Chapter 304

Zhong Qing chuckled, pushed his arms away and clenched his hands tightly, saying: "I am your most important person, and they are also your most important people! I am in much better health now, and I want to be with you My sister went out for a walk together."

"I will accompany you?"

"No, you should continue to work in your company. Anyway, it's still early, and you still have time to go to work. Let's go around, buy some things we need, then have afternoon tea, and then go to the spa."

"Okay! I'll call Xiao Wu right now, then you can go shopping, I'm going to work in the company. Remember to buy more things, don't go home until you click back to a store!" Cheng Yibei pulled out A card came out and handed to Zhong Qing. Zhong Qing looked at the card in front of her with a smile and said, "Are you so generous? I just stained your shirt before, and you cried in front of me." You have been poor for a long time, so I will buy you another one!"

"Hey, we didn't have such a relationship at that time! It's different now. You are my fiancee, my future wife, and the mother of my future son. Of course, all my money is spent on you guys." You can spend it vigorously, don't save me money!" Cheng Yibei kissed Zhong Qing's face.

Zhong Qing smiled and took the bank card in her hand, and nodded.

Cheng Yibei drove Zhong Qing and Cheng Lingxuan to the busiest street market. The two girls waved to Cheng Yibei and bid farewell to Cheng Yibei, and the two went shopping together.The two girls went shopping for a whole street, bought a lot of things, and carried big bags and small bags. Their feet hurt from shopping, so they went to a coffee shop to rest.

The two of them each ordered a drink of their liking, sat down and started chatting.Cheng Lingxuan smiled and put some exquisite snacks back in front of Zhong Qing, and said, "Sister-in-law, although I don't come back to China often, and I don't stay for long every time I come back, but every time I come back, my mother and my aunt, My sister-in-law and the others will bring me here to taste the delicacies from all over the city, so I know a lot about the delicacies here. The snacks in this store are really delicious, you can try them! "

"Although you don't come back to China often, you know more than me! Since you strongly recommend me to try it, I will definitely try it!" Zhong Qing picked up a piece of dim sum, tasted it carefully, and ordered She nodded and said, "It really tastes good!" Zhong Qing looked up at Cheng Lingxuan, pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Although I am two years younger than you, since you call me little sister-in-law, I really want to marry Yi Bei, so you will be my younger sister from now on, and I will call you Xiao Wu just like Yi Bei!"

"Okay little sister-in-law! You can call me anything! Little sister-in-law, although I know that my fourth brother has a bad temper and is indifferent to others, I really know that my fourth brother is still very soft in his heart, because He is really good to my sister! So I know that as long as the fourth brother really loves someone, no matter how bad that person is to him or how unreasonable they are to him, he will not be angry, but will be extremely So little sister-in-law, it is really your happiness that you can find my fourth brother. Of course, it is also his happiness that my fourth brother found you! Poor heartbroken man, so only you can make him feel like he belongs!"

"It can be seen that the relationship between you brothers and sisters is really good! In fact, I heard what you said to your fourth brother outside the door today. Xiao Wu, do you know how good your fourth brother is to you? Do you know how important you are in his heart? After you left, he cried, really cried. But I can't appear in front of him to comfort him, because I know Elbe's love for him Face is taken very seriously."

"Fourth brother...he has always been the strongest person! I have never seen him shed tears."

"Yes, Cheng Yibei is an extremely strong person, but this strong man like an iron man cried for a long time because of your sister, but he cried very depressed. Xiao Wu, why did you Can't you change your choice? Are you really willing to see so many people in your family feeling sad for you? "

"I don't want to, but what can I do if I don't want to? Little sister-in-law, you won't understand. The relationship between you and my fourth brother has been going smoothly along the way, without anyone's hindrance, everything is going to happen naturally Yes, so you will never understand how sad my unblessed love is! I believe that Mingcheng will love me as deeply as my fourth brother loves you, and I also know that although Mingcheng can't give me I want to live a life of prosperity and wealth like this, but I believe he will work hard to give me the happiness he can. I feel sorry for my family, and I don't want to be separated from them, but I really have no way to leave Mingcheng behind. I have been to the future life path that my parents designed for me!"

Zhong Qing smiled noncommittally, took a sip of coffee, put down the cup and sat upright, looked at Cheng Lingxuan, and said: "Since you have made up your mind, I can't say anything more, after all, I can only talk to you. You are an outsider. I can’t persuade you, but I can only tell you that if you leave without saying goodbye, the people who will be sad are not only Yi Bei, but also your parents, and many others People! But those of us who will be sad all hope that you can live an extremely happy life!"

"I know that my departure will have a great blow to my fourth brother. Because if I wanted to leave before, I would still come back and we would also be in touch. But this time I left, it may really be that there will be no future So, sister-in-law, I will ask you to take good care of my fourth brother in the future. No matter how much pain my fourth brother has since childhood, he will only hide it and won’t tell anyone. He is always so strong, Be strong enough to make people hate and feel distressed!"

Zhong Qing slowly took out a cowhide bag from her bag and pushed it in front of Cheng Lingxuan, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Maybe everything in it is useful to you. I'm just a little actor, now I don’t even have a job anymore, and I don’t have a lot of contacts, but I can still do some things within my ability. This is also a small thought between Yi Bei and I. Although Yi Bei said that he didn’t want to help you, but He still hopes in his heart that you will be happy. But if one day you really can't be happy, you must always remember your brother's phone number, he will find you at any time and rescue you from your sadness. "

"I believe that when I am with Mingcheng, I will be happy every day, and there will never be a sad day. But even if I change my identity and break contact with all of them, I will not I forgot my fourth brother’s phone number. Because I know that in this family, only my fourth brother is the best to me! So no matter what happens in the future, I will never really be separated from my fourth brother.”

(End of this chapter)

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