Chapter 219

"Then don't bother the president!" The secretary took the document, looked at Cheng Yibei worriedly, then turned and left.

Cheng Yibei breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of hot tea from the cup at hand, but suddenly remembered that there seemed to be something wrong with that document.Since she has been on hold for so long, there must be a reason, but what reason?Why can't she remember?It seems that being drunk is really a bad thing!

He rubbed his head and was just about to continue working when the phone rang suddenly, it was someone from the secretary's office: "Hey, CEO, Miss Zhong is here, is the contract to be terminated signed now? "Cheng Yibei took a breath while holding the phone, and said after a long time: "Give her the contract! Tell her that if the liquidated damages of 300 million yuan cannot be paid within three days, our company has the right to sue her and detain her." Send it to prison!" "It's the president!" The secretary hung up the phone, looked up at Zhong Qing, and said, "Miss Zhong, please sign the contract! And our president said that if the liquidated damages of 300 million are within three days If you can't pay within the time limit, then our company will sue you in court!" "What?" Zhong Qing frowned angrily, is this Cheng Yibei really trying to force her to death?

"Miss Zhong, please sign!"

Zhong Qing was holding the pen, her hands were trembling, but after hearing what the secretary said, she insisted on writing her name on it.Then he picked up the suitcase and put it heavily on the secretary's desk, saying, "This suitcase belongs to Mr. Cheng, I want you to help deliver the things to your president, and send a word to your president by the way." Don't put garbage anywhere!" After saying this, Zhong Qing turned around and left.

The secretary didn't know what was in the suitcase, so he had to call Cheng Yibei's office. When Cheng Yibei heard Zhong Qing put a suitcase in the secretary's room, he couldn't understand it. What, but when he heard the secretary say that Zhong Qing sent his trash, he immediately knew what it was, and couldn't help feeling cold in his heart, and sneered: "Give this box back to Miss Zhong, and tell her that since it is I, Cheng Yibei, don't want garbage either! My box of garbage is still quite valuable, and she will sell it for a good price if she buys it! Anyway, many people like second-hand goods!" After saying this coldly If he was ruthless, Cheng Yibei hung up the phone, lay back on the chair, and closed his eyes in pain.In fact, he didn't want to say these words, but I don't know why he couldn't control his poisonous tongue when he heard what Zhong Qing said!Will Zhong Qing be sad?If she is sad, will she cry?

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, she won't care, she really won't care!

Zhong Qing walked out of the gate of Nanfeng International, looked up at the big golden sign above the company, she thought secretly in her heart, after walking out of here, she will never come here again in the future!Cheng Yibei, we have nothing to do with each other from now on... Thinking of this, Zhong Qing's heart hurts!She didn't want to admit that it was because of her love for Cheng Yibei that she was in such pain.Maybe it's just because she's used to it. Once a habit becomes a habit, it's really hard to change, so once it's lost, it will become a regret.Cheng Yibei is just a habit in her life!Although losing may become a regret, she must learn to lose, she must learn to accept slowly, she must get out of this habit, and devote herself to the habit without Cheng Yibei!So, goodbye, never see you again... Turning around silently, tears were swallowed back into my stomach.But just when she was about to leave, the secretary's voice suddenly came from behind her calling her.Zhong Qing turned around and looked over, only to see the secretary walking in front of her carrying the box, and said: "Miss Zhong, we Mr. Cheng said that since it is garbage, he will not go back. And Mr. Cheng said, Although these things are second-hand goods, they are all good things. If you sell them when you have no money to spend, you should be able to sell them at a good price, after all, some people still like second-hand goods very much!" Zhong Qing stood there dumbfounded as if she had been severely humiliated, unable to wake up for a long time.Suddenly she sneered, yes, she knew that Cheng Yibei was not a kind person, he was a narrow-minded man who would take revenge, how could she expect Cheng Yibei to let her go so easily?Look, in the current situation, if it is really a broad-minded person, how could it be possible to say such a thing?Zhong Qing smiled with red eyes, and said, "Okay, since Mr. Cheng doesn't want it, I'll take it all!"

(End of this chapter)

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