Chapter 294

Fang Xiaoxue lay in her husband's arms with a sweet smile, and said, "I want to thank my husband too! If my husband didn't love me so much, and didn't work so hard to make money, how could Huanhuan and I have such a sweet and happy life?" What about life?" "Uh... can you two stop performing this kind of sweet love scene in front of a single person like me? I still want to live!" Cheng Yuchen yelled very dissatisfied, watching The piles of them showing off their affection really made their stomachs vomit!
But Chu Qiaoxi hit him on the head with a chopstick, and said: "Who made you so stupid? Look, your two elder brothers don't talk about it. You and the fourth brother are only one year older. Look at the fourth brother." I'm about to get married, when will you bring me back a serious girlfriend?" "Mom, I'm in the entertainment industry, and it's not so easy to meet good girls in the entertainment industry." What? Don't worry, let me find it slowly!" "Well, the fourth child is not in the entertainment industry, so how did he find such a beautiful star? I see, it is You have a problem! Let me tell you, Cheng Yuchen, if you don’t find a reliable girlfriend to bring me home by the end of the year, then just get the hell out of me and don’t let me see you again!” Cheng Yuchen Hearing Chu Qiaoxi's words, he immediately circled his fingers and counted, and said, "Mom, did you mean the end of the year in the lunar calendar or the end of the solar calendar?" Yinbai's bone claws stretched out towards Cheng Yuchen eeriely, Cheng Yuchen hurriedly laughed "hehe" twice, and hurriedly dodged as far as he could.

"We will all try our best to arrange everything about Elbe and Qingqing's engagement. We will discuss every day's details with the two of you before making a decision, so when we are not engaged in the engagement ceremony, the only task for the two of you is Just get well soon, and then get engaged beautifully!" Luo Xiaoqi clapped his palms and said, "Qingqing, Rainbow is responsible for the dress on your engagement day, and AN International heard about our family's happy event, and has already Take the jewelry design aspect away early, and they will show you the pictures at that time, you have to choose carefully! There is nothing worth worrying about in other aspects, with Xiao Wu and you The two sister-in-laws are here, don't worry!" "I am very relieved to have you personally arrange it. It's just because of our two health that you are exhausted. I'm really sorry!" Zhong Qing said with a smile.

The others quickly waved their hands and said, "Why are you tired and not tired? We are going to be a family, and we should do it!" "Then thank you all!" Zhong Qing thanked them happily, and the family cheered happily. Toasting and drinking... It was already late when the family left, Zhong Qing let Cheng Yibei in to take a bath after taking a bath, and the room was very quiet all of a sudden.Zhong Qing lay quietly on the bed thinking about what Luo Xiaoqi said during the day. This time, the jewelry for their engagement was handed over to AN International, and she didn't know which designer An Yilun asked to design it.No matter who it is, she must ask!
Zhong Qing took out her mobile phone to call An Yilun, An Yilun answered the call quickly, Zhong Qing asked in a low voice: "An, I heard that the jewelry I got engaged this time was sponsored by your company, Really?" An Yilun pondered for a moment on the other end of the phone, and said, "Qingqing, have you really decided to get engaged to Cheng Yibei?" "Yes, I told you a long time ago, have you forgotten?" Is it?" "But... Qingqing, I don't want you to play with fire! You already know that your brother's death has nothing to do with Cheng Yibei... Or do you really fall in love with him, you set it yourself Route, did you decide to change your mood and go?" "An, if I tell you that I really decided to change my mood and follow the route I set before, would you support me?" An Yilun Laughing, he changed his hand to hold the phone, and said, "How do you want me to answer?" "Yeah, you don't know how to answer, and so do I! But I know that the road I'm going to go now is still in my plan Within, it did not go beyond my plan! Ann, tell me, is it Mo Erlan who helped me design the jewelry this time?" An Yilun shook his head and denied it, and said: "This time, it is about the jewelry you wore at the engagement ceremony. There is no fixed designer for jewelry design, and I am going to let them audition. But Mo Erlan also participated, her professional level is very high, and the winner is likely to be her!" "Really? Ann, I have an idea! Since the jewelry design this time is related to my wedding, I hope that I will be the one who makes the design, so that I can know which one is my favorite! I don’t want I have no choice when faced with a lot of jewelry." "Okay! Then think about what question you want to ask, I will let them wait another day, I hope you can give a good question by then Let them play their role!" "Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for your company!" After Zhong Qing finished speaking, she saw that the bathroom door had been opened, and Cheng Yibei came out wearing a bath towel. Smiling slightly, he said, "Okay, let's stop talking, I hope my proposal doesn't disturb the operation of your company. Then we'll see you tomorrow! Bye!" Just as Zhong Qing hung up the phone, Cheng Yibei sat beside her, She reached out and hugged her, and said, "Calling An Yilun?" "Yeah, can't I call him?" Zhong Qing nonchalantly picked up the remote control to control the TV on the wall, aimlessly choose this program.

