Chapter 246

As soon as Zhong Qing stepped out of the elevator, she was about to find the key from her bag, but suddenly found that the door was not locked, but was hiding it.She sighed in her heart, thinking that it was really careless for Zhong Rong to be alone at home, how could she open the door?What if bad guys come in?

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu? Didn't I tell you to lock the door? Why didn't you lock the door?" Zhong Qing put the bag on the cabinet at the entrance, walked into the living room after turning a corner, but saw the broken door on the ground. There was shards of glass all over the place, and Zhong Yan was lying quietly on the broken glass on the ground... "Xiao Zhe! What's wrong with you, Xiao Zhe?" Zhong Qing hurried over and hugged her tightly. He picked up Zhongfu, but saw that his face was already black and blue, and he was so frightened that he could only hold Zhongfu and cry, "Xiaoyu, don't scare me! Xiaoyu, wake up quickly!" Come here! Xiao Yan!" An Yilun who came up after him heard Zhong Qing's cry and ran in quickly, throwing all the items in the bag on the ground, squatting Zhongyu stretched out his hand to explore Zhongyu's breathing, and said, "There is still breath! Don't worry, I'll take him to the hospital right away, and you should call the hospital immediately!" An Yilun hugged Zhongxue as soon as he said that. Wen walked to the elevator, but Zhong Qing had already lost all her strength. Even when she got up to look for her mobile phone, her legs went limp and she fell to the ground. After finally getting up, she found her mobile phone and called the hospital. An Yilun also ran all the way down.

An Yilun put Zhong Xing in the car, and Zhong Qing got into the car quickly, holding Zhong Xing tightly and crying... The bright red Ferrari was driving hurriedly on the wide road, and Mo Erlan's expression was pale. They were all pale, she didn't mean to, she really didn't mean to kill Zhongxie!She also didn't know that Zhong Xun couldn't help saying it so much, she just said a few words before he fell ill and fell to the ground. It wasn't her fault, really it wasn't her fault!She didn't do it on purpose, it wasn't..."Ringlingling..."

A burst of rapid mobile phone ringing suddenly rang in the car, and Mo Erlan swung the steering wheel, almost hitting the flower belt. She stepped on the brakes hard, and her breathing became extremely short.He frantically found out the phone, but saw that it was Cheng Yibei calling, she quickly picked it up and said, "Hello, Yibei..." Cheng Yibei was at the airport when he heard Mo Erlan's slightly hurried voice , couldn't help frowning, and said: "What's wrong with you? Why are you panting so much? Where are you now?" "I'm fine, I'm fine!"

"Oh, then hurry up, I'm already waiting for you at the airport." "Okay, I'll be right there! See you later." Mo Erlan hung up the phone with trembling hands, and the phone dropped on the bottom of the car , She held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and lay on the steering wheel helplessly.But thinking of Cheng Yibei, she suddenly had strength.Zhongxi, if you want to blame, blame your sister, if she hadn't appeared in Cheng Yibei's life, if she hadn't blocked my way, I wouldn't have done this to you!So if you want revenge, go to your sister, she is the one who killed you!

Mo Erlan took a deep breath, then slowly started the car and drove towards the airport.

In the hospital, An Yilun's car stopped steadily, and the ambulance personnel who had been prepared for a long time were waiting there. After getting on the stretcher, the oxygen cylinder was plugged in, and Zhong Li was quickly pushed to the emergency room.

Zhong Qing held Zhong Rong's hand tightly all the way, and said: "Xiao Rong, you must hold on, you must hold on, you must be safe, you must be safe! Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan..." Seeing Zhong Yan Pushed into the operating room, Zhong Qing was ruthlessly blocked outside by the medical staff. She wanted to go in to accompany Xiao Yan, but the door of the operating room was tightly closed. Weeping helplessly on the door.

An Yilun quickly hugged him in his arms, and said: "Okay, don't cry, don't worry, Xiaoyu will be fine, it will be fine! People say good luck Do people have their own nature? He will not leave you alone, he will be fine..."

(End of this chapter)

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