The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 917 Jade Emperor's Plan

Chapter 917 Jade Emperor's Plan

Even though the Jade Emperor told the Queen Mother about his plan, the Queen Mother still didn't feel relieved, and instead became more worried. She has been with the Jade Emperor for countless years, so it can be said that the Queen Mother knows the Jade Emperor quite well.

The Jade Emperor is not the kind of person who will give up easily. When he was weak, the Jade Emperor thought about how to fight for power. Now that he is sitting on the highest position in the fairy world, how can he give up so easily.

Now that the Jade Emperor wants power, power, and power, and his own strength is beyond the charts, is he really willing to give up everything he has obtained now under such circumstances?Not necessarily!This is what the Queen Mother is worried about. The Jade Emperor has even started to hide it from her now. Who knows what kind of arrangements the Jade Emperor has made in secret? Last shield.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother knew that she should find a way out for herself. He didn't believe that the Jade Emperor suddenly became a saint of asceticism. It was the Jade Emperor's greed that created the current situation.

The most conspicuous example is that the Dongfang Family in the Marvel Universe did not pose any threat to the Jade Emperor at all, but the Jade Emperor still secretly provoked people in order to vent his anger, which led to the situation where the Dongfang Family was almost wiped out. He became a saint, and no one would believe this.

However, the Queen Mother really blamed the Jade Emperor for this matter, and what the Jade Emperor told the Queen Mother was his sincerity. He did not want to have any interaction with the Dongfang family anymore. This change was also when Logan showed his strength. occurring.

It can be said that the Jade Emperor had a psychological shadow on Dongfang's family. Dongfang Yuhua's invincible image had penetrated into the Jade Emperor's heart, making him unable to think of revenge.

It wasn't Jade Emperor's original intention to execute the extermination plan on the Dongfang family. His idea was to teach the Dongfang family a lesson, and he didn't want to destroy the family. Yes, but Dongfang Wu happened to run away.

This change made the Jade Emperor very worried. What he was worried about was not Dongfang Wu, but the fact that Dongfang Wu was alive.

A child who didn't remember anything had miraculously survived in such a murder case. If there was no deep meaning in it, even if he killed the Jade Emperor, he wouldn't believe it.

It would be fine if the child was living outside, but Dongfang Wu was in Dongfang's house at that time. Those who did it dug three feet into the ground, and even the rats that hadn't opened their eyes were trampled to death. In the end, they didn't find Dongfang Wu After those people left, Dongfang Wu unexpectedly appeared outside the gate of Dongfang's house without a sound, and was rescued by Ling Yunzi.

The occurrence of this incident made the Jade Emperor, who had been observing the Dongfang family, startled into a cold sweat, because he did not find out where Dongfang Wu was, let alone how Dongfang Wu appeared, as if suddenly Dongfang Wu appeared there. place.

This discovery made the Jade Emperor uneasy, and he almost wanted to kill the infant Dongfang Wu by himself, but at the last moment, he controlled the idea of ​​doing it himself. He was afraid that after he showed up, he would face a thunderous blow , Jade Emperor suspected that someone was protecting Dongfang Wu behind the scenes.

But what he couldn't understand was who did it, and why he didn't protect the entire Dongfang family, but just such a baby.

In the days to come, the Jade Emperor's surveillance of Dongfang Wu became more stringent. During this process, Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi would suddenly disappear from his consciousness, and when they reappeared, they would deviate from the previous one. Thousands of kilometers, which made the Jade Emperor more sure that someone was secretly protecting Dongfang Wu.

The Jade Emperor has always wanted to find out who was secretly protecting Dongfang Wu, and even he couldn't detect the existence of the other party, but he didn't find anything until Logan showed up.

After Logan showed his power, Jade Emperor suspected that it was Logan who protected Dongfang Wu, not to mention that after knowing that Logan was Dongfang Yuhua's son, Jade Emperor became more convinced of his suspicion.

If Logan knew what the Jade Emperor was thinking, he would definitely admire his imagination. This matter was really not done by Logan. Logan didn't even think that there would be people from the Dongfang family living here.

But who did it, Logan already had a goal in mind, but he didn't confirm it, but the Jade Emperor put this matter on Logan, and Logan would not expose it. Dongfang Wu was his own after all. The descendants of the descendants will be saved if they are saved.

Before Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi arrived at Dongfang's cemetery, various forces had already lurked in the cemetery, but there were not many masters among them, this was just a test after all.

"It seems that ghosts and monsters are jumping out. Our return has indeed touched some people's nerves! But don't sending these shrimps look down on us too much!"

As soon as he stepped into the cemetery, Ling Yunzi noticed several murderous auras. Although he expected to be hunted down, he didn't expect these people to be so impatient.

"Master, if the enemy does not move, I will not move. I want to pay homage to my family first!"

Dongfang Wu said with a solemn expression.

He wants revenge more than anyone else, but in the cemetery of his ancestors, he doesn't want to destroy the peace here, but Dongfang Wu has already sentenced these people to death in his heart, dare to disturb the peace of Dongfang's ancestors, Dongfang Wu will never Will be soft, not to mention that these are the chief culprits that caused the Dongfang family to die.

"Okay, go and worship your parents first! Let their spirits in heaven see your growth!"

Ling Yunzi nodded silently.

Dongfang Wu was silent after hearing this, and came to his parents' grave with a desolate expression, knelt down in front of his parents' grave with a plop, and shed two lines of tears involuntarily.

"Dad, Mom, the unfilial son has come to see the second elder!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After speaking, Dongfang Wu kowtowed three times.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, the two elders, the blood feud of the Dongfang family, the child will never forget, and the child will never let go of all the executioners who attacked the Dongfang family!"

"Dad, Mom, I met the ancestor of the Dongfang family. Under the arrangement of the ancestor, my strength has been greatly improved. I came back this time to avenge the Dongfang family. None of them can escape. , I will find them even in the ends of the earth!"

Dongfang Wu gritted his teeth and said every word, the words were full of hatred, which made Ling Yunzi who was standing by the side very sad.

The little guy who was still in his infancy has grown up. Although there is still a lot of room for growth, Ling Yunzi has already seen Dongfang Wu's future appearance in Dongfang Wu.

And the killers hiding around couldn't hold back the killing intent in their hearts, and they were ready to move, but there was Ling Yunzi beside Dongfang Wu who was always on guard, so they had no chance to make a move, but when the killing intent condensed to the highest The time is when the battle begins.

(End of this chapter)

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