The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 918: The Battle Begins

Chapter 918: The Battle Begins

"What did Dongfang Wu eat in the United States? How did he change from a five-year-old child to a young man in such a short period of time? This change is too surprising!"

The weather witch hiding in the clouds looked at the sad Dongfang Wu on the ground in surprise and said to herself.

Although I have seen Dongfang Wu growing up before, the weather witch still can't believe it. It took less than two years for Dongfang Wu to enter the United States and enter Logan's house before he left!
This is how long a year is like ten years!This is completely beyond the cognition of ordinary people, and the changes are too great.

"However, there are quite a lot of people here! There are so many people who don't want this little guy to survive? I don't know if this little guy can survive this test!"

The weather witch looked at the killer hiding around and whispered.

"It's going to change!"

Ling Yunzi looked up at the gloomy sky and thought secretly.

The entire cemetery is filled with a murderous atmosphere, and the murderous aura is almost condensed into shape. The strong murderous aura rushes towards the face, making people feel a tingling sensation on the skin.

It can be seen that the killers around are all the existences who have experienced bloody storms, and the blood of who knows how many people have been stained on their hands can produce such a strong murderous aura.

"Master, let's go!"

Dongfang Wu put away his sadness and stood up and said.

Ling Yunzi looked at his beloved disciple, and was surprised to find that Dongfang Wu's state of mind had risen to a higher level in this short period of time, and he had faintly shown the demeanor of a strong man.

"it is good!"

Ling Yunzi nodded.

"Whoever wants to kill me, come with me, don't disturb the peace of my family!"

Dongfang Wu glanced around for a week, and said in a cold voice.

"Boom blah blah..."

As soon as Dongfang Wu finished speaking, dozens of masked black-clothed killers appeared in an instant. As soon as they appeared, their murderous intent increased by more than one level.

Dongfang Wu looked at the men in black around him, and the murderous intent in his eyes overflowed. Dongfang Wu took a deep breath, calmed down the thought of doing something, turned around and walked quickly outside the cemetery. He was not far away in the cemetery. Start the killing ring and destroy the peace of the ancestors.


Someone suddenly launched an attack, and the sharp flying knife shot at the back of Dongfang Wu's head in an instant.


The sword on Dongfang Wu's back was unsheathed automatically, blocking the flying knife.

"Next time, I'll tear you to pieces!"

Dongfang Wu paused, said without turning his head, and then quickly walked towards the gate of the cemetery, but the murderous intent on his body became more intense, which already affected the surrounding environment.

"The fish jumped over the dragon's gate, Wu'er has really grown up!"

Ling Yunzi looked at the back of Dongfang Wu leaving quickly with relief. Dongfang Wu's actions just now were enough to see his growth.


Dongfang Wu's warning did not have any effect. Another killer ignored his warning and stabbed Dongfang Wu with his sword.


The flying sword was unsheathed, turned into a long tail, and disappeared in a flash.


The sound of the long sword falling to the ground.


With the flying sword back in its sheath, Dongfang Wu didn't stop this time, and quickly walked out of the cemetery, but from his trembling body, it could be seen that his killing intent was about to be uncontrollable.


On the other hand, the killer who shot turned into a pool of blood mud, which turned into fertilizer to nourish the vegetation in the garden.

This move by Dongfang Wu completely shocked the other killers who hadn’t made a move yet. This time, no one dared to act rashly. Dongfang Wu’s force value exceeded their imagination. At this moment, they realized that they were just being used as a sword-testing stone. This time, he was sent to death with no return.

"Interesting, this little guy is really surprising! It's really interesting!"

The weather witch above the clouds was also stunned, Dongfang Wu's lever acted like a decisive master, which made the weather witch look at her with admiration.


Dongfang Wu, who walked out of the cemetery, turned around to face the many killers, and raised his hand to draw out his magic weapon.

"bring it on!"

The icy voice seemed to be able to freeze the air, and the biting murderous intent turned into substance. All this showed that Dongfang Wu's anger had reached its peak and could no longer be suppressed. Now he continued to have a chance to vent, and the many killers in front of him were Best chance yet.

But at this moment, the killers are unwilling to strike first, because none of the people present are mediocre, they are all existences who have experienced countless life-and-death battles, and they understand that the first one to strike at this moment will definitely bear all the killing intent of Dongfang Wu. They are all waiting for the best time to make a move.

"It's unimaginable that so many people were suppressed by a brat!"

The weather witch whispered with a smile on her lips.

"What? Are you afraid? Where is the momentum just now? Aren't you scrambling to kill me? Come on!"

With a mocking expression on Dongfang Wu's face, he looked at the dozens of killers in front of him with contempt.

This is really tolerable and unbearable!There are so many killers with blood on their hands, but a young man has bluffed them. It's not a shame to say that!


Dozens of killers swarmed up, and it didn't matter whether it was the best time or not, the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for them, the higher Dongfang Wu's momentum would be, and the more oppressed he would be, and he had to break this endless cycle.

"Collect interest first today, and the next one will be the master behind you, and no one can escape!"


Dongfang Wu drew out his sword and said in a cold voice.


"Plop, plop, plop..."

Dongfang Wu suddenly moved at the moment the killers stepped out of the gate of the cemetery. The speed was like lightning. People saw a dazzling light flashing by. The ground was red, causing the killers' momentum to stall immediately.

The killers realized that this kind of swarming was the biggest mistake, and it was an act of death. They immediately changed their strategy, surrounded Dongfang Wu, and changed from fighting directly to restraining Dongfang Wu in all directions, so as to distract Dongfang Wu.

At the same time, several masters focused their attention on Ling Yunzi. From their point of view, Ling Yunzi was far more threatening than Dongfang Wu. Although Dongfang Wu showed extraordinary strength at the beginning, the masters at the scene did not notice. In their eyes, in their view, Dongfang Wu just got the upper hand by surprise, which led to a rather shocking start.

Once these killers under their own hands get serious, they don't think Dongfang Wu can take advantage of it, so they keep looking at Ling Yunzi, who is old and comfortable.

Ling Yunzi has been keeping a low profile since he appeared on the stage. He didn't even care about the killer assassinating Dongfang Wu. meddle.

"Cut the dragon!"

Dongfang Wu held the sword across his chest, and spit out two words unhurriedly. Ling Yunzi, who heard the name of the sword style Dongfang Wu said, suddenly brightened his eyes, and his expression became serious. Attention is raised to the highest level, and Ling Yunzi is on guard with all his strength to prevent him from intervening in the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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