Chapter 315

"Yes! I hate you! You will never know how much I hate you!" Zhong Qing spat out the words through her teeth, and then she smiled coldly and said, "Cheng Yibei, you know You have already entered my heart, and I could have loved you! But, thank you, I hated you completely before I fell in love with you! Thank you very much!" "Sunny..."

"From now on, we have no relationship anymore!" Zhong Qing raised the ring in her hand and said, "I will return this ring to you! This is the property of your Cheng family, I have no right to take it away! I want to keep it Another reason is to return your ring! Do you want to keep this ring to commemorate the scene that discredited you today, or throw it away completely, and throw it away like garbage without a trace? It’s all yours The matter has nothing to do with me! I'm leaving, we will meet again later, you are still Fourth Young Master Cheng, but I am not your Zhong Qing anymore!" Zhong Qing put the ring firmly into Cheng Yibei's palm, and then Holding An Yilun's arm, she proudly passed Cheng Yibei's side... The moment she passed by, Zhong Qing could clearly feel Cheng Yibei's hard fingers gently hooking her. The white veil skirt, but she slid it over her fingertips as if she didn't know it, and left sweetly with An Yilun.But just as she walked to the entrance of the lobby, Cheng Yibei's heart-piercing roar suddenly came from behind, followed by the sound of glass shattering to the ground.

The broken voice was like Zhong Qing's heart at the moment, and tears fell down. If An Yilun hadn't hugged her tightly, she thought she might not be able to get out of this hotel, maybe she would turn around and go back with a Hold Cheng Yibei, tell him that everything is not true, and then get back together.But since she has made such a choice, she can't turn back, absolutely can't turn back!

An Yilun stuffed Zhong Qing into the sports car, and drove away in the car.

However, in the hotel, Cheng Yibei fell to his knees on the ground with a face full of pain, holding his head in his hands and screaming helplessly... Standing at the elevator exit, Cheng Yuchen looked at his brother, who had always been invincible, now But being reduced to this state, I naturally feel very uncomfortable.But he didn't understand, why did Zhong Qing act like this in front of Cheng Yibei?Is it really just to get revenge on him?If it's really just revenge, then what she did before is enough, Cheng Yibei will lose her, it will be very painful, what she does now will only make Cheng Yibei hate her!Doesn't she hate Yi Bei as she said, but she can't be with Yi Bei, so she wants Yi Bei to hate her, and then the two torture each other?If this is really the case, and they are clearly in love, why not be together?

"Hey!" Cheng Yuchen sighed slightly, walked over and squatted in front of Cheng Yibei, and said with a half-smile, "How is it? Go out for a drink?" The upper body of the co-pilot almost floated out, and he shouted nervously: "Cheng Yibei, drive slowly for me, you brat! Wow, dad, mom, help me! Ah! ..." The car parked steadily in a dark bar, not the charming bar they often go to.Cheng Yuchen trembled all over, panting heavily while sitting in the passenger seat, but Cheng Yibei beside him had already got out of the car and walked in.When Cheng Yuchen saw that Cheng Yibei had run away, he quickly unbuckled his seat belt and chased him in.

As soon as he entered the bar, Cheng Yibei poured himself glass after glass of wine, as if he really wanted to get himself drunk!Sitting next to Cheng Yibei, Cheng Yuchen couldn't help sighing when he watched him drink so desperately, but he didn't stop him, he just ordered a glass of whiskey and tasted it slowly.Just let this kid indulge for a night, when he gets drunk, he will be able to deal with it!
At the same time, in An Yilun's villa, Zhong Qing changed out of her dirty white gauze dress, wrapped in a bathrobe, and sat by the pool in a daze silently, looking at the shimmering lights illuminated by the lights. In the water, Zhong Qing's thoughts drifted to Cheng Yibei involuntarily.Thinking of Cheng Yibei's heart-piercing cry when she left at the end, her heart couldn't restrain the suffocating pain, and her tears couldn't stop falling down.

A glass of champagne was handed to Zhong Qing with one hand.Zhong Qing rubbed her eyes quickly, and reached out to catch the glass of wine.An Yilun took advantage of the situation and sat beside Zhong Qing, looked into Zhong Qing's glowing red eyes, smiled slightly, and said: "After all, you are not cruel enough, otherwise, how could you avenge your younger brother because of how hard it was for you? But do you feel that you owe your enemy?" "He's not my enemy! He was just implicated by me!" "Look, it's so easy to forgive! When I made up my mind to do these things, why didn't I think of him?" Was it just being implicated? Qingqing, since you’ve done it, don’t think about it anymore!” “But I did this to accompany him in the pain!” Zhong Qing took a sip of wine and said, “In this life, Cheng Yi Bei is the first man in my life, but he will only be the last!" "Qingqing..." An Yilun sat beside Zhong Qing, reached out to hold Zhong Qing's hand, and said, "As long as you don't want to , you can marry me! I will treat you well for the rest of my life!" Zhong Qing turned her head to look at An Yilun's unusually serious eyes, suddenly smiled and said: "Mr. It's not suitable for the occasion! Besides, I don't think I have anything worthy of your love. I am not a pure woman anymore. I have even been pregnant and had a miscarriage. I am ruthless and merciless. I really don't know what you like!" "But I know that you are cruel and merciless, but it's not your nature! You are kind and cute in nature. If you weren't forced to be helpless, how could you do anything?" What about this kind of thing? As for what you said about being pregnant and having a miscarriage, this does not mean that you are not a pure woman. At least you are loyal enough to the person you love. This is your most precious place! Your Okay, I have seen everything clearly in my eyes and remembered it in my heart!" "Really? But I heard from Cheng Yibei that your An family and the Cheng family are family friends. Your father and Cheng Yibei's My mother was a childhood sweetheart, but Cheng Yibei's mother finally married Cheng Yibei's father, and your father was heartbroken and chose your mother. Your father is very protective of the Cheng family, as long as Cheng Yibei Mom's words, even if it's just a frown, your father probably won't agree! Now I'm in such a situation! I hurt Cheng Yibei, according to the Cheng family's usual practice, even if I don't drive me away, I will I have already become their number one enemy, and I just hurt Cheng Yibei severely from his engagement ceremony, how could your father agree with you to marry a woman who even the Cheng family has a headache for?"

(End of this chapter)

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