Cheng Yibei felt a little unhappiness in his heart, and said, "You know I don't like him!" Zhong Qing slammed his head hard, and said, "Do I have to reject anyone you don't like in the same way?" You are really a tyrant! An Yilun is actually very good! Without him, my brother and I would have frozen to death on the street! And without him, I was alone when my brother passed away How can I bear it? So I really have no way to alienate him! I can't be ungrateful, don't you think?" "I'm sorry Qingqing, when you needed me the most, I wasn't by your side... …But do you know? It’s because I didn’t show up when you needed me the most, but An Yilun appeared in your line of sight, that I feel even more displeased with him! Maybe I’m really selfish I am really afraid that you will be snatched away by others..." "Cheng Yibei, I, Zhong Qing, swear to you here, no matter whether I will accompany you to the end of my life or not, I You are the only man in my life. Even if one day we can’t be together, or you hate me, I hate you too, I will not choose another man, I will guard that alone Keep the love that belongs to you and me, and it will not change for a lifetime!" Zhong Qing said very seriously, but suddenly smiled, and said, "Just like your loyalty to your first love, it will never change until death!" Cheng Yi Bei burst out laughing, buried his head in Zhong Qing's neck and said, "Just remember this matter and come and humiliate me anytime! Hey, it's strange to say that, why did I act like that at the beginning?" Why do you have to be so persistent?" "At least this shows that you are still a good man who values ​​love and righteousness! So Yi Bei, don't take it to heart, I have forgotten it!" "Forgot Do you still want to mention it?" Cheng Yibei mercilessly removed her pretended kindness, and the two hugged each other and laughed loudly... It was only in the afternoon of the next day that Zhong Qing decided on the topic to choose, so she gave it to An Yi Lun called and said that he would go to his company to announce her topic, so Cheng Yibei ordered Wang Qiang to personally drive Zhong Qing to AN International in the afternoon.

When Zhong Qing got out of the car, she was almost overwhelmed by the reporters. She greeted them with a smile all over her face, and didn't mind their filming at all.

A reporter quickly asked: "Miss Zhong, I only signed that you and the Fourth Young Master were kidnapped. Are you in good health?" Zhong Qing replied with a smile as she walked inside, "Thank you for your concern. We are taking good care of our body at home, and our body has almost recovered. And with the care of so many people, our mood is also very beautiful, and our body will naturally be very good!" "Then when will you hold the wedding?"

"Our wedding is still far away. It may be the end of the New Year, but the engagement is imminent! As for when it will be, the public relations department of Nanfeng International will personally notify you!" "Miss Zhong, may I ask?" What are your views or thoughts on the legendary gorgeous turn of Cinderella flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix? May I ask if you married a child?" "First of all, I want to say that Cheng Yibei and I really love each other. It does not exist in opinions or ideas. If everyone sincerely wishes, we will accept it completely, but if it is possible to slander, we will laugh it off and will not pursue it!" Zhong Qing smiled perfectly, and strode into the After entering the gate of AN International, a large group of journalists were ruthlessly stopped by the security guards at the gate.

And just at this time, the design team of AN International passed by here, seeing so many people chasing and blocking Zhong Qing, they couldn't help sighing: "Oh, it's such a blessing to have climbed up to the young master of the Cheng family! Did you see how proud Zhong Qing looked just now?" "If you climbed up to the Cheng family's young master, you would have such a posture! Don't be envious! But I heard that , Ms. Mo used to be Cheng Sishao's first love! Although she hasn't been together for many years, she still seems to have feelings. I really don't know how this Zhong Qing can hold Cheng Sishao's grandmother in her palm. Xin, I won’t touch any wild flowers and weeds!” “What? Miss Mo?”

A group of people walked into the company noisily, just as Mo Erlan also stopped the car and walked down, hearing their discussion, couldn't help feeling sad.That's right, Cheng Yibei belonged to her, what method did Zhong Qing use to snatch Yibei away!All of this is Zhong Qing's conspiracy!

She is not convinced, she is really not convinced!Why do you want to look like this?Why?
Mo Erlan slammed her fist on the steering wheel. After venting her bad emotions, she regained her mood and walked out. As a result, she was besieged by reporters as soon as she came out.

