Chapter 310

"Yes, with him here, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Zhong Qing smiled sweetly.

Cheng Lingxuan looked at the happy smile of Zhong Qing's happy little woman, and couldn't help but enviously said: "You are so beautiful! I think any bride who is blessed is the most beautiful?"

"Lingxuan..." Zhong Qing held Cheng Lingxuan's hands tightly, looked at the deepest sadness in her eyes, and couldn't help feeling sad for her fate. "Don't worry, one day your parents will know that only when you are happy is the greatest happiness! No matter who you choose, the most important thing is that you are happy!"

"Thank you for your comfort!" The two hugged slightly.

When it was five o'clock, the motorcade outside had already slowly arrived. As Cheng Yibei's best friends, Ye Gu, Han Che, Fang Xinan, and Liu Shenghao would naturally not be absent. They were all dressed in uniform The light blue casual suit walked in and entered Cheng Yibei's lounge first.Ye Gu smiled and said: "Hey, none of us thought that the next person to get married would be you! How is it? Do you feel your heart beating wildly?"

Cheng Yibei punched him and scolded with a smile: "You think I'm as worthless as you are?"

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense! We are here today to escort Lao Si and Zhong Qing. It's not time for the best man to bully them at will, let them go first!"

Cheng Yibei smiled and slapped Liu Shenghao on the shoulder, and said, "You're still a good kid! Let's go and find my fiancee!" As he spoke, a group of handsome and handsome men walked towards the rest room next door.

But did they just walk around the corner? Zhong Qing also came out accompanied by Cheng Lingxuan. Wearing exquisite makeup, the girl like Snow White was shocked all of a sudden, her eyes almost straightened.

Seeing Cheng Yibei's naked eyes, Zhong Qing lowered her head in embarrassment, pinching the corner of her skirt shyly.

Cheng Lingxuan looked at Zhong Qing's blushing face, and said: "Don't be embarrassed, you are the protagonist today, the most beautiful woman! Be confident, you must know that you are the woman who is most worthy to stand beside my fourth brother! Come on I walked over alone!
Cheng Lingxuan let go of Zhong Qing's arm, encouraging her to walk towards Cheng Yibei by herself.Zhong Qing breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head to look like Cheng Yibei, gave her a bright smile, and then walked over confidently step by step.

When Cheng Yibei saw her coming over so actively, he also smiled and opened his arms to accept her, hugging her tightly in his arms. "Qingqing, I'm so happy, I've never been happier!" "Fool, you're not married yet, but you're just engaged and you're happy like this?" "As long as you stand by my side, no matter what, I'm the happiest Happy, the happiest! I, Cheng Yibei, only know what happiness is because of you, Zhong Qing!" Zhong Qing couldn't help but smile happily when she heard Cheng Yibei's beautiful love words.All the onlookers were infected by the happiness and sweetness emanating from the two of them, and couldn't help but feel happy for them, and applauded warmly for their hugs.At this moment, it seems that time has stopped. Zhong Qing is completely immersed in the happy moment. At this moment, she feels that she is really happy. How can she make this man love her so deeply, and try her best to give it to her? Her greatest happiness... If everything goes according to her own heart, Zhong Qing really hopes that the happiness at this moment will be forever, forever and ever, hugging Cheng Yibei so tightly, and never being separated , always hiding in Cheng Yibei's arms, wherever he is, no matter how much wind and rain there is, he is so at ease..." Oh! This boy Yibei is so lucky, he really found a treasure! "Ye Gu yelled loudly, and everyone else echoed.Zhong Qing and Cheng Yibei parted embarrassingly, but they clasped their hands tightly. Listening to their words of deep envy and blessing despite being joking, the two looked at each other and smiled, not minding at all Share your own happiness with everyone!
"Okay, don't bother with me any more. After a long time, I will leave it to you to be kind and loving. Now let's hurry up and go to the hotel, don't waste the time!" Liu Shenghao greeted Then, all the people walked out with the two of them, got in the car and drove towards the hotel mightily.

Little snowflakes fell in the sky, sitting in the car looking at the romantic snow scene outside, and turning her head to look at the man beside her who was so perfect that she almost suffocated herself, Zhong Qing wondered if all this was just a dream, because all of this Happiness came so suddenly, like a fantasy, so unreal, so she couldn't grasp it... Cheng Yibei smiled and held her soft hand, kissed it, and said: "Qingqing, don't you Nervous, with me here, don’t be afraid of anything!” Zhong Qing nodded firmly, leaned against his chest, and said, “I’m not afraid, I know you’re here, no matter what happens, you will protect me, you will Let me be carefree forever! But Yi Bei, if you want to marry me, you really won’t regret it? I’m not pretty, I still can’t do many things, I have many, many shortcomings ..." "Hush——" Cheng Yibei covered Zhong Qing's mouth with his fingers, and said, "We have been together for a long time, but it is enough for me to know everything about you. I can see all your shortcomings , but those places that are shortcomings in your eyes are all advantages in my eyes! No one is perfect, and I am not perfect. I have many stains in the past. I am really afraid. I am worthy Not for you! You are so strong and excellent. In comparison, I really look like a rich second generation spoiled by my parents. I am really afraid that one day you will not be able to bear my bad temper. I Leave me for all the shortcomings..." "No! Yi Bei, I love you, I really love you! Even if there are countless men in this world who are better than you, I will only choose you! Because I love you, it has nothing to do with anyone else! In my eyes, you are the best!" "Me too!" Cheng Yibei replied without hesitation, and then the two hugged tightly.

The car was still moving forward slowly, and the snowflakes were flying outside.Just as she was about to arrive at the hotel, the fireworks at the entrance of the hotel suddenly went off. Zhong Qing sat up straight and looked at the fireworks flying into the sky, blooming incomparably dazzling flowers, which was too beautiful to behold.

(End of this chapter)

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