Chapter 282

The two of them snuggled up in front of the window, watching the beautiful scenery outside and quietly enjoying the peace of this moment, when suddenly Cheng Yibei's cell phone rang.Zhong Qing quickly stood up straight, Cheng Yibei reached out and took out the phone, saw that it was Cheng Yuchen's number, tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "What is this guy calling me at this time?"

You must know that Cheng Yuchen rarely called Cheng Yibei, because Cheng Yuchen was not convinced from the bottom of his heart that his younger brother was better than him in everything, but as long as he called, there must be something serious.So Cheng Yibei quickly picked up the phone and said, "Hello."

"Fourth, you have to thank me this time! I'm going to walk the red carpet with your little beauty tomorrow! Would you like to invite me to dinner and thank me?" Cheng Yuchen's playful voice came from the other end of the phone , upon hearing his words, Cheng Yibei couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, relaxed his body, and said, "Are you still ashamed to say it? Let me tell you, if you let me know that your hand is on Qingqing's arm tomorrow." Be careful that I chop off your hand!"

"Uh..." Upon hearing Cheng Yibei's words, Cheng Yuchen almost choked to death! "Hey, Cheng Yibei, can you be more polite? I'm your third brother!"

Just as Cheng Yuchen was yelling, Cheng Yibei turned his cell phone into a hands-free calmly, allowing Zhong Qing to see Cheng Yuchen's reckless image. "Cheng Yibei, I'm your third brother, does your third brother know? Can you show me some respect when you speak?"

"You've been emphasizing this for many years, I know!" Cheng Yibei flicked back all of Cheng Yuchen's anger, and Cheng Yuchen really wanted to hit the wall at this moment.

"Hey, is it possible that you still want your baby to walk the red carpet with other men? Do you know that your own family is the most reliable? I am your third brother, do you understand? Understand?"

"Ahem, that third young master Cheng, I think so. In fact, I'm not too familiar with you, so it's not popular between the two of us to say that the fat water doesn't flow to outsiders Tian!"

"Uh..." Cheng Yuchen almost choked to death again, "Well, Qingqing is here too! Hehe, that...otherwise you invite me to dinner! How about I be your flower protector?"

"Of course it's fine to invite you to dinner. See you later!"

"Well, see you later!" After speaking, Cheng Yuchen hung up the phone, Cheng Yibei also turned off the screen, put the phone in his pocket, and said with a smile: "You really invited my third brother to dinner?"

"Then what's the problem? You paid for it anyway! Are you afraid of losing money if you eat the whole family's food? Well, go change your clothes. After changing your clothes, we'll invite San Shao to dinner!" Zhong Qing smiled. Pushing Cheng Yibei to change clothes in the room, Cheng Yibei had no choice but to go to the dressing room and change.

As soon as eleven o'clock arrived, Cheng Yibei and Zhong Qing were already waiting in Xiaoxiang Garden. Cheng Yuchen parked the car in the parking lot and walked in. As soon as he came in, he began to look for them. Zhong Qing smiled and stretched out her hand to him. Saying hello, Cheng Yuchen walked over quickly, took off his coat and said with a playful smile: "Oh, it's not easy to catch the fourth child and let him treat him to a meal! Today, he must be slaughtered severely. Otherwise, I would be sorry for such a great opportunity!"

Zhong Qing handed the menu to Cheng Yuchen, and said with a smile, "Okay, then you can work hard today, and you can eat as much as you want!"

"Really?" Cheng Yuchen took the menu in disbelief, "I don't know much about the restaurants in City C, and I don't even know the prices of the dishes here! I'll just look at the back!" As he spoke, he flipped through the menu At the end, when he saw a hundred or so, he burst into tears, "Cheng Yibei, you are too stingy! You actually invited me to eat such a homely meal that is so cheap that I can't make it at home. Vegetables?"