"Miss Mo, we heard that there is still an emotional entanglement between you and Fourth Young Master Cheng. May I ask what's going on?" Mo Erlan took off her sunglasses and said with red eyes: "That's right, Cheng Sishao and I started dating when we were in high school. We dated for three years in high school. But then we separated for some reasons, and we were separated for six years! But I know we still love each other Yes, so although we have suffered a lot from each other during those six years of hard work, we still persevere. I love him, and I know he loves me too..." "Then why does the Fourth Young Master choose to be with me now?" The fledgling Zhong Qing got married, and abandoned you, the girlfriend who has been in love for so many years?" "I don't understand the reason for this, and I really want to figure it out! We are so in love, why did we suddenly love each other?" Did it change overnight? I hope friends from the media can help me find out the truth!" "Then we know that Zhong Qing and Si Shao have been together for a long time. Don't you know that Si Shao is one dragon and two phoenixes?" Was it? At that time, a reporter photographed the news that Si Shao was haunting you and Miss Zhong at the same time, so what was the situation at that time?" "At that time, I was still Cheng Yibei's girlfriend! I know they announced a few days ago Before getting engaged, Cheng Yibei unilaterally wanted to break up with me!" "Wow..."

Mo Erlan's words were as powerful as a deep-sea bomb, and her words undoubtedly pushed Zhong Qing's status to that of a mistress saboteur.

Mo Erlan smiled cunningly, isn't that what she wanted?Zhong Qing, I will let you know what it means to be ruined!

At this time, Zhong Qing was standing at the corner of the second floor, listening to the lively discussions outside, a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of her lips.Wang Qiang stood behind Zhong Qing, listening to the unpleasant words outside, worried that Zhong Qing would not be able to bear it, and said: "Miss Zhong, I will make those reporters shut up and not report anywhere, so don't worry!" Zhong Qing But quickly stopped him and said: "No! We don't have to do anything, otherwise it will only give others a feeling of getting darker and darker! Besides, if we talk about others, we will seal their Newspapers and magazines can’t stop their mouths! Since it’s useless to do anything, it will still be spread, so it’s better to learn to deal with it indifferently, and big things will naturally become small and small! Why should we bother?” "Yes, Miss Zhong!" After hearing Zhong Qing's words, Wang Qiang stopped doing anything and stood quietly behind Zhong Qing.

Zhong Qing sneered at this contemptuously: "Mo Erlan, you are too young to fight with me! I will let you know what it means to end up in a cocoon! You will one day defend yourself for everything you said today. I paid a terrible price!" In the conference room of AN International, all the members of the design department were seated, discussing something in a low voice, and Mo Erlan sat among them and smiled triumphantly.She naturally knew what they were discussing, of course it was what she said downstairs just now!Zhong Qing, even if you two want to get married, I will still label you as a mistress saboteur on your back, so that even if you marry into a wealthy family, you will still be a disgraceful third party!
I really don't know what Zhong Qing will be like after knowing such a thing is exposed!She will break down and cry sadly, right?Cry, cry to your heart's content!Only when you cry, I am happy!All this is what you deserve!
Suddenly the door of the meeting room was pushed open vigorously, interrupting Mo Erlan's thoughts.Everyone looked up quickly, only to see Zhong Qing and An Yilun walking in together, and they were sitting in the main seats.

An Yilun said: "Everyone is here, right? You should know that this time I did not arrange it, but an order issued by An Xize, An Dong, the American headquarters of AN International! The engagement ceremony between Young Master Cheng and Ms. Zhong All the jewelry that needs to be worn will be arranged by our AN International China Branch! This is a great opportunity for our branch. Because no one of us knows how powerful Nanfeng International is in City C. , and this time their engagement ceremony will also be an invisible publicity for our company. If we do well and let our beautiful bride become the focus of the audience, then our products will naturally become the focus of the whole audience. The focus of the field! So this time the Design Award No.1 will be awarded by Nanfeng International and AN International at the same time, with a prize of 10 yuan! So I hope everyone can use their imagination as much as possible to design the most Perfect jewelry." "Wow, one hundred thousand!" The entire design team gave out a neat admiration.

An Yilun said again: "Next, Ms. Zhong will announce the theme of this design!" Zhong Qing stood up with a smile, raised the cowhide bag in her hand and said: "This bag contains the topic I have thought about. I hope I The engagement ceremony can be done a little differently, so this time I will choose a less popular style instead of the same style as before, so I hope everyone can think in reverse!" After finishing speaking, Zhong Qing opened the cowhide bag, took out the questions inside, and then slowly turned to all of them.

All the people stared at the words above with their eyes wide open, but in the end they all took a deep breath.

Seeing their stunned expressions, Zhong Qing smiled and said, "You read it right, it is indeed Shang! Because people often say that marriage is the tomb of love, so getting married means jumping into the tomb of love." But I hope that everyone can design this marriage tomb with a dreamy feeling! I don’t think this is a problem for you designers who are full of literary talents? Of course, because I came up with this question myself , so I will also participate! I can’t compare to all of you in terms of literary talents, I can only do random graffiti, but I don’t want me, a layman, to compare you! You are all from AN International Elite, I hope you can design jewelry that satisfies me! We have plenty of time, everyone can think about it carefully!" Zhong Qing said, and sat down peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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