The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 911 Resurrection

Chapter 911 Resurrection (Two in One)

"Don't cause too many killings, or follow the wish of the fairy world, have you forgotten what happened to humans in ancient times?"

Logan looked at the heroic Chi You and said.

"Then what do you say? Now the world spreads my infamy, and it is almost impossible to get rid of my identity as a devil!"

Chi You put away his excitement and said.

"This requires a long-term plan, and the Immortal Realm has already disclosed the news that you may be alive. Now the Eight Immortals are looking for you everywhere. The key place to check is where the five enchantments on your body are sealed."

Logan said.

"Eight Immortals? From the Immortal Realm? I haven't heard of it, the junior who rose later?"

Chi You had never heard of the existence of the Eight Immortals and knew nothing about them.

"The Eight Immortals belong to Taoism and have nothing to do with the fairy world. The Eight Immortals are the honorific name for them in the human world. For you, they are younger generations. It's normal if you haven't heard of them."

"However, these eight people are not simple. A single person may not pose much threat to you, but if eight people join forces, they will be a force that cannot be underestimated."

"For thousands of years, they have brought a lot of trouble to the fairy world, and I have never had direct contact with them, and now there are mutants with superpowers, which are very different from those in ancient times. Individual strength may It’s hard to say how strong they are, but if they unite, no force will dare to underestimate them.”

"It's just a pity that there are fairy worlds stirring up secrets, and it is very difficult to unite them, but for you who are about to return to the human world, this is a force that cannot be given up. You must find a way to gather them together To my subordinates, only in this way will you have a chance to fight against the fairy world, otherwise you will only die."

"And if you die this time, you are really dead. There is no chance for you to return to hell, and you will completely disappear from the world, just like the Three Emperors and Five Emperors!"

Logan really needs someone to come out to fight against the fairy world for him. Now I don’t know how many pairs of eyes have been staring at him, waiting for him to make a mistake and swarm him, so Logan decided to do nothing in the near future, just rest assured Watching a play, responding with fiction and reality.

"I can't let them attack me, so I'll stick to it honestly! I might as well not return to the human world for such a grievous thing. At least I am still the overlord here. Except for a few existences of the same level, no one dares to do whatever they want." Give me your hands!"

Chi You frowned when he heard what Logan said.

Who is Chi You?That is a famous god of war. Even if humans regard him as a demon king, they will never belittle his combat power. His prestige was earned by fighting. If he returns to the human world, he can only be beaten and cannot fight back. It was absolutely impossible for Chi You to accept it, it was an insult to him.

"I didn't tell you not to fight back! It's just that you don't want to kill evil. After all, they were also deceived by the fairy world. Just like you back then, you are the only immortal ancestor left in the human world. Take it easy."

Logan looked at Chi You with a displeased face and persuaded him.

"What if I can't control my strength and kill them? You have to know that in a war, the bigger I am, the more excited I am. I can't guarantee that I will kill them all when I get excited!"

Chi You said with a relieved expression.

"How about this! I will tell you who you can kill and who you should try not to kill, and after you return to the fairy world, I will also arrange for you to hide behind the scenes as much as possible, and don't expose yourself too early, otherwise the plan will be displayed. The difficulty will be greatly increased! It is not a good thing for you!"

Logan said dumbfoundedly.

He was really worried that Chi You's strikes were not important. You must know that during the battle of the deer, Chi You's fighting power was as high as the sky. It wasn't a stumbling block in the fairy world. It took a lot of money to defeat Chi You.

This is also where Chi You has always been dissatisfied. If he lost to the Yellow Emperor in an upright manner, Chi You would have nothing to say, but he lost to a conspiracy, which made Chi You unacceptable.

Had it not been for the death of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors after the decisive battle with the Immortal Realm, Chi You might have come out of hell to trouble the Yellow Emperor.

"It's not my style to play tricks, and I'm not good at it either. If you let me hide in the human world, I might as well not go back."

Chi You said with an unhappy face.

