Chapter 308

Zhong Qing walked out and went to the roof to relax. , Walking to the rooftop, Zhong Qing realized that the scenery here is so different!Although she was also a signed artist in Hope Film and Television Company in the past, she has been filming non-stop since the first signing, and has never come up to see it. She never thought that this place would be another paradise!

Zhong Qing shuttled back and forth in the world full of green eyes, stretching her limbs and breathing in the fresh air comfortably.Standing on the edge of the railing, she opened her arms and smiled contentedly. She put her hands down on the railing and watched the traffic passing by downstairs, but suddenly her heart felt empty.Seeing those people who are so busy every day, busy to survive, and insist on making their families live a happier life, they all still have their own dreams, but what about her dream?Where was she thrown?

Zhong Qing knew that she didn't want to do this, but if she didn't, her heart would not be able to settle down, and she would never be able to live a good life.But if she finished this matter, how would she deal with herself?

Caught in a dilemma, she closed her eyes when the phone rang suddenly.Zhong Qing took out her mobile phone and saw that it was An Yilun's call. She took the call with a sigh of relief and said, "Hey, Yilun, what's the matter?"

"I've seen all the news today, Qingqing, did you do it?" An Yilun looked at the news on the computer in front of him, flipping through it frame by frame, "Qingqing, the Cheng family has been in City C for so many years. It's history, no one can stop them from doing what they want to do, and even the FBI can't find out the truth they want to hide. Qingqing, do you want to destroy a person so much?"

"Yi Lun, you also said that even the FBI can't find out what the Cheng family wants to hide. I'm just an ordinary little woman. How can I find out what the Cheng family doesn't want others to know? What about the matter? But Yan Guo left a voice, it is really impossible not to find out. There are so many people who knew Cheng Yibei Mo Erlan back then, it is impossible for them to be able to buy it, and all of them are silent Yes! The Cheng family has a great career and many enemies. Is it true that no one wants to discredit them? Yi Lun, I have a friend who is a reporter. I hope he can help me, but I didn’t think of him What I know seems to be beyond my imagination!"

"You really don't care what Yi Bei thinks? Do you know that the person who will be hurt the most by such a consequence is Cheng Yibei!"

"Yi Lun, things have come to this point, we have no room to retreat! Tonight we have an engagement banquet, I hope you can show up, because after all, in this world, my friend, the only person I can really trust is You are alone!"

An Yilun on the other end of the phone paused, looked at the huge title on the computer screen, paused for a long time before saying: "Okay, I will definitely go! I really hope that a sister I care about can get The happiness she wants most! I also hope that she can see clearly what is the most correct way to go on the road under her feet!"

"Thank you!" Zhong Qing said with a smile, and then slowly hung up the phone, but she couldn't help but shed tears when she looked up.She hurriedly looked for tissues, but fumbled for the bag for a long time, but couldn't find any paper. In the end, she simply didn't wipe her tears, and knelt down and cried bitterly.

In fact, Zhong Qing didn't know what she was crying about, but she felt so painful and sad in her heart, as if a lot of depression was suppressed in her heart and could not be excreted.She never thought that there was anything wrong with what she did, and she felt that there was nothing wrong with what she did!Could it be that her brother is dead, and she clearly knows who killed her brother but wants her to pretend that she doesn't know anything, and let the murderer play with impunity?No, you can't!She must let this murderer get the punishment he deserves!No matter how hard she has to go on this road of revenge, and no matter how many people he may be affected by what he wants to do, she will do it!And Cheng Yibei is not an innocent person, he should pay the due price for the love debt he owed!Even though Zhong Qing loves him deeply, she will never be merciless!
If it wasn't for love, his brother wouldn't have died!Cheng Yibei, why did you come to provoke me after falling in love with Mo Erlan?Why put me in such an ugly situation?Why should Mo Erlan have the opportunity to humiliate me?Why let my brother die because of the entanglement between the three of us?Why is it my younger brother who finally buys into the matter between us?

"I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong!" Zhong Qing covered her ears tightly with her hands and yelled, but she couldn't stop her tears from falling like rain... I don't know how long I cried , Zhong Qing only felt that she was really tired.Glancing at the sky with misty eyes, he felt that the time seemed to be almost up, so he slowly stood up, only to realize that his legs were already a little numb.She staggered to stabilize her body, paused before slowly walking towards the elevator entrance.

She walked slowly to the bathroom, washed her face, modified the makeup on her face from crying, and then went out, but when she turned around, she heard a few young girls chatting at a corner Zhong Qing couldn't help but stop.

"I really didn't expect this Zhong Qing to be so capable! He was able to climb into Si Shao's bed and hold Si Shao in the palm of his hand! Now he is so majestic, he changed from a little star to a president Madame!"

"Oh, who can tell that someone has a good bed skill? He immediately caught the heart of the Fourth Young Master! Actually, I thought it was strange that Zhong Qing was able to enter Hope Film and Television Company at first. Think about it, originally this Zhong Qing However, he is a book model who has never even been on the runway, and has no connection with the entertainment industry at all. How did he suddenly become a signed artist that he expected? And look, this signing is very important. There must be something wrong with TV dramas, movies, and CDs! Heh, how are you doing now? I guessed it? Sure enough, it is suitable for Si Shao to have an affair! Otherwise, how could Si Shao risk his life to let the director What about the first big-screen work of the eldest wife, Bao Zhongqing?"

"But wasn't Zhong Qing kicked out of the company in the end?"

"That's why I said that this woman is smart! Even if she was proposed to the company, she still came back to be the wife of the president! Such a big backer, a fool would let go! This must have tried everything to get Si Shao back! Look How clever is his method, pregnancy, miscarriage, and the real girlfriend of the Fourth Young Master will be defeated in one fell swoop, right?"

"But is that Mo Erlan really the fourth young master's girlfriend?"

"Think about it, Mo Erlan is a talented student who graduated from a high-level university, and she is quite famous in the world. Naturally, she is a good match with the four young masters! It's just that her methods are not as powerful as love, so she can only lose No! Don’t you look at how powerful Zhong Qing’s methods are. Now I guess Mo Erlan is so blacked out by Zhong Qing that she dare not go out! She is obviously the mistress of the mistress, but she forced Zheng Gong into a corner. Tell me about it. , isn’t there a means?”

(End of this chapter)

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