Chapter 293

"Then how could it be?" Cheng Yibei looked at her and smiled, then held Zhong Qing's hand tightly, and said. "Qingqing, no matter what you become in the future, I will always love you the same!" "Ghosts will believe you!" Zhong Qing pouted and looked outside, but Cheng Yibei smiled and said, "Believe it or not You won't know until that day!" Zhong Qing trembled slightly when Cheng Yibei held the hand, and let him hold it tightly, but there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of her lips... They were living in the hospital. After more than half a month, he was discharged from the hospital. On the day of discharge, the entrance of the hospital was surrounded by countless reporters. When they saw Zhong Qing and Cheng Yibei being pushed out at the same time, both of them had big smiles on their faces. Protected by countless bodyguards, a reporter rushed up and asked: "Mr. Cheng and Ms. Zhong, how are your injuries? Have you heard about this kidnapping accident?" What can I say?" "We will explain this incident at our engagement ceremony after the two of them have fully recovered! So there is nothing to explain now! Don't bother us !" Cheng Yibei still looked like a big man and protected Zhong Qing into the car, then turned around and said this to the reporters, and then ordered the bodyguards to block the reporters, and their car drove away slowly.

Not long after they left, an off-road vehicle drove out quickly and directly blocked a girl. Ye Gu opened the car door and got out, grabbed the girl's hand, and said: "Ai Ai, listen to me, don't quarrel with me, okay? Get in the car first, and we'll talk after we get back, okay? Your injuries haven't healed yet, so don't be so stubborn, use your own body to argue with me "Since you know that I am injured, don't appear in front of me and block my eyes, make me feel uncomfortable all over, and make my condition worse! Ye Gu, as soon as I see you I will I feel as uncomfortable as I am going to die! Stay away from me, okay?" "Ai Ai, I know I did something wrong. What happened three years ago was all my fault. Can't you forgive me once? Can't three years wipe away the hatred you have for me in your heart? Can't these three years wash away my sins? I have suffered for so many years. Do you know how I live without you? Have you ever been? Ai Ai, I really love you, please, don’t leave me again, okay?” “Ye Gu, do you think you can forgive me for everything you have done to me? Is it? Ye Gu, I hate you, I hate you so much! Get out, get out!" "Ai Ai..."

"I really don't want to see you! Can you go away?" Liu Aiai's heart was throbbing, and suddenly she felt that her breath was not stable, and she had difficulty breathing, and she fell to the ground... "Ai Ai! Ai Ai!" Ye Gu quickly hugged Liu Ai Ai, and ran to the hospital frantically... Zhong Qing and Cheng Yibei returned to their residence, Luo Xiaoqi and Chu Qiaoxi They specially invited a Filipino maid to take care of their food and daily life.Cheng Yibei's legs and feet are not too flexible, but because Zhong Qing's chest knife is relatively heavy, her legs and feet are relatively flexible, so most of the goods to take care of Cheng Yibei also fell on Zhong Qing. Fortunately, Zhong Qing didn't show a trace of No. [-] impatience.

Back at home, Chu Qiaoxi and Luo Xiaoqi let the servants live in a large pot of wormwood soup for the two of them to take a bath to wash away the mold.Zhong Qing and Cheng Yibei went to the bathroom one after another, and came out one after the other after taking a steaming bath.

Cheng Yibei had already passed on the bathrobe and was sitting by the bed waiting for Zhong Qing to come out. After a while, Zhong Qing also passed on the bathrobe and came out. Zhong Qing wiped her chest with a towel, with a painful expression on her face. He came out and sat beside Cheng Yibei, and said, "What should I do?"This scar is so obvious, what should I do in the future?I am a super star, and I will act in many movies and TV series in the future!Now I have such an obvious scar on my beautiful neck, what a headache! "

"Go to my beauty salon and have it done!"

"No way!" Zhong Qing pouted her lips and said, "This scar is my love for you, I want you to see it all the time, and then always remember that you owe me a life, I see you Do you still dare to bully me in the future!"

"How could I dare to bully you? You are so fierce, my family is now your solid backing, how dare I bully you?" Cheng Yibei's smile is very innocent and helpless, but it also contains deep Deep pampering.

Zhong Qing thought for a while and said, "It seems to be the same!"

Cheng Yibei leaned over to steal a scent on Zhong Qing's lips, Zhong Qing patted him, then got up and picked up the medicine on the table, said: "Make it for me, I'll apply the medicine for you!"

Cheng Yibei lay down on the bed very obediently, and let Zhong Qing rub him with medicinal wine. "Yi Bei, I feel that your body recovers very quickly! It seems to be faster than me!"

'Yeah, you don't know how much I have suffered since I was a child!The boys in our family, including Ye Gu, Han Che, and the two brothers from the Yun family, were all trained together.But we specialize in surgery. Although I do an office job, I have accepted all the trainings to perfection!Naturally, my physical fitness will be much better, and I will naturally recover quickly from these minor illnesses and pains! "" Then your training is like the "Special Forces" on TV? ""Do you think that's great? "

"Of course! I think they are god-like existences! I like those who have been soldiers. I think it is incredible that they can persist!" "Then if I tell you about our training It is more cruel and painful than theirs, would you believe it?" "No? Then how did you train?"

"I remember when I was three or four years old, I had to get up at five o'clock every morning. At the beginning, I crossed [-] kilometers without a load, and later I crossed [-] kilometers with a weight. Later, the distance became longer and longer, but Time cannot be changed. We have to go to a very desolate place to survive in the wild! Generally, there are a lot of poisonous insects and poisons in those places, and you will die if you are not careful. We have to layer by layer in the training camp Screening, if your skill is not as good as others, then you can only be beaten to death by others, even if our family is the boss here, there is no exception. So if you think the special forces lined up on TV are very good, then I It is estimated that you will faint when you see the difficulty of our training!" "Then where are you ranked among you?"

"There is no ranking in our place, only life and death! Someone will challenge you at any time in our place. If you can't win, you can only die! So there is no ranking in our place, only the choice of life and death! So you have to know, How lucky I am to live this long!" "Well, I'm lucky!" Zhong Qing suddenly asked after hearing Cheng Yibei's words, "Does that mean that the children of your brothers will also participate in such events in the future?" What about the special training?" "Yes! But now our next generation is only Huanhuan, but she is too young and her physique is not suitable, so I gave up! But if we have children in the future, I will definitely I will personally train him, and I will definitely make him an invincible person!" "Come on, you, who is going to have a baby with you!" Zhong Qing slapped him hard, then got up and got out of bed, saying , "Get up quickly, the aunts are still waiting for us outside!" "Understood!" Cheng Yibei smiled, quickly got dressed, and went out in a wheelchair.

Chu Qiaoxi and Luo Xiaoqi made a large table of delicious food, and then called the whole family to eat. The whole room was very happy to eat dinner, and this dinner was also blessed by Cheng Huan's existence. It's even more joyful.From time to time, Cheng Huan twisted her buttocks and danced cute dance steps to make everyone happy, even Zhong Qing couldn't help being a little envious.

"What a cute child! The second brother is really happy!"

Cheng Nianen hugged his beloved wife and said, "Happiness cannot be achieved by one person! I also think I am very happy, but I am more grateful to Xiaoxue. If it wasn't for Xiaoxue, how could I have such a lovely daughter and such a happy family?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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