Chapter 296

"Ah..." At the moment when the two fell to the ground at the same time, Cheng Yibei snorted and frowned.Zhong Qing quickly sat up, helped Cheng Yibei up nervously, and said, "Yibei, how are you doing? Did you hurt your leg? I'm so sorry, I was too careless Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Zhong Qing was so anxious that she almost cried, but she didn't know where to touch her hand, so she could only hang her hand helplessly and look at Cheng Yibei's expression.Cheng Yibei hugged Zhong Qing tightly in his arms, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I don't hurt, really! As long as you don't get angry with me, I'll be fine no matter what!"

"Cheng Yibei, you are such an asshole! Do you know how scared I am of you? You just bully me!"

Cheng Yibei hugged Zhong Qing and listened to her cry and couldn't help laughing in a low voice.Suddenly a gorgeous sports car stopped by the side of the road, and the windows were slowly rolled open. Cheng Yuchen took off his sunglasses and whistled, "Hey, why is our fourth child sitting on the ground? Isn't he afraid of catching cold? ? Hurry up!"

As soon as the words came out, Cheng Yibei's eye knife immediately shot towards him.But Cheng Yuchen saw that Zhong Qing was crippled again, so he was not afraid anymore, and still teased himself: "Oh, I forgot, my fourth child crippled his leg in order to save the hero. If your legs are not healed, how can you sit in the snow? If you get cold, you will be seriously ill again! Come on, come on, I just want to go home, or I will take you for a ride!"

"Okay!" Cheng Yibei just wanted to refuse, but Zhong Qing agreed one step ahead of him, and then smiled cunningly, and said, "Third brother, my strength is relatively weak, and yours is stronger. Help me Get him in the car!"

"Okay, I'm so happy!" Cheng Yuchen opened the car door and got out, Zhong Qing walked around the car and got in.Cheng Yuchen walked up to Cheng Yibei, squatted down, poked his leg with his fingers, and was in such a good mood: "Oh, I didn't expect our mighty Fourth Young Master Cheng to be so downcast! How about it? Let third brother give me my hand to carry you up?"

Cheng Yibei looked at Cheng Yuchen fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the dignity can't be lost!" Let this third brother, who has always been suppressed by him, carry him into the car?It would be better to kill him with one knife!
"We are brothers, what's the relationship? Besides, I hugged you when you were young, so don't be so alien! Come, come, don't be polite with the third brother, the three hug you." car, or our Xiao Qingqing will go crazy again in a while!"

When Cheng Yibei heard that he actually used Zhong Qing to suppress him, he became even more angry, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help thinking about it, smiled cunningly, and said, "Okay, come and hug me." ! But don’t drop me, or my mother will tear you apart!”

"Yeah, okay, you can rest assured!" Cheng Yuchen bent over and hugged Cheng Yibei, Cheng Yibei smiled triumphantly, just about to attack Cheng Yuchen's vitals, but suddenly At this moment, Cheng Yuchen's hand slipped, and Cheng Yibei was accidentally thrown to the ground... "Oh..." Cheng Yibei almost couldn't breathe from the fall, and his face was flushed red , can only lie on the ground coughing.Zhong Qing was startled when she was sitting in the car, she quickly jumped off and ran over, grabbed Cheng Yibei and said, "Yibei, how are you?"

Cheng Yibei clutched his chest and said uncomfortably, "Cheng Yuchen, I can't stop talking to you, boy!"

"Hey, fourth brother, I'm really sorry, my hands are a little slippery!"

"You...uh, it hurts me to death!" Cheng Yibei almost rolled on the ground in pain at this moment.The wound hadn't healed before, but now Cheng Yuchen threw it again, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of bed for a few more days. "Forget!" He gritted his teeth and spit out these words, and he no longer had the strength to say anything else.

Zhong Qing quickly went to call Wang Qiang, and the two helped each other to help Cheng Yibei into the car, and the car drove quickly to the villa in Repulse Bay.