"You can't say that. War doesn't look at the means, but the result. Didn't you just lose to the conspiracy? Don't you want to do it again? This time, you won't have a chance to stand up again!"

Logan felt very tired, Chi You is a reckless man, if he fights hard, he will be worth ten thousand, but using his brain to play tricks will not work, this is his biggest weakness, so Logan must find a way to make Chi You listen to his arrangements, otherwise he will let go. Chi You went out to die.

The current Immortal Realm is much stronger than before. Chi You, a lone family, faced the Immortal Realm with no chance of life and death, without even a chance to resist.

"But I'm not good at it at all! So what do you want me to do?"

Although Chi You was reckless, he was not stupid. Some of his subordinates persuaded him back then, but at that time he was the boss and had the upper hand, so he couldn't listen to him at all. As a result, almost the entire tribe was involved. This made Chi You regret it very much after his death. .

So when Logan suggested that he hide behind the scenes, he also considered it, but he was really not good at this, and he was really no match for the conspirators in the fairy world.

"Don't you need to worry about this, just do what I say, don't make your own decisions, don't worry, I won't let you hide behind the scenes all the time, as long as your subordinates start to take shape, I will let you show up, And when the time comes, we can also take advantage of the Immortal Realm once to return the debts from the ancient times to them!"

Seeing that Chi You's tone had softened, Logan said patiently.

"Why don't you make a move? It's no problem to fight against the fairy world with your strength, right? No matter how big the fairy world is, it's not as big as hell!"

"Besides, there are so many existences in hell that are not weaker than me. If you lead them, you can push them across the fairy world. How much trouble do you need?"

Chi You looked at Logan suspiciously and asked.


Logan looked at Chi You speechlessly, who the hell said that this guy is reckless, his brain reaction is not slow at all, this is trying to pull himself to be the vanguard!

"Things are not as simple as you think. Apart from the fairy world, there are many powerful beings in the entire universe. I can't act rashly, and even though I am the Lord of Hell, I can't bring the evil spirits in hell to fight other forces. This is not allowed, too many hell ghosts leave hell, it will cause hell to be unstable, and those ghosts in the human world can't exert much strength at all, they can only exist like cannon fodder!"

"You are different. Your body is still sealed in the human world. When you return to the human world, you can return to your soul and be resurrected. Other ghosts can't do it. Their strength is nonexistent, and they are useless at all, so I can only rely on it." you!"

"And now is not the time for me to make a move. Not only the fairy world, but also other ancient existences have been staring at me. If I make a move, I must be killed with one blow, otherwise it may lead to a big melee. At that time, let alone the earth, The entire universe could be destroyed."

Logan said with a serious expression.

"Other ancient existences?"

Chi You looked at Logan suspiciously and asked.

"you do not believe?"

Rogan asked.

"No, what kind of existence are they?"

Chi You shook his head and asked.

Chi You has been in hell for thousands of years, and there are ghosts from all over the universe under his command, and he has some understanding of the universe, but those ghosts are too weak to contact higher-level existences, and what they know are only some legends That's all.

"Want to know?"

Logan looked at Chi You.

"Alright, maybe you may come into contact with those existences when you are fighting the fairy world, so let me tell you about it!"

"The composition of this world is very complicated. During your time, powerful enemies from outside did not pay as much attention to the earth as they do now, so you can't get in touch with them."

"The Immortal Realm also exists like them, and it is the closest powerful force to the earth. There are many planets in the Immortal Realm that are like the Earth. The Immortal Realm obtains the resources and luck they need from planets like the Earth. maintain their survival and development.”

"There are other powerful forces in the universe that are doing the same things as the fairy world, including Asgard, Heaven, and the Celestial Group, which have already developed forces."

"There are other powerful individuals, such as Galactus, Selatok, Dormammu, and other different-dimensional existences, as well as the existence of the true God who created the entire universe."

"Many of these ancient existences are staring at the earth, and have invaded the earth more than once. You said that once this level of melee is triggered, do you think the earth will still exist?"

Logan said.

"How could you involve them? Are you and those ancient beings enemies?"

