Chapter 281

Mo Erlan clasped her hands tightly on her knees under the table, looked at the file bag on the table, and trembled with anger.

"Cheng Yibei, how could you treat me like this? What's so good about that Zhongqing? Why did you have to do this? Since you are ruthless to me, don't blame me for being ungrateful. You forced me to do this. Mine! You forced me!" Mo Erlan clasped her palms so tightly that she was almost bleeding, she quickly took out a small medicine packet from her bag, opened it, and was about to pour it into Cheng Yibei's coffee cup , but at this moment, her head suddenly flashed, and all her movements stopped.

Morlan Amorlan, what are you doing?How can you do this?This man is your favorite man!Even if he doesn't love you anymore, even if he wants to be with other women, how can you hurt him like this?You can't do this, you can't...Suddenly, Cheng Yibei's steady footsteps came from behind, Mo Erlan's heart tightened, his hands shook, and all the powder in the medicine bag spilled into Cheng Yibei's coffee , She wanted to shout, but she thought of Cheng Yibei behind her, so she stopped her voice suddenly, quickly withdrew her hand in fear, and sat upright.

After sitting down, Cheng Yibei looked at the file bag on the desk that hadn't moved, couldn't help but frowned, picked up the coffee cup and sniffed it under the tip of his nose, and said, "Anyway, I still hope you can think about it." I don't mind if you stay in China, but we'd better not meet again in the future, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. I will still help you with your affairs, but I won't show up. Think about it yourself Think about it!" After finishing speaking, he picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.Mo Erlan opened his mouth to stop it, but it was too late.Cheng Yibei took a sip of the coffee, tasted it carefully, frowned, and said, "Today's coffee is a bit weird." He put down the coffee cup, smiled, and said, "I'll drink today's coffee too. It's over, I've said everything I want to say, it's up to you whether you listen or not. Then I'll go first." Cheng Yibei put down his coffee cup, smiled politely, turned and left.

Looking at his leaving figure, Mo Erlan couldn't stop the blood flowing in his heart.Cheng Yibei, Cheng Yibei, are we really going to be strangers from now on?No, I won't let us just be like this!Zhong Qing, so what if you catch me?I can also let you get nothing!If I don't make a move, I can still kill you without a place to bury you!

Mo Erlan slapped the table heavily, causing the coffee in the coffee cup to splash all over the table... Cheng Yibei quickly returned to the office. When he returned, Zhong Qing was sitting on the sofa and didn't know What are you watching, just turning the TV station boringly.Cheng Yibei put his arms around her and sat beside her, kissed her on the cheek, and said, "Have you had breakfast?" "Already eaten! Didn't you ask the secretary to buy two copies? I already I've eaten it, so I'll keep your share. Do you want to eat it? Let me warm it up for you?" "Okay! Thank you!" Cheng Yibei kissed her again, Zhong Qing said I got up and picked up the box and went outside.

Cheng Yibei looked at Zhong Qing's figure, and felt warm in his heart. He likes this kind of feeling, so that he can feel at home!At this moment, he really thanked God for allowing him to meet Zhong Qing, a good girl, and to grasp this love in time, so that he can enjoy such happiness now!
Taking a deep breath and stretching his waist, he got up and returned to his desk to continue the unfinished work yesterday.

Zhong Qing would come again soon, took the warm boxed lunch, walked up to Cheng Yibei and put it down, saying: 'After eating, let's go to work! ""okay! "Cheng Yibei finished typing the last word, turned around and ate the hot breakfast with relish, Zhong Qing sat opposite him and watched him eat, and said unforgivingly: "You, every day Work is so tiring, if you don't eat well, don't rest well, you will be exhausted sooner or later!In the future, you must eat three meals a day on time, and you can no longer overeat, or be hungry after a full meal! "

"Anyway, with you here in the future, am I afraid that I won't have anything to eat?" Cheng Yibei smiled triumphantly, but suddenly thought of something, he wiped his mouth quickly, and said, "Go, I'll take you Go somewhere!"

"Hey, where are you going?" Zhong Qing was dragged by him, and asked, but she didn't get an answer, so she could only go crazy with him.

Cheng Yibei took him to a high-end apartment area, and the car was parked in the parking lot. Cheng Yibei got out of the car and pulled Zhong Qing to get off with a smile, and then took the elevator to the 22nd floor. Cheng Yibei Bei opened the door and walked in with Zhong Qing in his arms.

Looking at the luxurious decoration in the room, Zhong Qing couldn't help sighing, "Wow, it's so luxurious here! It must have cost a lot of money, right? Cheng Yibei, you rich people are such a waste! With so much Where I live, I have to spend so much money to buy a house outside, leaving so many empty houses, and only living in a few square meters, how can I waste so much space? The current housing prices are so high, which hurts We poor people can't afford a house for the rest of our lives! Cheng Yibei, how extravagant you say you are! Until now, I can't even afford a toilet!"

"This house will be yours from now on!" Cheng Yibei said and put the key in Zhong Qing's hand.Zhong Qing looked at the key in Tang's palm, and a trace of coldness flashed across her heart, but she smiled and held up the key, shaking it in front of the two people's eyes, and said with a bright smile: "Then I can be regarded as a housekeeper now." Are you a family? Then thank you Cheng Sishao for giving us such a generous gift of the house!"

"Then do you accept it or not?"

"I don't want it! When I make money, I will buy a house by myself! I am an informant now, and the money in the future is unlimited! You think I will care about the house you gave me Is it a mere house? You better keep it for yourself!" Zhong Qing threw the key back into Cheng Yibei's hand.

"So ambitious?" Cheng Yibei took the key and smiled, "Since you refused it yourself, then it's not because I didn't give it to you?" Cheng Yibei put the key and admired it with Zhongqing Their big house, said, "How is it? Do you like it?"

"Well, it's very beautiful! I like it very much!" Zhong Qing walked to the bed in the bedroom, opened the curtains, looked at the beautiful scenery outside, opened her arms and took a breath, then turned to look at Cheng Yibei, said, "This place will slowly carry our stories in the future, and it has nothing to do with anyone, right?"

Cheng Yibei hugged Zhongqing tightly, nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, this is the little nest dedicated to Cheng Yibei and Zhongqing who fell in love at first sight, and it is our sweetest home. Qingqing, there is only you here And me!"

"Elbe, I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me, I'm really touched."

"As your man, shouldn't you do this?" Cheng Yibei's gratitude to Zhong Qing was very useful, he kissed Zhong Qing's hair, and said with a smile, "Maybe what I did to you in the past moved you There are really too few things. I'm sorry, I will do my best to give you more care in the future, and I will never let you feel lonely again, trust me, okay?"

Zhong Qingwo nodded in Cheng Yibei's arms, and said, "I believe in you, of course I believe in you! You are my life's reliance, I don't believe in you, who should I trust? But Yibei, I Let me ask you one last time, have you really decided to be with me, to forget about Mo Erlan, and to spend the rest of your life with me, right?"

"Yes! More than that, the person I love is you."

Zhong Qing looked into his eyes seriously, and when she heard his serious confession, she still couldn't help but blush, snuggled into his arms, and said, "I'm very happy! I feel like my life has come to an end like this. I really don’t know how I can live on. Later I found out that I had a child, and I felt like I was alive again, but then the child died, so I really I found that I had no one to rely on, and no motivation to keep going. Thank you, Elbe, for giving me the courage to live! Elbe, I love you too!"

(End of this chapter)

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