Cheng Yibei was carefully helped into the house by his family, and Cheng Nianen hurried there to give Cheng Yibei first aid, but Cheng Yuchen was unlucky enough to be called aside by Chu Qiaoxi and Cheng Muyuan and taught him a lesson.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with Cheng Yibei, but the wound was rubbed and some medicinal wine was rubbed on it. Although it still hurts, it is not so strong anymore.

After finishing all this, Cheng Nianen went out with a thought, and Zhong Qing stayed in the room alone to take care of him.When Cheng Nianen went out, Chu Qiaoxi was still teaching Cheng Yuchen a lesson. Cheng Yuchen, who was about 1.8 meters tall, stood in front of Chu Qiaoxi, who was more than 1.6 meters tall, but he couldn't show any arrogance at all. He could only hang his head and let Chu Qiaoxi scold him. .

Cheng Nianen walked up to Chu Qiaoxi's side and said, "Mom, I've finished giving medicine to the fourth child, and there's nothing serious about it! Don't be angry with the third child, the two of them have been fighting since childhood. I'm used to it, this time it must be that the third brother missed it, and it wasn't on purpose, so don't talk about him anymore! You should go to the kitchen and make some soup for the fourth child, and you can add it when he wakes up Nutrition!"

"That's right!" Chu Qiaoxi nodded, raised her head and gave Cheng Yuchen a hard look, slapped him on the head, and said angrily, "You boy, wait for me! I'll deal with you later!" Said Well, turn around and run to the kitchen.

Cheng Nianen patted him on the shoulder helplessly, and the two brothers walked into the living room together. Cheng Yuchen took a few cans of beer and threw a can to their father. The two brothers each took a can, and Cheng Siyuan sat watching TV, do not drink.

"Third brother, why did you stab the hornet's nest again?" Cheng Nianen opened the beer can, took a sip, and asked with a smile.

Cheng Yuchen said with an extremely unhappy expression, "It's alright, alright, don't tease me anymore, okay? Seeing that I was scolded by my mother, you are all happy, aren't you?"

"You are an eternal pistachio in our hearts!" Cheng Siyuan said leisurely, and Cheng Nianen and Cheng Muyuan immediately echoed him.

Cheng Yuchen sighed again very depressed, and said: "I think I probably have a disagreement with the fourth child. Otherwise, why did nothing good happen when I met the fourth child for so many years? Dad, it's all your fault!"

Cheng Muyuan quickly put down the wine jar, and said jealously and dissatisfied: "Why are you blaming me again? You can't blame me when you can't beat the fourth child?"

"Don't blame you, who do you blame? Originally, my mother said not to give birth, but you insisted on letting my mother give birth to the fourth child! Look, isn't this giving me an enemy now? I am so mad! Knowing that I should throw him into the sea to feed the sharks when he was so young, so as not to panic now! Why do you think it's just me and the fourth child who don't get along?"

"But you have to know, if there is no fourth child, how can you be so free now? Isn't it because you are stupid and know that you are useless, so you gave birth to the fourth child to take over, otherwise you think it's just your IQ Come to manage the company, our company has already told you to lose everything!"

"Cough..." Cheng Yuchen was almost overwhelmed by Cheng Muyuan's words, "Dad, am I your biological son?"

Cheng Muyuan nodded thoughtfully, and said: "I think this question needs to be investigated! If you ask me now, I'm not sure! You see, in our family, the eldest, second, and fourth are all extremely smart people from all walks of life. Even our family, Huanhuan, has been an elite in the industry since she was a child, and as for why you are so stupid, I think the second child should take you to the research institute to study eye genes!"

"I totally agree!" Cheng Nianen replied with a suppressed smile while drinking.

"Wow Kaka, you all bully me! Why am I so stupid? I am so stupid? Anyway, I am also a soft-hearted person who has obtained various bachelor's certificates, okay?"

"This can only prove that your genes are very ordinary, and there is no way to compare with our family's super genes! The eldest brother has become a world expert when he was a teenager, and he has dealt with the underworld all over the world; the second child is also a teenager. When you were a few years old, you could be on your own, so you are simply weak!" Cheng Muyuan unceremoniously hit Cheng Yuchen's self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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