Chi You asked in surprise.

"That's not true, only a few have conflicts, but I don't belong to this world, if I want to destroy one of them or forces, it is likely to cause other people to besiege, this is exclusive, they can fight each other Kill each other and become enemies, but if I do it, it will be a big deal, so even if I can destroy them, I can't act rashly to avoid side effects!"

Logan explained.

"Exclusive? Are you saying that you will cause them to form an alliance to deal with you? That's really troublesome!"

Chi You frowned and said.

"It's possible, so I usually observe and rarely take action, unless the other party wants to destroy the earth. My action is self-defense, and they have no excuse to intervene!"

Logan said.

In fact, these are all Logan's excuses. He just wants to be a bystander as much as possible, but if someone provokes him, Logan will not be soft.

"Okay, I see, I will try my best to listen to your arrangement, when can I return to the human world?"

Chi You glanced at Logan and asked.

In fact, Chi You has a lot of doubts about what Logan said. What kind of siege, Chi You felt that Logan was just fooling him, but Chi You didn't say much.

The reason why Chi You said that was because he wanted Logan to contribute, so the possibility of success would be higher.

"Don't worry, I won't stand idly by if something goes wrong, but you can't rely on me as the main force. You really have to rely on me. I'll be the support at most!"

Logan also understands that Chi You is not so good at fooling around, but Logan doesn't care. If he wants Logan to make a move, it still depends on how capable Chi You is.

"I've also finished my explanation. As soon as your body is found, you can be sent back to the human world. The people I arranged for you are collecting your body. It shouldn't take long!"

Logan said.

The person that Logan said is Hell Dao, and Hell Dao is relieved to see Chi You Luogen, and no one in the Marvel universe knows Hell Dao is his puppet, at most they think it is Logan's subordinate.

Chi You's body was divided into five parts by the Yellow Emperor and sealed on the Wuji, which is the Five Mountains. Chi You's head and body were sealed on the top of Mount Tai, and his limbs were sealed on Mount Heng, Mount Hua, Mount Heng, and Mount Song respectively.

It's just that no one except the Yellow Emperor knew the exact location of the seal, so the Eight Immortals who were divided into four groups searched for a long time in Wuyue, but they couldn't find Chi You's body.

But this is not a problem for Logan. In order to find Chi You's body, Logan used time travel and easily found the place where Chi You's body was sealed.

At this moment, Hell Dao avoided the Eight Immortals and secretly found Chi You's sealed body.

"Chi You's body is really strong enough. After being sealed for thousands of years, it has not rotted at all, and it still exudes a strong vitality. Putting them together, they healed themselves!"

Hell Dao brought Chi You's body to the field of Banquan where the Battle for the Deer took place, and Chi You's soul can only return to its place here.

"The time is up! You can return to the human world!"

Logan received the news from Hell Dao, looked at Chi You and said.


Chi You's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly.

"Really, come with me! Your body has been found!"

Logan got up and said.

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

Chi You couldn't wait to follow Logan out of hell.


A black hole appeared in the field of Sakazumi.

"Shh, shh!"

Logan took Chi You's soul through the black hole and appeared in the field of Banquan.

"Where? Where is my body?"

As soon as Chi You's soul body appeared in the human world, it immediately became a lot more illusory, but he didn't care at all, and looked around to find his body.


Logan pointed to a place not far away and said.

Chi You looked in the direction that Logan pointed, and saw his body lying beside Hell Dao.

"What do you want me to do?"

Chi You asked eagerly.

"Go directly, that person will help you resurrect!"

Logan said.


Chi You's soul quickly flew to the place where his body was.



Hell Pluto was summoned by Hell Road.


Pluto suddenly opened his mouth and two tentacles emerged from it, grabbing Chi You's soul and body and dragging them into his mouth.

"Boom boom..."

The terrifying chewing sound came from Hades' mouth, and the whole process lasted for a short time.



At this time, the sky suddenly changed drastically, with lightning, thunder, and wind dancing, Chi You's resurrection caused a change in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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