Chapter 303

"I know, I know that the decisions you make are all for my own good! I also know that Mingcheng came from the countryside, he doesn't have such a superior family background, his self-esteem is not strong enough, and he doesn't have such great ambitions , all he can give me is a small home, and all he can give me is a simple meal. I know Ah Che is very good, she has always obeyed me since she was a child, and I respect his love for me. He can see clearly! Mingcheng is incomparable with him. He is the grandson of the King of Saudi Arabia and a rising star in the future of the Ministry of National Defense. His family is all political dignitaries. His background is extremely noble. Both of us The family is family friends, we are the most matched couple! But fourth brother, even if the person I love is not good in every way, he is the best in my heart! No matter how good Ah Che is, if I don’t love him, no matter how good he is. Fortunately, it has nothing to do with me! Don't you still understand this point, fourth brother?"

Cheng Yibei was so choked by Cheng Lingxuan's words that he couldn't speak a word, he opened his mouth but no sound came out.

Cheng Lingxuan sobbed, and said, "Fourth brother, I don't ask you to really help me, but I hope you don't stop me! I have everything ready, and I just wait until the day when you get married, fourth brother. I'll leave... So fourth brother, I told you that I'm leaving, you're the only one who knows, I trust you, so I know you won't betray me, right?"

Cheng Yibei's body was completely stiff, and it took him a long time to slowly raise his arms to hold Cheng Lingxuan tightly in his arms, and said, "Xiao Wu, I can't send you back into the fire pit!"

"Then you tell Dad that I want to elope with Gu Mingcheng, and then ask Dad to put me in confinement so that I can't get out for the rest of my life, and then Dad secretly sends someone to kill Gu Mingcheng, I know the news of Mingcheng's death In the future, I will definitely not live alone, I will die, and die with Ming Cheng!"

"Xiao Wu... Are you threatening brother?"

"Brother, I'm just stating a fact to you! Brother, take good care of your future sister-in-law, I can see that you two love each other very much, you are happier than me, at least your happiness has been blessed by everyone , including my blessings! I'm fine now, I'll go first, you go back and take care of the future fourth sister-in-law!" Cheng Lingxuan slowly pushed Cheng Yibei's hand away, smiled at him, turned and stepped down upstairs.

Through the crack of the door, Zhong Qing saw Cheng Yibei's helpless figure slid along the wall and sat on the ground, covering her face with her hands helplessly, and began to cry softly.

Zhong Qing looked at Cheng Yibei's helpless figure, she clenched her hand and was about to open the door, but it fell down feebly.He turned around, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, frowning and thinking carefully.Fortunately, I found out that the Cheng family has a shocking secret at this time, and this secret seems to be quite helpful to her!No matter whether this matter hurts Cheng Lingxuan or not, as long as it can make Cheng Yibei helpless, that is the best thing for her!

Zhong Qing sat by the bed and thought carefully about what to do, but at this moment Cheng Yibei opened the door and went straight to the bed and looked at Zhong Qing, saying, "Qingqing, when did you wake up? Why are you sitting on the bed?" side?"

Hearing this, Zhong Qing raised her head and looked at Cheng Yibei. Although Cheng Yibei was still in high spirits at this moment, his eyes were still a little moist.Zhong Qing got up and walked to his side, stretched out her hand to hold his hand, looked at him sadly, and said, "So what's the matter? Why did you cry when I only slept for a while?" ? Who broke your heart?"

Cheng Yibei looked at Zhong Qing's worried eyes, and suddenly he hugged Zhong Qing tightly in his arms, and said with a bit of sobs: "Qingqing, don't ever leave me, okay? I don't understand , Why do all the people leave me in the end? Why do they choose me, but still let me stay here alone? When I was born, my biological parents didn't want me, and gave me to someone else. I resigned to my fate, I decided that they abandoned me, so I don't have to feel sad for them anymore, but when I grew up and gradually became sensible, I realized that the feeling of wanting to ignore them in my world is It's so difficult. I always pretend to be indifferent, every time they send a message or call back from the Middle East, every time I hide away, but every time I will be alone in the dark When I was a person, I would quietly pay attention to everything about them. They said that I never cared about my elder brother’s body, but they didn’t know that I knew every time my elder brother underwent surgery. I didn’t want to care about them, but my body left With the same blood as theirs, I don’t want to care but I have to care! I have cared most about my sister since I was a child, because I know that I have adopted the name of my current parents, and I am their son. My younger sister is my only dearest sister, but I never thought that one day, she would choose to leave me..."

"People are growing up slowly, and gradually have their own opinions. It is no longer the only one by your side when you were young, and the only one by your side. Although now you are still the closest and most beloved person to each other. , but brother-sister relationship and love are equally important, but in brother-sister relationship, there is more understanding and support between brothers and sisters. Even after many years have passed, the relationship between you will not be slowed down by the barrier of time. Slowly fading, but love is not like this. It is rare to meet someone you love deeply, but once you miss it, it is really difficult to meet again. So you can rest assured, even if your sister really wants to leave You, then you also need to know that her departure is only temporary, she is your sister, and she will come back in the end!"

"Then you say, should I help her? Should I just let her go? I really don't know what to do now! I'm really not afraid of my father punishing me, but I'm really afraid that if I I helped her but harmed her, what should I do? That is my only sister, I can't push her away!"

"Then don't think about it now! Since you don't know whether to help or not, then don't think about it. Don't make a choice. Let her choose everything. In this way, it doesn't matter what path she chooses in the end." What is it like, she will not marry and blame anyone. Yi Bei, think about our marriage soon, and you should stop thinking about those unhappy things, so I will feel that our marriage makes you Not happy anymore!"

"No, how could it be?" Cheng Yibei hugged Zhong Qing tightly and said, "Only when you are here can I know what the value of living in this world is, and only when you are here can I know that someone cares about me, and so do I." Someone deserves my care. Qingqing, so never leave me, okay?"

Zhong Qing hugged him tightly, smiled, and said, "Yi Bei, if I do something bad to you, you will forgive me, love me, forgive me, and let me Do I stay by your side?"

"No matter what you do, as long as you are still willing to stay by my side, I will definitely let you stay! Qingqing, in my life, you are the only person I can trust."

(End of this chapter)

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