The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 934 The Final Siege

Chapter 934 The Final Siege
Just like Bai Fu said, once you step into the killer world, you will no longer have freedom, and all actions must be driven by the people behind you.

All killers have been faced with attacking people close to them, just to obliterate the emotions of these killers, but as they grow older, these lost emotions will inevitably reappear. Some experiences will touch their nerves and remind them of the past.

Seeing Ling Yunzi and Dongfang Wu supporting each other, Bai Fu remembered that when he was killed as a killer, Ling Yunzi helped him desperately and led the seriously injured himself out of the encirclement. Ling Yunzi was also seriously injured in the end. .

Ling Yunzi's desperate appearance touched Bai Fu at that time, and made his cold and ruthless heart feel warm. When the killer has emotions again, it will be extremely violent.

Bai Fu is like this, he regards Ling Yunzi as his closest big brother, although he knows that this is a big taboo for killers and is never allowed to appear, but Bai Fu can't control himself, his heart can no longer No longer as hard as when he was a killer.

Worried that he would bring disaster to Ling Yunzi, Bai Fu seldom appeared in front of Ling Yunzi, and more often he paid close attention to him secretly.

But after knowing that Ling Yunzi saved Dongfang Wu and trained Dongfang Wu as a disciple, Bai Fu never appeared in front of Ling Yunzi again, because he had a premonition that one day, because Dongfang Wu himself would become this big brother hostility.

Bai Fu tried his best to avoid this day, but in the end this day came, and Bai Fu inevitably appeared.

Bai Fu is very conflicted about this. On the one hand, he is the big brother who allowed him to be reborn, and on the other hand, he is the leader who is so kind to him and takes him out of the sea of ​​suffering. On the one hand, it is righteousness, no matter which one you choose, it is not what Bai Fuyuan sees.

After thinking hard, Bai Fu chose to be selfish. The first choice he made in his life was to kill himself. This is something Bai Fu would never have thought of!
But he is still relieved, he doesn't have to worry about making any choices, his regret is nothing else, but the two roads he faced when escaping that year, he chose the left road, and finally met Ling Yunzi , if he is given another chance to choose, he will not choose a path, but will choose to fight to the end, so that the following things will not happen.

Not to mention facing such a difficult choice, it's just that there are no ifs in everything, and what the cause and effect are, this is something that no one can avoid.

"Master, don't be sad. Uncle Bai didn't want you to be in trouble, so he chose to kill himself. After this battle, let's bury Uncle Bai alive!"

Dongfang Wu stood next to Ling Yunzi and comforted him softly, while looking vigilantly at the remaining twelve silent killers in front of him.

The twelve killers headed by Liao Bo did not expect that Bai Fu would have such a past with Ling Yunzi, and in the end they ended their sinful life by committing suicide, which made them feel sad.

They have all encountered the situation that Bai Fu encountered back then, but some chose to forget it, some remained indifferent, and some chose to lay hands on the savior after they escaped the disaster.

But the situation is different now. When they thought of what they had done, they had complicated expressions on their faces, but without exception, they all had expressions of regret. It can be seen that Bai Fu's actions touched them greatly, and it also prevented them from taking action at this time. Instead, silently remember the passing of a senior.

"Old Bai, it's been a few years since the last farewell. I didn't expect this encounter to be a farewell. After this battle, if my brother survives, I will catch up with you. You are here to wait for my brother. If the elder brother can't pass this test, we two elder brothers can also happen to be companions on the road to Huangquan, lest you be lonely."

Ling Yunzi put Bai Fu's body aside, and carefully wiped away the blood stains for Bai Fu. Although his expression was filled with sadness, no tears flowed down his face, but he could see the throbbing anger deep in his eyes.

Ling Yunzi has made many friends in his life, but there are only a handful of friends who have truly died. Before today, except for Bai Fu, those close friends had passed away. Originally, Ling Yunzi wanted to get through this crisis and lead Dongfang Wu went to meet his last best friend.

But he didn't expect to meet again in this way, and his old friend chose to kill himself in order not to embarrass him. This made Ling Yunzi hate the person behind the scenes. He swore in his heart that no matter who the other party was, They have to find each other and destroy them.


Ling Yunzi got up to face the killers again, pulled out the sword behind his back, and his whole body instantly transformed from the previous sadness into a sharp sword intent, and under the blessing of sadness, Ling Yunzi's sword intent soared into the sky, faintly breaking through again a feeling of.

"let's start!"

The short three words seemed to be a reminder, making the bodies of the twelve killers headed by Liao Bo chill.


"The last battle, either you die or I live!"

Dongfang Wu stands side by side with Ling Yunzi holding a sword. Compared with Ling Yunzi's fierceness, Dongfang Wu's sword intent is domineering, which has something to do with family inheritance.


Liao Bo took the lead and divided into two waves to face Ling Yunzi and Dongfang Wu respectively. A life-and-death battle is not fair, survival is the last word. What's more, they are not opponents of Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi one-on-one. The group of six faced Ling Yunzi and Dongfang Wu.


The final siege began immediately. Apart from the weather witch hiding in the sky, there were no other spectators at the scene, and everyone could give it a go.

The killers' moves are tricky and fierce, and they aim at the deadliest places on people's bodies. Twelve top killers attack at the same time, one can imagine the degree of danger.

Although Ling Yunzi and Dongfang Wu are powerful, they are still somewhat stretched against these twelve kings of killers who have been immersed in killers for decades, especially Dongfang Wu. Not heavy, but still has some impact on action.

Sure enough, the kings of the killer world are not comparable to ordinary killers and elite killers. These are all existences who can defeat the strong with the weak. They have assassinated stronger than them many times in their lives, and finally escaped successfully.

What makes them powerful is not their own strength, but their elusive assassination methods. Although they have come out from the dark to the bright side and lost their greatest advantage, the unique assassination skills they have mastered are enough to create a new world for them. Many opportunities.

The same move contains one layer of killing moves for ordinary killers, and two layers of killing moves for elite killers. In the hands of these killer kings, it can contain countless killing moves. What's more, they can change their moves as they wish. They have reached the point where they can use killing moves everywhere, including their hair. This is the king of killers.

(End of this chapter)

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