The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 929 Take Action

Chapter 929 Take Action
The Immortal Realm also noticed the battle between Chi You and the monkey, but after the Hell Dao shifted the battlefield, the Immortal Realm lost their traces.

From the perspective of the fairy world, both monkeys and Chi You are one-brained existences, and one side will definitely fall in this battle, but what surprises them is that after the three of them reappeared on the earth, Chi You and Hell Dao were intact, and Monkey There were some injuries, but they didn't look serious.

This discovery made Immortal Realm a little worried. They were worried that the two sides would cooperate. If this is the case, it would not be good news for Immortal Realm. Three people who have made Immortal Realm extremely headaches join forces, and no one is willing to try the destructive power.

But the three separated in the end, as if they didn't want to unite, which surprised the fairy world, but they also wondered if there was any conspiracy in it, pretending that they didn't cooperate, and secretly formed an alliance up.

Although Monkey and Chi You don't seem to be able to use conspiracy and tricks, but Hell Dao is Logan's subordinate, they don't think Hell Dao is a good boy and girl, and the fairy world thinks Hell Dao is like a think tank among the three.

The Immortal Realm, who are constantly suspicious in their hearts, will not let down their vigilance. They have been watching Chi You and Hell Dao's every move, but Chi You and Hell Dao seem to have never thought of hiding their whereabouts. Wearing a cloak similar to Hell Road, as if on a sightseeing tour.

This enigmatic action made Immortal World dare not relax even more. Who knows if it was the smoke bombs released by the two, maybe they were planning something secretly, so that Qianliyan and Shunfenger did not dare to relax in any way. The two of them were very tired during this time Like a dog, he stared at Chi You and Hell Dao, but found nothing abnormal.

The two of them acted like tourists. They walked, stopped, ate, drank and had fun along the way, so unrestrained. Just because the two of them didn't act, it didn't mean that the fairy world didn't act either.

The Immortal Realm actually sent people to watch the Shenspear Bureau, and then sent people to watch Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi, and then sent people to get in touch with the Mandarin, secretly providing power for the Mandarin, and the Immortal Realm is also ready. Ready to go to war at any time.

After receiving the support from the Immortal World, the Mandarin immediately took drastic action, contacting the forces involved in the case of killing Dongfang's family and preparing to take down Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi in one fell swoop.

However, the cunning Mandarin will not rush to the front this time, and let his own people act according to the situation. Once they find that something cannot be done, they will immediately withdraw, and they must not cause big losses again and let other forces rush to the front.

After a period of cultivation, Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi have fully recovered from their exhaustion, and they have made a small breakthrough in strength. At least after using the ultimate move, they will not be exhausted.

"Master, it seems that the number of people watching us has increased recently! Are they going to act again?"

Dongfang Wu secretly looked at the person monitoring them and asked about it.

"Don't be careless. The first time we took advantage of their misjudgment of our strength, we took advantage of it, but the next time they attack, it will definitely be different from the first time, regardless of the strength of the personnel and the impact on us. The level of threat is very different, we can't have any chances, and it is almost impossible to get rid of the opponent at once like the first time."

"Besides, neither Zhanlong from the Dongfang family nor Wanjian Guizong from the Shushan Sword Sect can be used easily. We must regard these two decisions as deterrents. The more we don't use them, the more they will use them, and the more beneficial they will be to us. !"

Ling Yunzi said with a serious expression.

"I know Master. Last time I killed them in seconds, I really didn't enjoy myself! This time I must feel the extent of my strength. Only at the critical moment can unique skills be at their maximum. effect."

Dongfang Wu nodded and said.

"Let's go! I can't hold back, old man, so let us, master and apprentice, have a great fight!"

Ling Yunzi said with sharp eyes shining with the divine sword in his hand.

"Hey, wait for my master!"

Dongfang Wu trotted excitedly to keep up with Ling Yunzi, and the two walked towards the enemy with confident steps.

"Boss, they are preparing to take the initiative to attack, shall we fight?"

The quality of the killer this time is obviously much stronger than the first time. Everyone's murderous intent is perfectly hidden and perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment. Ordinary people can't even notice their existence. There is no trace of emotional fluctuations in human eyes, and the calmness makes people feel terrible.

"Stand still, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and the citron in its early stages will rot first. Our task is to ensure a fatal blow, and retreat immediately if there is no chance! Tell them that no one is allowed to make a move without my order. Once there is a If you have a chance to kill with one blow, follow my command, let's take action together, and make sure to kill with one blow."

Listening to the conversation, one can see that this is the mandarin's subordinate, and he is walking the path of a dead friend who never dies, and he suffered too much last time.

"Yes, I will send the order down immediately, and be ready to act at any time!"

Seeing Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi walking towards them, the killer suddenly burst out with piercing killing intent, and the surrounding environment seemed to have immediately turned into a Shura hell. There was a momentary stagnation in the person's movements, and Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi felt suffocated by the oncoming murderous aura.

This discovery made the two of them understand that the next battle was going to be a tough one. This time the enemy was much stronger than the first time. Dongfang Wu's originally relaxed mood immediately became serious.

His amazing performance in the first battle made the enemy dare not despise him. If this battle is careless, it may become the last battle of his life, so Dongfang Wu immediately put up 100% of his energy Come, hold the sword in your hand tightly, feeling nervous and excited.

"Wu'er, are you ready? Next will be the most difficult battle in your life. If you win, you will become famous all over the world. If you lose, both master and apprentice will die!"

Ling Yunzi asked with a solemn expression.

"Master, you have taught me that the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road. We can only win this battle and not lose. My life has just begun. There are more exciting things waiting for me in the future. I will never lose!"

Dongfang Wu's eyes are full of fighting spirit. How can the Dongfang family show cowardice before the battle? The stronger the enemy, the more the Dongfang family's fighting spirit can be aroused. This is inherited from Dongfang Yuhua. It can be defeated but never retreat.

"Then let's fight, let us master and apprentice kill the Quartet!"

Ling Yunzi was also aroused by Dongfang Wu. Those who practice swords are warlike people. The more critical they are, the more they can arouse their fighting spirit. The next battle is an extremely important battle in the lives of the two masters and apprentices. , is related to the future of the two.

(End of this chapter)

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