The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 912 The First Collision with Eight Immortals

Chapter 912 The First Collision with the Eight Immortals
"Is it appropriate for you to fool him like this? If he finds out, won't he bite you back?"

Hell Road looked at Logan with a stiff expression and asked.

"You have grown up very fast recently, have you been able to think about this? It seems that it is time to unite the six realms!"

Logan didn't answer the question of Hell Dao, and looked at Hell Dao with some surprise.

"After returning from the last DC universe, the evolution rate has increased a lot, but there is still a lot of discomfort, and it will take a while to complete the final evolution."

Hell Road turned his head and looked at Pluto, whose mouth was still chewing, and said.

"Then I will help you and let you overcome the last difficulty, and you will face a battle soon!"

Logan turned his head to look towards the west and said.

"You haven't answered my question yet, what should I do if he finds out?"

Hell Road asked.

"You don't need to do anything, just follow the plan, and I'm not lying to him, but I just didn't tell him the whole truth. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, and what should come can't be stopped. I'm just Just prepare in advance!"

Logan said with a sigh.

"I see!"

Hell Dao nodded mechanically. Although Hell Dao's self-awareness has begun to recover, he still can't figure out too complicated things. On his own, he still needs to go a long way.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Seeing no movement from Logan, the other five suddenly appeared on the scene.

"Shall we start now?"

Hell Road looked at Logan in surprise and asked.

"It's not too late. The Eight Immortals have been alarmed by the momentum of Chi You's resurrection. They are rushing here. You must complete the last step before they arrive!"

Logan frowned and said.

"Is it so fast?"

Hell Dao asked in a daze.

"The Immortal Realm also played a big role in it. Don't forget that there are two guys in the Immortal Realm who have been staring at the Human Realm. There are very few things that can avoid them!"

Logan said with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"Then let's get started!"

Hell Road nodded mechanically and said.

"it is good!"

Logan raised his hands to form a seal.


The other five realms surround the realm of hell in the middle, forming a pentagram formation.

"Six fusions!"


A pentagram fell from the sky, covering Payne's Six Paths.


With a soft shout from Logan, the five figures on the periphery began to become unreal, and the hell path in the middle slowly floated up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

At this time, the five outer realms began to revolve around the central hell realm, at an increasingly faster speed, until they were completely invisible, but the roaring sound indicated that they had not successfully merged.


Logan let out a sigh of relief, he didn't need to do anything more for the fusion of the six realms, and Chi You's resurrection had come to the last moment.

Logan made a calculation and found that neither Hell Dao nor Chi You could be completed before the arrival of the Eight Immortals.

"It seems that we have to delay for a while. The guys in the fairy world are really ruthless! If you catch the opportunity, you will make trouble. It seems that no matter which world the fairy clan is in, it is not a good thing!"

Logan cursed angrily in his heart.

"However, if the opponent is the Eight Immortals, let's be merciful! After all, we will leave it to Chi You to be his subordinate! Just stop it a little bit!"

Logan looked at the direction where the Western Eight Immortals were coming and whispered to himself.

"call out!"

At this moment, a ray of light shot out from Logan's eyes, setting up a phantom formation on the path that the Eight Immortals must pass.

"Isn't it a little exaggerated to use the Absolute Heaven Illusory Formation?"

Logan touched his chin and watched the Eight Immortals who had already appeared in sight rush into the Immortal Illusion Formation set up by Logan.

This celestial illusion array is not an illusion of Sharingan, but a top-level illusion array created by Dongfang Yuhua. At the highest level, it can turn illusion into reality and kill the enemy.

Of course, it is not necessary to set too high a phantom array to deal with the Eight Immortals, as long as the opponent is trapped until Chi You and Hell Dao are completed.

"No, we fell into a trap! Stop!"

Uncle Cao Guo, one of the Eight Immortals, shouted in shock.

"What's wrong? What trap?"

Lan Caihe asked in surprise, he didn't find anything unusual.

"Old Cao, what did you find?"

Tieguai Li limped to Uncle Cao and asked.

"Time is urgent, Chi You's resurrection has come to a critical moment, we won't be able to catch up any later!"

Zhang Guolao turned around on his donkey and said.

"Just now I seemed to see a ray of light falling here in a daze, and then it disappeared, and then we arrived here. I suspect that someone is helping Chi You. We can't rush there blindly, and we have already fallen into a trap!"

Uncle Cao Guo said with a serious expression.

"There is no trap. I think you are thinking too much. Look around. I don't see any enemies except mountains and trees. You don't want to be soldiers!"

Zhang Guolao said anxiously.

"Lu Dongbin, what do you think?"

Lu Dongbin, the most powerful among the Eight Immortals, stopped without saying a word and did not participate in the disputes of the other Eight Immortals, and kept staring at the position where Chi You's resurrection was located.

"I have encountered a strong enemy! You must be careful!"

Lu Dongbin warned with a serious tone.

"Strong enemy? Where is it?"

Zhang Guolao looked around and asked.


At this moment, there was a sudden violent shaking, and a huge figure broke through the ground and emerged.


A huge roar was deafening, hitting the eardrums of the Eight Immortals.

"What is that!"

Han Xiangzi looked at the huge body not far away in shock and shouted.

"I'm talking about a strong enemy!"

Lu Dongbin looked solemnly and found their huge figures.

"Damn it, I'm going to die!"

Both Lan Cai and cold sweat flowed down. Seeing the monster's face made Lan Cai and him scared.

I saw that the huge monster emerging from the ground turned out to be a gorilla, but the body of this orangutan was a bit too huge, at least hundreds of meters high at a glance. This was made by Logan according to King Kong's appearance, of course It is a combination of fiction and reality.


King Kong who discovered the Eight Immortals roared at the Eight Immortals.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

King Kong's huge body quickly rushed towards the Eight Immortals, in a posture that looked like he was about to tear the Eight Immortals apart.


Lu Dongbin, who was at the forefront, shouted, drew his sword and stood ready.

"I feel like I'm going to die!"

Although Lan Caihe started to move, he was completely stunned.

"Old Cao, you crow's mouth!"

Zhang Guolao shouted at Uncle Cao with his own weapon in his hand.

"Don't be distracted! Here we come!"

Lu Dongbin shouted, and the Eight Immortals all raised their weapons and launched their unique formations. The entire Eight Immortals seemed to become one, and a huge light and shadow was stimulated, but compared with King Kong's huge body, it was still There is a big gap.


King Kong jumped up, raised his arms high and slammed into the formation formed by the Eight Immortals.


The faces of the Eight Immortals changed dramatically, increasing their mana output.

(End of this chapter)

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