Chapter 218

When I got up early the next morning, I gave Zhong Xing breakfast.Zhong Yan rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat on the edge of the table, looked around, and asked: "Sister, brother Xiaobei hasn't come back yet? By the way, when did you come back? Brother Xiaobei didn't come back when he was looking for you yesterday. I was looking crazy, I couldn’t get through when I called you. I waited at home for a long time and didn’t get it, so I went to the company to look for it, but I never came back. I was tired of waiting, so I went to bed first. Brother Xiaobei didn’t come back with you Is it?" "No!" Zhong Qing paused for a moment with Sheng Congee's hand, and finally she put a bowl of porridge in front of him smoothly, then sat down and asked tentatively, "Xiao Yu, My sister asks you, if one day there are only the two of us, Brother Xiaobei doesn’t show up, and we go back to the life of the two of us, will you get used to it?” “Why? I like Brother Xiaobei very much, Brother Xiaobei He is also very good to me, and he is also very good to my sister. Sister, did something happen between you and Brother Xiaobei? Did you quarrel? It’s okay, I will call Brother Xiaobei!" He was about to find his mobile phone, looking quite impatient.

"Xiao Yu, we didn't quarrel, you don't need to call him!" Zhong Qing hurriedly grabbed Zhong Yu, shook her head with a smile, and said, "Xiao Yu, I just said that if..." "Sister, there is no such thing If! I can see that Brother Xiaobei really loves you! Sister, I hope you can live happily with Brother Xiaobei and don’t suffer any more! I know Brother Xiaobei will do this to you So happy! Sis, you must be happy with brother Xiaobei. Only when you are together can I rest assured. Even if I leave you one day, I can rest assured!" "Xiao Yu, you are talking nonsense What? Why did you leave me? Let me tell you, you have undergone surgery, you are healed, you are cured, and you are no longer sick! Xiaoyu, if you really leave me one day, then I will Tell you, wherever you go, I will go with you! I only have you..." Zhong Qing burst into tears and hugged Zhong Yan tightly.Zhongxue smiled and said, "Sister, why are you the only one with me? You still have Brother Xiaobei! Even if Xiaoxue leaves one day, you will have someone to accompany you! And I hope that when I can still see My little nephew..." "I will, I will!" Zhong Qing hugged him and shed tears silently.Zhong Qing patted Zhong Qing's shoulder in a sensible way, and said, "Okay sister, don't cry, you've become a tabby cat!" Zhong Qing wiped away her tears and sat up straight, smiling, "Xiao Zong, Hurry up and eat, have dinner and clean up the dishes, I'm going to the company first, call me if you have anything to do!" After speaking, Zhong Qing went into the room, picked up her handbag and suitcase, and walked out.

As soon as Zhong Yan saw Zhong Qing carrying the suitcase, he said, "Sister, are you going on a long trip again?" Are you a star? Naturally, the fashion and trend of dressing up are trendy, so I’m ready to throw them all away!” “Okay sister! I support my sister’s corruption!” Zhong Yu made a funny gesture to Zhong Qing, teasing De Zhongqing laughed loudly, then waved to Zhongxuan, and left with the suitcase.

In the Nanfeng International President's Office, Cheng Yibei pointed at his painful forehead and rubbed it. There were still a few empty wine bottles on the desk, and he was still wearing yesterday's clothes. It can be seen that he was in the office all night last night Drink all night.Just when it was time to go to work in the morning, the secretary walked in with a document, but seeing Cheng Yibei there, he was a little surprised and said, "President, why are you here so early?" But one side of his eyes saw the desk Putting the wine bottle on the table, he said, "President, have you been here the whole time last night?" Cheng Yibei looked up at the secretary and said, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" "Oh, President, that's it Yes, you have not signed the Nanyuan development documents that we have been putting on hold before. At the meeting yesterday, you said that you will give an answer if you think clearly today. I don’t know today..." "Nanyuan?" Cheng Yibei's head is now There was confusion in the room, "What exactly is this plan for?" "Oh, we bought a piece of land before, and the company has discussed building a department store and a high-end apartment building! It has been shelved for a long time , I don’t know what the president means +" "Since it is beneficial to the company, then sign it!" Cheng Yibei took the document, signed his name neatly, and handed it to the secretary.

(End of this chapter)

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