The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 896 The Avengers Assemble

Chapter 896 The Avengers Assemble ([-])
"Boy, you are underestimating Fat Lord! Let me tell you, just that kid Loki, Fatty can slap him to death!"

Xiong Xiaopang pinched his waist angrily and said.

"Okay, okay, you are the best, can I go?"

Banner asked anxiously.

Although he didn't know what Loki was going to do, it was definitely not a good thing. He had to help his companions stop Loki, but he was stopped by a panda and a burly man who didn't know the name.

"When will you get there by yourself! Tell me where it is, and I will take you there as quickly as possible!"

It's not that Xiong Xiaopang doesn't know the seriousness of the matter. If he wants to express himself well, he must join the war, so the fat man generously doesn't care about Banner's rudeness.

"At Stark Tower in New York!"

Banner looked at Xiong Xiaopang suspiciously and said.

"Stark Tower? Tony's ugly mansion? Loki's taste is getting worse and worse!"

Xiong Xiaopang said with disgust.

"Can we go?"

Banner asked speechlessly.

"Oh, yes, let's go!"

"Xiao Ba, it's up to you!"

Xiong Xiaopang jumped on Yamata no Orochi's shoulder and said.

"Okay, fat man!"

"Little guy, hurry up!"

Yamata no Orochi stepped forward and grabbed the confused Banner and said.

"What do you mean?"

Banner was still a little confused about the situation.

"Take you to fly!"


"Ah, wait!"

Before Banner could react, Yamata no Orochi soared into the sky and flew towards Tony's building quickly, and Banner's miserable cry came from the air.

At this time, the other Avengers have come to the battlefield to fight Loki and his troops.

Professor Silvig successfully used Tony's clean energy to activate the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, opened the space channel, and summoned the Chitauri. Countless Chitauri entered the earth through the space channel, causing great damage to New York. .

There are Chitauri flying around in flying machines, as well as on the ground, and there are huge cyborg monsters that can tear apart tall buildings with ease.


Huge mechanical monsters swam over the heads of the Avengers, leaving them dumbfounded.

"Stark, did you see this?"

Steve looked up at the mechanical beast that was constantly destroying and asked.

"I see it, but I still can't believe it. Where is Banner? Is he still here?"

Tony approached the mechanical beast in the air and asked.


Steve asked.

"Tell me immediately if you have any news!"

Tony said.

To deal with this kind of behemoth, Hulk is the most suitable.

And Thor was tricked by Loki again, and he was stabbed. Sol has always wanted to persuade Loki to change his mind, even if he was tricked by Loki again and again, but Sol is happy to die. !
"There are still many people trapped inside!"

Hawkeye looked at the building beside him and said.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Under the leadership of Loki, the Chitauri attacked the ground frantically, and countless people ran away in panic.

"They need our help."

Steve looked at the earthlings attacked by the Chitauri and said.

"Let's deal with these, you go!"

Natasha said to Steve.

"Can you two stop it?"

Steve asked with some concern, after all, there were no longer a few Chitauri rushing towards them.

"Captain, we are willing!"

Hawkeye drew an arrow and shot it out.

At this moment, Hawkeye is full of hatred for Loki and the Chitauri. At the same time, he also hates himself. Hawkeye also played a big role in the success of the Rocky plan and the Chitauri invasion. The situation at that time was forced, but what was done was done. Hawkeye now directed all his anger on the Chitauri, and every arrow of his would take away a Chitauri.




Under the cover of Hawkeye and Black Widow, Steve moved around nimbly, like a spirit ape in the jungle, while avoiding the attacks of the Chitauri, he kept fighting back and successfully broke into the building , and rescued ordinary people who were about to be murdered by the Chitauri, but he himself was blown out. Fortunately, Steve's physique is far superior to ordinary people, otherwise he would have taken half of his Life.

While Hawkeye and Black Widow blocked the enemy on the bridge, they also rescued ordinary people trapped in the car. Although the strength of this pair of elite agents is far inferior to that of other superheroes, their dedication is no better than that of other superheroes. few.

The first time the Avengers assembled in front of the world, they left a deep impression on the world.



Sol turned into Thor at this moment, summoning powerful thunder and lightning to blast the Chitauri into scum.

"What's going on up there?"

Steve, who reunited with Hawkeye and Black Widow, looked at Saul who had fallen from the sky and asked.

"Cannot penetrate the energy surrounding the Rubik's Cube."

Sol said.

"Sol is right, we have to deal with these guys first!"

Tony, who was struggling to kill the enemy in the sky, said.

"what should we do?"

Natasha asked.


Steve said.

"I still have a debt to settle with Loki!"

Sol said.

"Really? Then you have to line up!"

Hawkeye wished he could tear Loki apart.

"Well, Loki will definitely concentrate his forces against us! Get rid of him, and they will mess up! Stark is in the sky, and he needs us!"


Suddenly, a loud bang interrupted Steve's words.

"HIAHIAHIA! The fat man is here! These little miscellaneous fish are dead!"

Xiong Xiaopang said excitedly with his eyes shining.

"Ah, things look bad!"

Said Banner who was put down by Yamata no Orochi.

"I've seen worse!"

Black Widow said.


Banner apologized.

"Never mind, we need worse now!"

Black Widow said.

"Stark, we found him!"

Steve contacted Tony and said.


"Yes, it's him!"

"Tell him to get ready, the carnival is about to begin!"


As soon as Tony finished speaking, he saw a huge mechanical beast appearing behind him.

"I don't think it's rave-worthy!"

The black widow looked at the mechanical beast that was getting closer and said.

"Wa hahaha……"

"I like it! No one is allowed to rob me!"


When Xiong Xiaopang heard the voice behind him, he turned around and looked excited. Before Banner transformed, our Fat Master took the first step.

After Xiong Xiaopang jumped off the shoulder of Yamata no Orochi, he jumped up, waving a green bamboo stick in his hand.

"big big big!"

The green bamboo stick in Xiong Xiaopang's hand became bigger and bigger, and his body also grew bigger.



The green bamboo stick hit the mechanical beast fiercely, and the mechanical beast died on the spot in an instant, and many Chitauri people died along with it.

"I go!"

"This panda is so ruthless!"

Hawkeye stared dumbfounded at Xiong Xiaopang's huge body and said in shock, he hadn't seen Xiong Xiaopang's strength before. At this moment, Hawkeye felt that his side was sure to win, Xiong Xiaopang and Hulk were invincible!
(End of this chapter)

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