The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 930 2 Assassinations

Chapter 930 The Second Assassination
"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

When the two masters were actually becoming more and more prosperous, a large number of killers suddenly appeared. They couldn't just let Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi's aura grow stronger, otherwise the killers would be suppressed by their aura and limit their strength.

Moreover, in order to kill Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi, various forces have offered extremely attractive rewards. Once they can successfully kill the two masters and apprentices, the person who killed them will become an eye-catching strongman from an unknown person. It is precisely because of this that it has attracted a large number of killers.

The prosperity of the world is all about profit, and the chaos of the world is all about profit. No one can resist the temptation of profit. If there is, it is because the profit is not big enough. This time, almost no one can resist the reward for assassinating Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi. The refusal has also attracted many senior masters who have retired to come out.

"Master, they really think highly of us! There are obviously more people this time than last time. There must be hundreds of people who have appeared! And there are still people who haven't shown up yet."

Dongfang Wu looked at the killers who surrounded the two of them and said.

"It's too early to get nothing. From this situation, we can see that someone has offered a big reward! That's why so many people have been attracted. The lives of our master and apprentice are really valuable!"

Ling Yunzi is not surprised at all, since there is no possibility of reconciliation, the other party will definitely get rid of his master and apprentice regardless of everything. No one dared to underestimate the strength shown by the master and apprentice last time. To deliver the head.

"If you want the lives of our masters and apprentices, it depends on whether they have this strength! Master, just watch, let me try the strength of these people first!"


Dongfang Wu took out the divine sword in his hand and said confidently.

"This time there are many and strong people. If you rely on you alone, I don't know how long it will take, and there are still big fish who haven't shown up yet. Let us master and apprentice fight side by side this time!"


Ling Yunzi also drew out his sword and said.

"Hey, okay, let's see if the master kills more enemies or the disciple kills more, master and disciple, disciple goes first!"


As soon as the words fell, Dongfang Wu held the divine sword and turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the killers. The moment the two sides touched, Dongfang Wu raised the sword and took away the lives of several killers in an instant.

Those who had seen Dongfang Wu's last battle were shocked to find that Dongfang Wu's speed was even faster, and within a few days, he broke through again. This speed of progress shocked them, and they became more determined to fight Dongfang Wu. Wu's determination to get rid of it.

"Little ghost, bullying the old man is old and frail!"

Having said that, Ling Yunzi's speed is not slower than Dongfang Wu's at all, and compared to Dongfang Wu's swordsmanship, Ling Yunzi is more concise and sharp. There is no extra movement in each sword, and it directly hits the enemy's loopholes. Can take away an enemy.

Although the master and apprentice caused heavy casualties to the enemy at the beginning, the two of them did not have any emotional fluctuations. They both knew that these killers in front of them were almost no real masters of decision-making, and they were basically cannon fodder. The people behind have a clear understanding of their own strength, and when the other party has figured out their own moves and strength, then it will be the opportunity for these strong men to make a move.


Although Dongfang Wu is young, his participation in battles is far inferior to those of these killers, but he is not weaker than the killers at all, and the other party is here to take his name, Dongfang Wu will not show mercy, so it is difficult for these killers to have a match enemy.

"Although this remnant of the Dongfang family is young, he strikes fiercely. He already has the demeanor of everyone in his moves. The connection between moves is as smooth as water, without any obscureness. He doesn't look like a young man at all, but like An existence that has been famous for a long time."

The killer leader under the Mandarin stared at Dongfang Wu who was tossing and turning on the battlefield and thought to himself.

"Moreover, this Dongfang Wu's moves are very different from the previous Dongfang family's moves. Although the shadow of the Dongfang family's moves can still be seen, they are even more superb. Then Dongfang Wu's sword moves now belong to the Flying Immortal Beyond Heaven, and they are not at the same level at all!"

"In a short period of time, not to mention that people have changed from childhood to adulthood, and even the moves have undergone earth-shaking changes. How did they do it? What is even more terrifying is the underworld standing behind Dongfang Wu. What else is there? Can't he do it?"

The killer leader kept observing Dongfang Wu's moves in secret. He was shocked to find that Dongfang Wu's sword moves were extremely tricky. Every time he made a move, it must be the enemy's weak point, and the speed was so fast that people had no time to react. It has the shadow of the Dongfang family's sword moves, but the essence has completely changed.

The leader of the killer has fought against the Dongfang family many times, so it can be said that he knows the sword moves of the Dongfang family very well. There is a good way to deal with it, which makes him not optimistic about this operation. He only hopes that this first wave of enemies can waste some of Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi's physical strength.


A scream woke up the killer leader who was thinking. He looked up and was shocked to find that during the time he was in a daze, there were not many dozens of killers left in the first wave, and only a few were struggling desperately. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these people can't last a few rounds.

"Arrange the next wave!"

The killer leader calmly gave orders to his opponent.


The subordinates immediately went down to make arrangements, regardless of whether they could cause damage to Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi, but they must not be allowed to stop and rest. For this assassination, several forces mobilized many people. There must be a brave man, and money touches people's hearts. Few people can resist the temptation of money, especially these killers who lick their lives on the knife's edge.

As long as the reward is generous enough, they dare to assassinate even gods.

Although the strength of Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi made these killers palpitate, no one flinched. They themselves lived a life of killing and being killed. Everyone's hands were stained with the blood of countless people. Earned, they are not afraid of death, this time the reward is too generous, they are willing to use their lives as a bet.

From their point of view, there are hundreds of famous killers coming this time, even if they use their lives to fill in the opportunity, it depends on who can seize this opportunity.

So after the death of the first wave of killers, the second wave of killers came up one after another, and their strength was stronger than that of the first wave of killers, and they attacked more ruthlessly. The difference is to disrupt the rhythm of Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi, so as to create a chance to defeat them.

(End of this chapter)

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