt and confusion. He thought that World War II was over and the world would usher in peace, but he didn't expect that he was facing a more powerful He is at a loss, not knowing when peace will truly come.

It can be said that the Avengers were messed up by a small trick of Loki, which hit the Avengers very hard, and their self-confidence was strongly impacted.

When facing the enemy alone, they were victorious in all battles, but why were they easily defeated by the enemy when they were together, making them lose face.

Thor struggled to escape from the cage. Hulk smashed an abandoned factory building with Xiong Xiaopang and fell to the ground. Hawkeye was tied up. Natasha was watching him, Tony was regretting, Steve On reflection, the Avengers lost their first battle with Loki.

"Ouch, my waist!"

Xiong Xiaopang lay on the ground moaning, trying to reach his waist with his hands, but found that his arms were too short to reach, and Dr. Banner had recovered his body, lying there naked and unconscious.

"Fatty, are you okay?"

Yamata no Orochi landed beside Xiong Xiaopang and hurriedly asked.

"Help me up, I twisted my waist!"

Xiong Xiaopang felt a sharp pain in his waist when he moved.


Yamata no Orochi hurriedly picked up Xiong Xiaopang.

"Is this naked man the real body of that big green guy?"

Yamata no Orochi looked curiously at Dr. Banner who was about to wake up and asked.

"Ang, if he hadn't returned to his original state, I would have killed this bastard, and even ruined Fat Master's handsome appearance. How can Fat Master see people in the future!"

Xiong Xiaopang looked at Dr. Banner who opened his eyes angrily and said.

"who are you?"

Dr. Banner opened his eyes and saw a burly man standing in front of him holding a panda.

"Put on clothes, this bear is not interested in naked men!"

Xiong Xiaopang curled his lips and said.

"The panda has spoken!"

Dr. Banner looked at Xiong Xiaopang in shock, which was beyond his understanding.

"You have an opinion! If you hadn't dragged the fat man out of the space carrier, now the fat man is enjoying the treatment of a hero!"

While Xiong Xiaopang was talking, Yamata no Orochi found clothes for Dr. Banner and threw them to him.

"Are you also on the space carrier?"

Dr. Banner, who was getting dressed, heard what Xiong Xiaopang said, looked at Xiong Xiaopang in surprise and asked.

"Nonsense, if Fatty didn't stop you, you would have destroyed Fatty's big toy. You are a doctor, right? You are responsible for repairing the damaged space carrier!"

Xiong Xiaopang pinched his waist with one hand and pointed at Banner and said.

"Stop me? You stopped the Hulk?"

Dr. Banner put on his clothes and looked at Xiong Xiaopang suspiciously, and then glanced at the strong Yamata no Orochi, obviously not believing what Xiong Xiaopang said.

"Hulk? That big green guy? Yes, it was Fatty who stopped you! Fatty kicked you away with one Fengshen kick! If you hadn't dragged Fatty off, Fatty is now teaching that boy Loki Woolen cloth!"

Xiong Xiaopang said proudly.

"Loki? By the way, I don't have time to chat with you here. I know where Loki took the Rubik's Cube. I have to rush to stop Loki!"

Banner thought of finding the location of the Rubik's Cube before the attack, and he had to stop Loki before activating the Rubik's Cube.

"Wait, tell Fatty where is the location! Fatty is going to beat up Loki! This bastard came to Earth and dare not say hello to Fatty, don't you know that Earth is Fatty's territory!"

Xiong Xiaopang said Dr. Banner who prevented the medicine from leaving.

"I really don't have time, so stop making trouble!"

Dr. Banner said anxiously.

The time was urgent and there was no delay, and Banner couldn't care about anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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