Chapter 321

"So you cowardly choose not to love?"

Cheng Yuchen smiled lightly, "It's very cowardly. In the Cheng family, maybe I'm the only child who is the least like a father, but you are the child who is the most like a father! Cheng Yibei, you can't deny that you have blood on your body. The blood of your parents, because of the coldness on your body, is the same as that of your father! Although I don’t know what my father went through, I know that he was able to escape from the hands of the largest gangster in the United States, and he also killed that gangster. The organization was completely destroyed, and a gang organization that could resist the whole world was established by himself. What my father paid was not just hard work! And you are really the most like father! Although the elder brother has been in the organization since he was a child, but he is just The second brother is more simple, he is a gentle and gentle doctor, although his hands are covered with blood, but it is all for saving people. And the bedroom door brothers are the most useless of the four, I even escaped being the Cheng family Your child should shoulder the responsibility, and you have pushed all the list on you! Your cruelty, coldness and calmness are even worse than that of your father and second uncle! But facing you like this Love will become like this, it’s really hard for me to imagine, if I love, will I just die?” “Love doesn’t have to be all pain!”

"But you will still get hurt inadvertently! If you really fall in love with someone, you will always get hurt accidentally because you love too much. Two people who are in love will always encounter stumbling blocks, just like father and mother, second uncle Just like my aunt, even though they love each other very much, there are times when they will hurt each other. Those who can persevere will grow old together, and those who can't, will leave with regrets. Yi Bei, are you really sure, Zhong Qing is right You only use it, don't you have love?" "If she really loved me, she wouldn't have resolutely left when I lowered my attitude to keep her." Cheng Yibei smiled bitterly, "Zhongqing's The method is really clever, she can sacrifice so much for revenge, making me mistakenly think she loves me, making me fall in love with her deeply, but stabbing me deeply..." Cheng Yuchen smiled noncommittally Laughing, he opened his mouth to tell him what he saw that day, but he wanted to see if Cheng Yibei and Zhong Qing could separate in the end, so he didn't say anything.He just patted her on the shoulder and said, "There's a show in the house, do you want to go in and play?" "Okay!" Cheng Yibei didn't refuse, and walked in with Cheng Yuchen. , Elegant music is playing in the lobby, some people have already jumped into the dance floor to dance with the music, and the rest of the people are still looking for their partners tonight.The people here are all from the upper class, so they all have an elegant and extraordinary temperament, and there will be no obvious erotic provocations, so Cheng Yibei doesn't have much resentment, but he doesn't have much enthusiasm to participate.So Cheng Yuchen was allowed to pick up girls alone, and he just sat in front of the bar and continued drinking.

However, when I looked up here, I unexpectedly saw Zhong Qing who was closely following An Yilun dancing on the dance floor. My heart was suffocated for no reason, and the wine glass in my hand was almost crushed. But he quickly restrained his temper, put down his wine glass, put his arms around the waist of a girl beside him, and took her off the dance floor.

Zhong Qing clasped her hands on An Yilun's shoulders, dancing with An Yilun's dance steps, because it was an elegant dance, so An Yilun whispered to Zhong Qing while dancing, as if telling a joke, teasing Did Zhong Qing lie in An Yilun's arms, and An Yilun just smiled and looked at Zhong Qing in his arms tenderly.

But when Zhong Qing listened carefully to An Yilun's jokes, she accidentally glanced out of the corner of her eye, and saw Cheng Yibei and her dance partner dancing slowly towards them. I couldn't help "clicking", and the figure on the face immediately became different.An Yilun seemed to have noticed her strangeness, so he looked up and saw Cheng Yibei.

An Yilun's hand on Zhong Qing's waist suddenly tightened, forcing Zhong Qing not to care.Zhong Qing looked back at An Yilun, An Yilun smiled at her, leaned over and kissed the corner of her lips.Because Cheng Yibei was watching not far away, An Yilun's question made Zhong Qing stiff all over, but An Yilun smiled indifferently, hugged Zhong Qing and started to listen to the music changes. danced wildly.

Zhong Qing forced herself not to look at Cheng Yibei, but out of the corner of her eye, she would inadvertently see Cheng Yibei and the girl's dancing steps also changed suddenly. With Yi Bei in his arms, Cheng Yibei leaned down and kissed the girl's lips, tossing and turning, sucking, even the loud music couldn't cover up their passionate French kiss.

Zhong Qing's steps became chaotic in an instant, and she accidentally stepped on An Yilun's shoes, and the two of them stopped dancing at the same time. Zhong Qing said unbearably, "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well, I'm going out to blow some air!" As he said that, he almost fled away. An Yilun was still standing there, staring blankly at the direction where Zhong Qing was fleeing, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Cheng Yibei also seemed to know that Zhong Qing had left, so he let go of the woman in his arms without hesitation, and instantly regained his icy cold look.That girl also seemed to know that Cheng Yibei was looking for her just for acting, so she didn't say much, just smiled, and said: "My name is Anxi, you can come to me anytime! My room number is 208!" A room card was stuffed into Cheng Yibei's coat pocket, he turned and walked away.

Cheng Yibei breathed a sigh of relief, frowned and looked at Zhong Qing's almost fleeing figure, turned around and followed him out.

Zhong Qing trotted all the way to the deck, she leaned on the railing and looked at the endless sea, at this moment she completely forgot the cold, only felt very angry in her heart, couldn't help but shouted loudly facing the sea: "Cheng Elbe, you are a big bastard!" "Why am I a bastard?"

Zhong Qing was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Cheng Yibei. She slipped and almost fell off the railing, but she just slid down the railing with a crooked body, half-bent and watched in disbelief step by step. Cheng Yibei, who was approaching by himself, panicked and said: "You are not... You are not inside and..." "What? You were scared when you saw me suddenly appearing here? Aren't you still very powerful just now? Tell me, How am I an asshole? Why did you run away?" " did I run away? I just think the atmosphere inside is too obscene, I just came out to get some air! Also, why are you not an asshole? Why don’t you pay attention in public?” “Oh? Why didn’t I pay attention? Do I need to report when I’m with my woman? Zhong Qing, aren’t you a little too self-righteous? "Cheng Yibei, I don't have any intention of controlling you and restricting you! If our engagement ceremony goes on as promised, I may still have the mood to control you, but now, sorry, my man is not you, What I want to care about is not you, but An Yilun! So all the thoughts in your mind are ridiculous. In my eyes, your performance is just the existence of a clown, nothing more!" "Then Why did you appear here? Don't you know that this cruise ship belongs to the Cheng family?" Zhong Qing's face turned pale in an instant, this cruise ship belonged to the Cheng family, so the party held this time was also arranged by the Cheng family ?An Yilun didn't tell her!She clasped her hands unconsciously, but she still smiled politely and said, "Sorry, I just came to a banquet with my boyfriend, it doesn't matter who hosts it, I'm not here because Anything else, just because the man I care about, he is here! And my boyfriend only brings me to play, so it doesn't matter who throws the party, because I only come for one person, for me I'm so happy!" Zhong Qing's mouthful of "my man" had already aroused the anger in Cheng Yibei's heart to the maximum, he suddenly stepped in front of Zhong Qing, and pressed her fiercely against the railing and his chest, making Zhong Qing was so frightened that she quickly pressed against his chest and exclaimed, "Cheng Yibei, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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