Chapter 322

The corners of Cheng Yibei's lips were raised slightly, and he said with a sneer, "What do you say I want to do?" Zhong Qing subconsciously withdrew her hands to protect her body tightly when she heard Cheng Yibei's words, resolutely not letting Cheng Yibei was getting closer to him.Cheng Yibei looked at her guarded look, couldn't help but narrow his eyes, a wry smile escaped from the corner of his lips unconsciously, suddenly he let go of Zhong Qing, took a step back suddenly, looked at her with some sadness and despair Zhong Qing said, "If I just fell into the sea like this, will you save me, or just watch me die?" "Cheng Yibei, I hate you!" But it made Cheng Yibei feel cold, and said with a wry smile: "Okay, then let me give up completely, and let me see your final decision! There is no one here, if you save me, then I will not Let you leave my side, even if it is to torture each other!" "Cheng Yibei, what do you want to do?" Zhong Qing panicked, seeing the determination in Cheng Yibei's eyes, Zhong Qing stepped forward and tried to stop Cheng Yibei Yi Bei, but Cheng Yibei jumped off the boat one step ahead of her!

"Cheng Yibei!" The sea was so turbulent, Zhong Qing lay on the railing and watched Cheng Yibei jump up and down, but completely exile herself, her heart stopped at this moment.Standing on the deck, she stared blankly at Cheng Yibei who fell into the sea. She knew that if she really didn't save him, Cheng Yibei might really just give up and let herself fall asleep completely in the sea. But she can't stay by Cheng Yibei's side, why let them torture each other like this?

Cheng Yibei's body was eroded by the icy sea water, if Zhong Qing really didn't save him, the sea water was icy cold, he would be frozen soon, completely lose all his strength, and then be completely crushed by the sea without the ability to resist. submerged.Time is passing by every minute and every second, Cheng Yibei gradually feels that the temperature of his body is passing by little by little, and his blood is completely coagulated... He looks almost desperately at Zhong Qing who has been standing on the deck blankly , Is she really so heartless?Would you really rather watch him die than call out to save him up?Zhong Qing, I have already seen your determination, but I love you, I still love you... Zhong Qing's eyes widened suddenly, because she clearly saw that Cheng Yibei was powerless against her before giving up completely Opened his mouth, although he couldn't hear the sound, Zhong Qing could tell that he was saying... I love you!

Tears came out violently, and she lost completely. Facing Cheng Yibei, she couldn't really calm down at all!Zhong Qing cried out: "Yi Bei!" and jumped down too!
At this time, whoever shouted: "Someone fell into the sea!" The deck was instantly filled with people.

The sea water is so icy cold, but Zhong Qing doesn't seem to feel it at all. She swims desperately towards Cheng Yibei, but gradually all her strength is exhausted. With a distance of one meter, she couldn't even lift her arms, so she could only smile helplessly, "It seems that God has destined us to live together forever... Yi Bei..." Cheng Yibei's consciousness It has gradually become blurred, but he heard Zhong Qing's words very clearly.He really wanted to tell her that they would be together, but his body was completely stiff, and he didn't even have the strength to move his lips... Not far away, a boat started to sail towards them, but But Cheng Yibei just wanted to hold Zhongqing's hand tightly, hold her hand, and never leave him for the rest of his life.However, he couldn't move, he was clearly just in front of his eyes, but seemed to be far away... Zhong Qing opened her mouth helplessly before she fainted completely, trying to grab something, but in the end she couldn't grab anything, she could only helplessly , helplessly followed Cheng Yibei, and slowly sank into the sea... When he woke up again, he was no longer on the huge cruise ship, and the lively party also stopped because of this accident. will come to shore.Zhong Qing stared indifferently at the white flowers in front of her, now she turned around in the room, and finally landed on An Yilun who was guarding her bed, An Yilun frowned and looked at her very uneasy, Looking forward to her being able to speak, but Zhong Qing never said a word, just looked at him indifferently.

An Yilun sighed slightly, and said: "Qingqing, don't worry, there is nothing wrong, it is already safe. If you want to ask how Cheng Yibei is, then I can only tell you, I don't know! People from the Cheng family He was transferred to a private hospital. Without the consent of Mr. Cheng and Mrs. Cheng, no one can go in and visit him. Now the Cheng family has not released any news, so outsiders know nothing about the situation with Cheng Yibei I know." "He..." Zhong Qing opened her mouth with a hoarse voice that could hardly make a sound, but she still insisted on saying, "He was rescued, right? He didn't die..." "He saved I came up, but I heard Cheng Yuchen call on the way. His condition is very bad, and it depends on him whether he can survive. Qingqing, no matter what relationship you have with him in the past, do you know? It happened, you have no future anymore, the Cheng family will never allow a person who hurt Process Yibei to stay by Cheng Yibei's side! Mo Erlan is your best lesson!" "I want to be alone Quiet!" Zhong Qing closed her eyes silently, not wanting to hear what An Yilun had to say, so An Yilun had no choice but to shut up, and then left the room silently.

Zhong Qing lay on the bed, did not open her eyes, but tears flowed out through the gaps in her eyelids.Why doesn't she know?Knowing what happened to Mo Erlan, she knew that soon the Cheng family would come to negotiate with her and give her a sum of money to completely disappear from Cheng Yibei's eyes.Although the members of the Cheng family are gangsters, they are much more merciful in the final analysis, otherwise, depending on how much she hurt Cheng Yibei, they might kill her, right?
Thinking of Cheng Yibei wanting to hold her hand tightly when he couldn't hold on at the end, not wanting to let her go away, thinking of Cheng Yibei's saying "I love you", Zhong Qing's heart couldn't stop It hurts to live.If she hadn't wanted to take revenge, maybe she and Cheng Yibei wouldn't have become what they are now, but now, they can't go back, can't go back... An Yilun stood at the door and looked at Zhong Zhong in the room. Qing was crying extremely suppressed, her heart was throbbing with pain, but there was nothing she could do.Although they are friends in name, Zhong Qing will never talk to him. He is always the one who is rejected by Zhong Qing. No matter how hard he tries, he can't walk into Zhong Qing's house. go with your heart.

Is this the power of first come, first come?If Zhong Qing had met him earlier, just one day earlier, would she not be what she is now?He regretted, really regretted not being able to show up one day earlier, so that Zhong Qing would not meet Cheng Yibei, and would not experience so much pain and suffering.But God is like this, and will not give people a second chance to come back, so this is doomed that Zhong Qing and Cheng Yibei will be entangled in their fate for a lifetime, and miss him for a lifetime.

In the private hospital on the other side, the operation had been going on for more than ten hours, and all members of the Cheng family were guarding outside the door of the operating room, waiting anxiously.Not long after, the lights finally went out, and Cheng Nianen came out of the operating room, frowning slightly.Everyone rushed forward and asked, "Xiao Nian, how is Yi Bei? Is he okay?" "The situation is not very good! There are signs of cancer!"

"What? Cancerous? How could it be cancerous?"

"Elbe is taking drugs again! And this time is much stronger than the last time! The measurement is several times the last time! And the days of taking drugs are not a day or two! But it will be fine for a short time, but now his body is too He is weak, and his antibodies are too weak. He must be recuperated and then operated on. Mom, don't worry, although the situation is not very good, it is not enough to kill Yi Bei. It's just this time Another pain in the ass! The second detox is not going to be easy. I'll have a meeting with a team of specialists, ideally giving him physical therapy and trying to be as unstimulating as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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