Chapter 245

"My sister went to shoot a commercial, and she hasn't come back yet! Do you want to come in and sit?" Mo Erlan nodded, Zhong Yan opened the door, and Mo Erlan walked in.Zhong Yan hurriedly went to pour water for Mo Erlan, and Mo Erlan took the opportunity to look around here.This Zhongqing is really lucky. After leaving Cheng Yibei, the big golden turtle, she can still catch such a rich little Kai and live in such a luxurious house. It is really a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes!
"Sister, drink water!" Zhong Yan brought a glass of cool white tea and handed it to Mo Erlan.Mo Erlan quickly caught it, and said, "Are you Zhong Qing's younger brother, Zhong Yan? She really looks like your sister! I heard from Xiao Bei that the relationship between your siblings is very good!" "Xiao Bei Brother? You are also a friend of Brother Xiaobei?"

"That's right! This morning he was still telling me that you two have been dependent on each other since childhood, it's really pitiful!" How is it possible to see him? Could it be that you are sleepwalking?" "Huh? How come? I have been eating with Elbe every day these days! We will go to Bali for a while, when is he going on a business trip? Oh, he didn't lie to your sister, did he? Or your sister already knew about it, but she didn't tell you the truth?" Mo Erlan's words easily made Zhong Xing puzzled.Mo Erlan suddenly seemed to know that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly covered his mouth, saying: "Oh, maybe I really remembered it wrong! Yi Bei... seems to be on a business trip! You have a bad heart Don't be angry!" "What exactly do you mean? Brother Xiaobei... How could Brother Xiaobei lie to my sister? They are a couple, and my sister naturally knows where Brother Xiaobei is going! Who are you?" Who is it?" "I... I'm Yi Bei's... first love! I already knew that your sister secretly fell in love with Yi Bei while I was away! I won't hide it from you, in fact, I It's Yi Bei's girlfriend. It's just because I've been out of town for something. I didn't expect that your sister took advantage of the loophole and became Yi Bei's mistress! I and Yi Bei have been in love since the first year of high school. It's been so many years We all love each other deeply, but your sister suddenly appeared! Now she is pregnant with Yi Bei’s child, and uses the child to force Yi Bei to leave me so that they can be together! Xiaoyu, I know you are a righteous person Only children dare to tell you! I came here this time to ask your sister for an explanation. Why would she hook up with my man while I was away? We were all going to get married, but now she threatens her with a child Yi Bei, make Yi Bei not know what to do, I see him in so much pain, and he loves me so much, that's why I dare to say this." "You said...what did you say?" Zhong Rong suddenly Jian clutched his heart and panted heavily, "My sister is not...she is not brother Xiaobei's mistress...she is not...she is not a third nonsense Eight ways!" Zhong Yan gasped for breath, his body crooked and couldn't stand up, one hand pinched his neck fiercely, and the other hand stretched straight towards Mo Erlan, grabbing at her body indiscriminately. , "" Mo Erlan was shocked when she saw Zhong Rong's situation, oh my god, he couldn't be stimulated by her words to have a heart attack, right?
"" Zhong Yan suddenly walked straight towards Mo Erlan.

"Ah..." Mo Erlan waved her hands and exclaimed, but the chain around her neck was torn off by the fallen Zhong Yan accidentally.She looked at Zhong Yan who was lying on the ground and rolled his eyes, and said incoherently in fright: "It's not me, it's not me! It's not me! Ah!" She fled in a hurry. ran away.

An Yilun drove Zhong Qing to the parking lot. Zhong Qing got out of the car slowly, but suddenly saw a very familiar red Ferrari roaring away. She was so scared that she quickly took a step back, and her body was close to the car. on the window.

An Yilun quickly ran over to support her, and said, "Are you okay?" Zhong Qing shook her head and said, "Mr. An, I suddenly want to eat plums, can you help me go to the supermarket outside the door?" Buy some here?" "Well, no problem, then you go upstairs and wait, I will come back after I finish shopping." Zhong Qing nodded, then turned and entered the elevator, An Yilun also turned and went to the elevator outside the door. Shopping in the supermarket.Zhong Qing pressed the floor, watched the elevator slowly ascend with a smile, gently stroked her flat belly, and said with a smile: "Little baby, we will see uncle soon, are you happy? Hehe !"

(End of this chapter)

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