Chapter 309

Zhong Qing was furious, she turned around and was about to walk over, but suddenly a hand wrapped around her waist and walked in front of those people, Cheng Yibei sneered at those people who were messing around behind them The tongue-twisting person said: "It seems that our company's system is still very problematic! The company pays you such a generous salary, it is not for you to speak ill of others in private during working hours! It’s still bad words from your immediate boss! Let me tell you, Zhong Qing used to be a signed artist of Hope Film and Television Company, so her identity is no different from yours, she is just an employee of Hope, but now she is the boss of Hope! Talking bad about her behind her back now, what do you think she will do?"

The employees looked at each other in blank dismay and didn't dare to show it.

Zhong Qingyun smiled calmly, and said: "Forget it, I'm not someone who cares too much about other people's gains and losses! Just don't let me see you in the company again! I will soon Forget about all these things!"

Cheng Yibei snapped his fingers and said, "Very good! Inform the personnel department that these people will disappear from my sight immediately!" After saying that, Cheng Yibei walked away with his arms around Zhongqing's waist, leaving only The next few people want to cry but have no tears.

After sitting in the car, Cheng Yibei started the car and left.Sitting on the co-pilot, Zhong Qing felt a little embarrassed and said guiltily: "Yi Bei, did I look really hateful just now? Did I look like a devil? Do you I Is there such a cruel side?"

"How could it be? This is the majesty of the wife of the president of Nanfeng International!" Cheng Yibei turned his head and looked at her slightly distorted face, and couldn't help laughing, "Okay, don't think so much, no matter you How about it, she is the most perfect Qingqing in my mind! You, if you continue to struggle, you will become a little old lady! These people dare to bully Cheng Yibei's woman, if I lose, I don't know how to deal with it. How can you torture them! So, you saved their lives! How can my kind and lovely Qingqing have a cruel side?"

When Zhong Qing heard what Cheng Yibei said, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Cheng Yibei, you bastard! Sooner or later, you will spoil me!"

"Even if I spoil you, I am the most unique! And I just want to spoil you, so that, apart from me, there will never be another man in the world who can bear your bad temper! Then you Become my unique and exclusive little woman!"

"But you spoiled me. Other men despise me. Don't you despise me? When the time comes, you will despise me and abandon me. Wouldn't it be worse for me?"

Cheng Yibei smiled and said: "In this life, I will only recognize you, no matter how good other women are, I will never take another look at them!"

Zhong Qing couldn't help blushing when she heard Cheng Yibei's sweet love words, and said shyly, "You are the only one who can say it!"

Cheng Yibei laughed heartily, and the car drove quickly on the road, towards the destination at high speed.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the entire Siyuan Hotel was already very lively. Luo Xiaoqi and Chu Qiaoxi directed a group of people to arrange the venue. Although the place had already been arranged, they still hoped that everyone could Every detail can reach the greatest degree of perfection!

Luo Xiaoqi had just directed these people to put the flower pots in place, and he was out of breath, but Cheng Lingxuan finished the glass of water in one gulp, and then he smiled and said, "Oh, this is the first time I'm in such a hurry to go Fire! Sister, when you arranged the wedding for the second child, was there any situation like mine?"

"Of course I have! After all, I'm going to marry my daughter-in-law, and it's the first time. Naturally, I'm afraid that if I don't do it thoughtfully, others will laugh at me! More importantly, I'm afraid that the new couple will lose face!"

"Yeah! I'm really nervous, even more nervous than getting married myself!"

"But speaking of your wedding, Ah Feng was really a big bastard at that time!" So the two sisters talked and laughed about the embarrassing incident when Luo Xiaoqi and Cheng Mufeng got married.

Standing here, Cheng Lingxuan felt that there was nothing wrong, so she smiled and turned around and walked out.

Both Cheng Yibei and Zhong Qing were doing their final make-up design in the lounge not far away. Cheng Lingxuan pushed open the door of Cheng Yibei's room first, and smiled when she saw Cheng Yibei arranging her suit. Said: "Fourth brother is so handsome today!"

Cheng Yibei smiled and said, "When will your fourth brother not be handsome?"

"Fourth brother is very handsome every day, but today is so handsome and the sun is shining brightly! I used to remember that it was very difficult for fourth brother to smile once! Ever since fourth brother had Zhong Qing, I found that your smile is so real. That's a lot more! She is really your goddess of luck!"

"Yes!" Cheng Yibei did not object to Cheng Lingxuan's evaluation at all!

Cheng Lingxuan hugged Cheng Yibei, and said: "I really hope to see my brother happy forever! I hope to see my brother and Zhong Qing live together sweetly after they get married. I hope to see your child born. I heard your children call me aunt..."

Cheng Yibei's throat seemed to be stuck by something, and he said: "I will definitely hear it! My child has only one aunt, who does he call your aunt? If you want, you can stay, We will always be together..."

"I really like that kind of life!" Cheng Lingxuan sighed sadly, straightened up and looked at Cheng Yibei, and said, "But I have my own pursuit! I'll go next door to see Qingqing!" , turned and walked out.

Cheng Yibei stared blankly at the closed door, feeling a little lonely and cool.

Cheng Lingxuan pushed open Zhong Qing's door again, walked over with a smile.Seeing that it was Cheng Lingxuan, Zhong Qing smiled and said, "Why did you come here? Come quickly!"

Cheng Lingxuan held Zhong Qing's hand, because Zhong Qing was still putting on makeup, so she couldn't move around, Cheng Lingxuan sat beside Zhong Qing, and said with a smile: "How is it? Today is such an important occasion, is there any Feeling very nervous? Did you suffer from insomnia last night?"

"Insomnia? Am I almost exhausted? How can I have the energy to go to sleep?"

"Exhausted?" Cheng Lingxuan said as if she had discovered a new continent, "Oh my god, my fourth brother really...doesn't he know what the occasion is today? How can you... poof...-- But to be honest, is my fourth brother very powerful?"

"Hey, you are his sister! Are you ashamed?"

"What's so embarrassing? Tell me! I used to know that my fourth brother is very powerful in the United States. There are so many women in the whole city C! Even if my fourth brother just glanced at them, they would all be hairy Soft!"

"You really are... stop asking such boring questions!"

"Okay, okay, don't ask if you don't ask! Look at you are still shy! Then tell me, are you nervous today?"

"Of course I was so nervous! I was really afraid that I would make a mistake, and that would be too embarrassing! If so many media reporters took pictures of my embarrassment, then I would be even more embarrassing!"

"Don't worry, with my fourth brother by your side, you will spend tonight safely! My fourth brother's on-the-spot adaptability is not a joke! So you can rest assured!"

(End of this chapter)

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