"I've eaten too much greasy food, it's time for a change, or my heart and stomach won't be able to take it!" Cheng Yibei flipped through the newspaper in his hand and said without looking up, "This restaurant was chosen by Qingqing, if you don't Eat, you can go!"

"Damn, why don't you eat it? Of course I want to eat it! You are so stingy!" Cheng Yuchen muttered in a low voice, and then randomly ordered a lot from the menu. The waiters who listened were all stunned. He could only look at Zhong Qing and Cheng Yibei as if they were asking for help.Zhong Qing nodded with a smile, and the waiter wrote down everything he ordered before turning around and leaving.

Cheng Yuchen sighed and propped his head on his arms to look at the two sitting across from him. He couldn't help but feel sorry for himself and said, "Oh, I'm the only one in our family who is the most pitiful! Everyone in the family has more status than me. Let me, the third child who is always bullied by the fourth child, now be overtaken by the fourth child to get married! How embarrassing is this for me!"

"If you are not convinced, you can also find a girl you like right now and get married immediately. Anyway, Qingqing and I will get married for a while, you can take this opportunity to get married quickly! We will all be very happy !"

"Then where do you want me to find it? Forget it, I don't want to compare with you on this matter! Although I am your third brother, it's no big deal that you got married earlier than me! By the way, Qingqing, When the two of you get married in the future, you must discipline this evenly matched kid for me, and let him know that I am his third brother!"

"Why? The two of us are really married, and he is my husband! Why should I help you suppress my husband? So, Young Master San, you should quickly find a good girl to marry. Catch up with us in having children, let our children teach your children's brother or sister, and then come to find your sense of loss in Elbe!"

"I come and go, you are still bullying me like this before you are married? Sigh, my life will be even more difficult in the future!"

Looking at Cheng Yuchen's disappointed face, Cheng Yibei and Zhong Qing looked at each other and smiled, their happiness was as sweet as melted cotton candy, Cheng Yuchen almost threw up looking at it.

A young woman sitting in the corner sat behind them with her face covered, listening to their sweet conversation, her heart was full of jealousy, she clenched her fists tightly, and then got up and looked back. Walking in the direction of the chef... The hot dishes came up soon, and Zhong Qing couldn't help but move her index finger when she saw the delicious dishes, and picked up the chopsticks and started to eat unceremoniously.Naturally, two men should drink when they eat together, and among the four brothers of the Cheng family, the two brothers have the best relationship. Although they usually quarrel a lot, they still have a deep brotherhood.The two were drinking and talking, Zhong Qing didn't interrupt, just eating quietly, the three of them seemed much more harmonious.

The next day, Zhong Qing got up very early. Under the leadership of Yu Xiaoman, she went to do styling. It lasted for more than four hours and changed countless clothes before finally finalizing it. Then in the afternoon, she met Cheng Yuchen. Because the two of them walked the red carpet together, they rested in the same hotel.

After all, Cheng Yuchen is an old man in the entertainment industry, so he is not afraid of such a big occasion, but Zhong Qingdao is much more nervous.Cheng Yuchen saw how nervous she was, so he quickly got up and poured her a glass of water, and said, "Don't be too nervous, although this award ceremony is more important, you should maintain a kind of attitude that doesn't matter whether you win or not. It doesn't matter a flat state of mind, so come, follow me, exhale...inhale...exhale...inhale..."

Zhong Qing took a few deep breaths after listening to Cheng Yuchen's words, and sure enough, she wasn't so nervous anymore.She smiled and said, "Third Young Master, the method you taught me is really effective! I wonder if you were nervous when you first came to the stage to accept the award?"

"What's there to be nervous about? The first time I came on stage to accept an award was... probably when I was 14 years old! At that time, my aunt's movie lacked an actor from when the leading actor was young, and I happened to go there to play, so I was dragged by my aunt to replace him. I didn’t expect to win the Best Newcomer Award that year for playing such a supporting role for only a few minutes. At that time, I went to the stage to accept the award. He is a subordinate of my company, so I have no fear at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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