Chapter 933

"Come out! We who have been walking in the dark world, let's face the enemy upright in this final battle! Although this is a taboo for killers, we have no choice!"

Liao Bo's slightly hoarse voice sounded, he has never been emotionally fluctuating, this time he felt hope, not the hope of victory, but the hope of a new life.

Years of being a killer made Liao Bo tired, and he had been looking forward to someone who could end his sinful life. Today he saw this hope, and relief was at hand.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

As Liao Bo's words fell, dozens of figures appeared on the scene. These are the last remaining killers. Each of them is a well-known existence in the killer world, and they are all the kings of the killer world.

But this time they all came from the dark to the sunlight. You can’t feel any murderous aura on them, only the most ordinary peace. People are creepy.

"Liao Yidao, I didn't expect that we would fight side by side. The world is impermanent, who would have thought of it!"

The person who spoke was an assassin who debuted at the same time as Liao Bo. His name was Sun Zheng. It is said that this name was given by his mother. He hoped that he would be an upright person. However, he was forced by life to walk on the road of an assassin. From the moment he gave up this name and changed his name to Buwang, he is a king of killers not weaker than Liao Bo.

"Don't forget, being able to be with you in the last battle is also a great blessing in life. Let us be companions on the road to Huangquan!"

Liao Bo looked at Sun Zheng, whose reputation was comparable to his own, and said.

"And I!"

"How could such a good fortune fail me!"

"Haha, I can go to the underworld with two legends in the killer world, how can I miss it!"

"That's right, I have been a killer who hides my head and shows my tail all my life, and today I can finally face the enemy with dignity!"

"There are many companions on the road to Huangquan, Liu will not regret it in this life!"


The other killers also spoke one after another.

"Okay, then let us fight this final battle with our true colors, we can't hide our heads and show our tails when we are dying!"

After speaking, Liao Bo took off his mask, revealing his ordinary appearance.

"Yes, at this moment we are not killers, but martial artists!"

Sun Zheng also took off his mask.

"Hehe, I'm really not used to showing people my true colors!"

"I forgot how long I haven't shown my true colors!"


The other killers also took off their masks. These people looked like extremely ordinary people, and they couldn't tell they were killers at all. Some looked like farmers, some looked like white-collar workers, and some looked like students. , gives the feeling that it has nothing to do with the killer.

But it is precisely this kind of situation that makes them famous in the killer world. The more ordinary people are, the more lethal they are, because they will not arouse the vigilance of the target, and it is more conducive to confusing the target. They do it.

"I have heard of everyone's secret names before, but I have never heard of everyone's real names. Since it is the last battle, let us participate in our real identities! My name is Liao Bo!"

"My name is Sun Zheng!"

"My name is Lin Debiao!"


"Bai Fu!"

"Lee Sen!"

"Zhong Tianyi!"

"Bao Jiang!"

"Zhao Tianlin!"

"Liu Kui!"

"Luo Zhen!"

"Zhang Wen!"

"Zhou Lichao!"

The remaining thirteen killers reported their real names. At this moment, they broke away from their identities as killers and came to the front of the stage as martial arts figures. In the last battle of their lives, they did not want to be like their subordinates, but still be The identity of the killer dies.

These are the thirteen most famous killers in the Chinese killer world, representing the highest level in the Chinese killer world, but they all gave up their status as killers at this moment, because they were all tired of killing, and the one with the shortest time also stayed in the killer world. It has been more than 20 years, and the longest thought has been more than 60 years. None of them want to let go of the identity of the killer.

But once you enter the world of assassins, the only way to leave is death. This is an iron rule. No one has ever survived after leaving the world of assassins. Those people are all dead.

The identity of a killer in the world of killers is secret, but once he leaves the world of killers, his identity cannot continue to be kept secret, and the enemy will naturally be able to find out. The possibility of surviving at that time is almost zero. kill it!
So only those who left the killer world after death, but not those who left the killer world alive.


Ling Yunzi looked at the thirteen killers in front of him with some surprise, among which he recognized the identities of several people, these people had crossed paths with him before, although they were not familiar with each other, at least they knew each other, Ling Yunzi did not expect this Several people turned out to be well-known kings of killers in the killer world, and they were going to have a life-and-death battle with them today.

"Oh, Ling Yunzi, I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way, things are impermanent!"

The oldest Bai Fu walked to the front, looked at Ling Yunzi calmly and said.

"Old Bai, so this is your real identity! No wonder you didn't tell me what you did back then! Just say that I will never know, I never thought it would be like this!"

Ling Yunzi looked at Bai Fu with a complicated expression and said.

"Master, do you know them?"

Dongfang Wu was taken aback when he heard the conversation between the two.

"Lao Bai and I met each other decades ago, and a few others also met each other."

Ling Yunzi nodded indifferently and said.

Regardless of familiarity or not, since they have drawn their swords, they are enemies, and there is no friendship at all, so they can only see the truth.

"People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. Ling Yunzi, what I owe you can only be repaid in the next life, but there is one last sentence I want to tell you, be careful of the people around you!"



After Bai Fu finished speaking, he drew his sword and slit his throat to repay Ling Yunzi's life-saving grace.

"Old Bai, why did you do this!"

Ling Yunzi turned pale with shock, and immediately stepped forward to support Bai Fu, who had already breathed in more and out breathed less.

"I, I know that you are a person with a lot of love. You saved my life back then. Although I am a killer, I can't repay my kindness with revenge. I am a killer for a day and I can't help myself for the rest of my life. The killer will always kill him. Come to relieve me, I'm tired and want to rest a long time ago, but it's a pity that I can't chat with you anymore!"

After Bai Fu encouraged him to speak the last words, he breathed a sigh of relief, and what Ling Yunzi saw on his face was relief and a trace of regret.

"Old Bai..."

Ling Yunzi didn't know what to say for a while, did he hate Bai Fu?No, Bai Fu never attacked Ling Yunzi and Dongfang Wu from the beginning to the end. Among the remaining killers present, he was the only one who was always alone and did not lead his men to surround and kill Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi.

Although he came here alone, he also has the power behind him, not just doing what he wants, but also being driven by the people behind him. Bai Fu stabbed the sword at his big brother not far away, In front of loyalty and righteousness, he sacrificed himself.

(End of this chapter)

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