Chapter 314

Cheng Yibei looked at Zhong Qing with a sad face, he couldn't believe that at this most difficult moment, Zhong Qing would actually step forward to save another man... "Why? You said you would wait for me to come back !"

Seeing that Cheng Yibei no longer had the urge to hit An Yilun, Zhong Qing lowered her arms and looked straight at Cheng Yibei, saying: "I'm staying here now, isn't it waiting for you? I said I would wait for you to come back, I did it, we will see each other, I did it too, but I didn't tell you, what will you see when you come back... You are in the hospital, Moore Lan put all the Have I told you everything? Are you still not sure what kind of person I am? I approached you just to get revenge on you. The man I really love is An Yilun! Don’t ask me since when Falling in love with An Yilun, because this answer will make you unacceptable!" "When did you fall in love with An Yilun?"

"When?" Zhong Qing held back her red eyes, "From the day you demolished our rented house and made me and my brother homeless, I met An Yilun again, and he saved Me, I arranged for my brother and I to live in such a comfortable house. From that moment on, I knew that this man is the one I really should love! And you, you have always only sprinkled salt on my wounds, forcing me to How can I fall in love with you even if I hate you?" "Oh, you hate me, you love him... If you really have been together since then, An Yilun How can I tolerate you coming back to me and seeing you kissing me with me? You are lying to me! You are lying to me!" "Now, what reason do I have to lie to you? I and Yi Lun has been together for so long, so he naturally knows my nature! My younger brother will not die with peace in his eyes, and I feel uneasy if I don’t avenge him! So Yi Lun promised me to help me avenge him! He sees me kissing you every day I am naturally very heartbroken, but he loves me, and he can tolerate everything I do! Cheng Yibei, are you still so obsessed with thinking that I am a kind and good girl? Could it be that what Mo Erlan told you? Don't you even care?" "I don't believe her words, I only believe yours!" Cheng Yibei's eyes were full of pain, and his pupils were almost all red.

"Oh, Cheng Yibei, are you pretending to be a lover in front of me now? What did you do earlier? That's right, at that time you only cared about kissing me with Mo Erlan, how could you care about me? If it wasn't for that child, wouldn't it be Mo Erlan who is engaged to you today?" "No! Even without that child, I would not be engaged to Mo Erlan! I only love you!" "Yes Do you only love me... Even after hearing so many truths about what Mo Erlan told you, do you still only love me?" Cheng Yibei nodded firmly.

Zhong Qing sneered and said: "You want to hear the truth, you want to hurt yourself again, don't you? Then I will help you! Don't you believe what Mo Erlan said? Then let me tell you! From the beginning to the end , All of those things were planned by me! Do you know why my brother was killed by Mo Erlan, but I took revenge with you? Because if it weren’t for you, Mo Erlan would not be hostile to me, and I would not hurt my body. My brother died! So Mo Erlan is the direct murderer, and you are the indirect pusher! I not only hate Mo Erlan, I also hate you! Do you know what you were doing on the day my brother died? I traveled abroad with Mo Erlan, you had a lot of fun, you went to many places, you are like a couple in love, so sweet!" "You..."

"How would I know? Because I bought the fastest ticket and flew right after I buried my brother! When you take the cable car tour, I sit in the cable car behind you, and you go to the market to play I'll be right behind you." Cheng Yibei looked at Zhong Qing in disbelief, she actually followed him, and he didn't even notice? !

"I see you so sweet, I really hate it! I think I'm a big fool! You Cheng Yibei is out playing with other women, but I'm pregnant with you at home I even thought about giving birth to him! Thank you for being close to Mo Erlan, which made me completely awake! So I flew back a moment before you and deployed everything! At the press conference, it was not Mo Erlan who deliberately The one who stepped on the corner of my skirt was not Mo Erlan who asked someone to touch the pillar. I did it! I got close to Mo Erlan on purpose and let her step on the corner of my skirt. A pillar, I fell on purpose and let the pillar hit my stomach, and I deliberately framed Mo Erlan. Although Mo Erlan wanted the child in my stomach to die, but there was Yi Lun by my side, her With you by my side, how could she have the chance to attack? Cheng Yibei, said that you are indeed very smart. You control such a large company and control almost the entire economic lifeline of Asia, but your EQ is really low! I can fool you with just a little trick! The moment you just found out that I was pregnant with your child, but the child died because of Morlan, you have lost your mind, and your preconceived thoughts make you Don't doubt that a mother will have a child of her own blood, so that's the best place I can start! Then I deliberately tricked you and left you frozen in the ice and snow, while I was in the hotel opposite you, drinking red wine , eating steak, watching the best video you gave me! I saw you frozen stiff, do you know how happy I am? But tormenting you is not the most important thing, the most important thing is Moore Lan! I want her to know the pain of losing everything! The more she wants to have you, the more I will not let her have you! Yi Lun helped me find out the reason why Mo Erlan left suddenly back then, and I just wanted to ruin her reputation! Cheng Yibei, regarding the cause of my brother's death, I have already called the police. I think the police have taken Morelan to the police station for questioning. Three days later, Moorelan will be sentenced in the court for intentional homicide. And The evidence of drug trafficking, these two things are enough to keep Mo Erlan out for the rest of her life! No matter how powerful you are, Fourth Young Master Cheng, it would be easy to rescue her! But I want to tell you something! Six years ago What Mo Erlan did to you, she still did it today six years later! I think in two hours, you will be addicted to drugs because you didn’t take the drink that Mo Erlan prepared for you every day Fa..." "What did you say? How did you know that Mo Erlan poisoned me?"

"I've known about Mo Erlan since the first time he fell in love with you, but I just pretended I never knew! He would send some coffee beans home every day, all of which are your favorite flavors." Zhong Qing said Undoubtedly, it pierced Cheng Yibei's heart sharper than a sharp knife, "You clearly know that there is something wrong with the coffee beans, but you insist on grinding coffee for me every day?" "Is it strange? Don't you like it very much?"

"Zhong Qing..." Cheng Yibei grabbed Zhong Qing's shoulders fiercely, and looked at Zhong Qing with fiery eyes, "You hate me that much?"

(End of this chapter)

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