Chapter 295

But the people below started to discuss in low voices, all having headaches because of Zhong Qing's problem today.Zhong Qing folded her arms, and said with a half-smile: "I think you, as designers of AN International, must be full of talent, so I think such a design should not be difficult for you. See Miss Mo You look full of confidence, I think you will definitely give me a perfect design, is that so?" Mo Erlan raised her eyes to look at Zhong Qing with disdain in her eyes: "Zhong Qing, do you really think that if If it was designed by me, can your wedding still be held?" Zhong Qing nodded and smiled, "That's right, I'm really sorry, the dream that you have worked so hard to hold on to for so many years has disappeared in an instant! But you Don't be sad, whoever should have it, even if others try their best to get it! Ms. Mo is the champion of the International Jewelry Design Competition, she is quite famous at a young age, so even if we are rivals However, I still very much hope that the jewelry on my engagement ceremony will be designed by you!" "Since Ms. Zhong trusts me so much, it seems unreasonable if I don't contribute a little of my talent! Then please Ms. Zhong Let's wait and see!" Zhong Qing stood up and stretched out her hand to Mo Erlan: "I look forward to the good work you bring me!" Mo Erlan also smiled and reached out to hold Zhong Qing's hand, although the two of them smiled lightly on the surface , But secretly, I don't know how much effort I put in.

After the meeting, Zhong Qing and An Yilun went to his office together. An Yilun ordered the secretary to bring two cups of coffee. The two of them sat on the sofa. He asked, "I don't understand why you would do this ? Do you really want Mo Erlan's works to appear in your engagement ceremony?" "Shanren has his own tricks!" Zhong Qing smiled mysteriously, took a sip of coffee, "Today Mo Erlan Lan said so many things in front of the reporters, she thought she could defeat me, she underestimated me! An, just wait and see how I beat her to the point of no return!" Zhong There is endless darkness in Qing's eyes, like an angel who has fallen into the endless hell... An Yilun looked at her, and couldn't associate her with the innocent girl she just met, but no matter what she How to change, An Yilun knew that this girl's heart was always soft, but this time the incident hit her too hard, so she couldn't swallow this breath, that's all! "Qingqing, no matter what you want to do, I will support you! Don't worry, no matter how others change, I will always be true to you!" Zhong Qing looked at An Yilun, smiled gratifiedly, and nodded Said: "Don't worry, I will take care of myself." "Well, I will be by your side no matter what time..." An Yilun reached out and patted Zhong Qing on the shoulder.

However, at this moment, the door of An Yilun's office was suddenly opened, and Cheng Yibei's cold and disdainful voice came: "My woman, no matter when the person by her side is always me, don't you bother?" To Master An!" Zhong Qing quickly turned her head to look, only to see Cheng Yibei being pushed in by Wang Qiang.Zhong Qing quickly stood up and walked over, saying, "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to rest at home?" "If I don't come over, how would I know that this man is still treating my woman?" Are you thinking about it?" "Cheng Yibei, what nonsense are you talking about? Mr. An, don't listen to his nonsense, he has a fever and his mind is a little unclear!" Zhong Qing Pushing Cheng Yibei's head hard, he said to An Yilun with some embarrassment.

"Zhongqing, who do you think has a fever and can't figure it out? Is what I saw and heard with my own eyes still wrong? This kid just has bad intentions for you! An Yilun, let me tell you, when your old man You didn't snatch my uncle and my aunt away, so you don't want to snatch Qingqing from me today!" "Although I'm very glad that my father didn't snatch your biological mother away, that's why my father and my mother Married and gave birth to me, but I think what you said today is very wrong! First of all, my father and your mother are childhood sweethearts. They have loved each other since they were young. If it weren't for the coincidence of separation, they would have married a long time ago. Also, if your dad hadn't been the first to make your mom pregnant with your eldest brother, do you think my dad would lose to your dad?" "An Yilun, if you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say! Your An family is destined to be Our Cheng family's subordinates are defeated!" Cheng Yibei raised his middle finger at An Yilun while speaking. "

"Cheng Yibei, you are enough! Mr. An and I are just friends. Why do you say so many nasty things? I really hate you like this! If you want to continue arguing, then you Just go and argue by yourself, I won't accompany you!" After finishing speaking, Zhong Qing turned around and ran out with a wave of her hands.

"Qingqing..." Cheng Yibei turned his head and called to her, but Zhong Qing ran so fast that he couldn't stop shouting at all, so he could only turn his head and stare at An Yilun fiercely.

An Yilun sneered, and said: "Cheng Yibei, to be honest, do you know what Qingqing wants? Do you say that no matter how you change in the future, you will be by her side? Then when Zhong died, you Where? Where were you when she was homeless? Cheng Yibei, if you really want to marry Qingqing, I ask you to get to know her first before talking about it! Because now I find that you don't seem to understand her at all! If it weren't for loving you, do you think a woman would marry someone who doesn't understand herself at all? My words are not teaching you, I just hope that you can all be well. "

"You don't need to worry about our affairs!" Cheng Yibei put down these cold words, turned around and quickly went out to chase Zhong Qing.

In fact, Zhong Qing didn't walk that fast, because she considered that Cheng Yibei's body was not well yet, and she knew that he would chase him out. What if she accidentally fell down?So when Cheng Yibei was pushed downstairs by Wang Qiang, Zhong Qing just walked out of the gate of AN International and was standing on the side of the road ready to take a taxi. Cheng Yibei rushed over and hugged Zhong tightly. Qing said: "Qingqing, don't be angry, okay? I'm wrong, can't you?"

Zhong Qing shook off Cheng Yibei's hand, and said, "I see that with your current attitude, you don't realize where your mistakes are at all! Come with me when you fully realize your mistakes. Speak!"

"Stop, Qingqing! Yes, I admit that everything I did today was too much, but isn't it because I care too much about you? You said that I heard An Yilun say those words to you as soon as I came, Still put your hands on your shoulders, can I not be angry? If I see other men treat you so well and I am not angry, it will only prove that I don't love you anymore!"

"Are you still trying to make excuses? Then I told you that Mr. An and I are just friends. Now their company is sometimes the jewelry design company for our engagement ceremony. What's the big deal for me to say a few words to him? Also, I have already decided to get engaged to you. Even if our marriage is settled, I am destined to be yours. Why are you so worried about other men? After all, are you worried about me? That's why it happened?"

"No, no! Of course I know you love me, but I just can't get used to the way other men look at you! Qingqing, promise me that you will never leave me, okay?"

Only then did Zhong Qing look into Cheng Yibei's worried and aggrieved eyes, and couldn't utter the cruel words that she wanted to blurt just now, so she bit her lips and said, "Stop acting like a baby to me, It's useless! I'm really angry, very angry, very angry now! So try to provoke me as little as possible!" After finishing speaking, Zhong Qing waved her hand and was about to leave, but at this moment, Cheng Yibei didn't know whether it was on purpose or not. Be careful, as soon as he tilted his body, he fell to the ground. He let out a cry of surprise. When Zhong Qing turned her head, she saw that Cheng Yibei was about to fall, so she quickly stretched out her hand to pull him. As a result, Zhong Qing also fell due to the huge force. go down.

At this critical moment, Cheng Yibei hugged Zhong Qing tightly, turned around suddenly and let Zhong Qing fall on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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