I'm crazy

Chapter 129 Ancestor

Chapter 129 Ancestor
On the bright side, the laboratory is no different from ordinary laboratories. They are all high-end equipment and installations. The simple decoration makes the whole laboratory full of a cold sense of technology.

But in those invisible places, they are all strictly prohibited by various countries.

Ken entered the laboratory without even taking a look at these world-class equipment that cannot be bought with money outside.

Instead, he walked to a secret door, which opened, revealing a long staircase. Ken walked down the staircase, but after a while, he arrived at a core area different from the one above.

All kinds of corpses!

Humans, animals, and almost all creatures on earth can be seen in this humble underground laboratory.

Most of them are human corpses.

But on closer inspection, it can be observed that a large proportion of these corpses are not human.

But blood!
"How is your experimental research going?"

He randomly found a place to sit and sat down, observing the bloody mass that could no longer see the human form right in front of his eyes and asked.

In front of Ken was a mass of blood dripping flesh and blood, which looked extremely disgusting. Most importantly, it was wriggling slowly, moving in the glass vessel like a skinned bug.

From time to time pus and blood were forced out of its shapeless flesh, staining clean glassware.

Facing this disgusting scene that could make people spit out their overnight meal, Ken didn't change his expression, and even had the mood to laugh at the owner of this laboratory.

"It seems that you have failed again!"

Ken gloated.

The person who was ridiculed ignored him, and was doing his own research experiment not far away.

He already knew that Bartley Scott was a boring gourd, so Ken didn't care, and slowly watched everything in the laboratory.

Even though he has seen it countless times, Ken still feels a kind of excitement stimulating him every time he sees these.

Not killing those vampires is more exciting, but it's better than nothing, otherwise this life would be so boring.

"By the way, Jeff Marcus asked you to develop something that can deal with high-level vampires."

Ken conveyed the meaning of Jeff Marcus to Bartley Scott, but he knew that he didn't care about what Jeff Marcus said just now at all from his foolish look.

It was the same.

That old man Jeff Marcus, what the hell does he think he is?

The three of them have always been "partners" who reluctantly cooperate because of their interests, and he and Bartley Scott are not his subordinates, and every time they order them to do things, they seem to be calling for puppies.

It's really... uncomfortable!

Ken turned his silver gun.


The sound of bullets being simulated in his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a hunter in the middle of a hunt.

Bartley Scott didn't react to Ken's words, neither agreed nor opposed.

He has always been like this, obsessed with his experiments, and things from the outside world rarely bother him.

Ken put away his silver gun and snorted, this guy!Always so boring!

"Hey! Let's just kill that old thing!"

Ken stood up and walked in front of Bartley Scott, blocking his experiment. He knew what method to use to deal with this kind of lunatic.

Sure enough, Bartley Scott stopped his movements, glanced at Ken without any emotion, and said calmly and indifferently: "Jeff Marcus is dead, who will support my experiment."

Just consistently stating the facts, never thinking that Jeff Marcus was the one who got him out of prison.

Cold-blooded to terrible!
But Bartley Scott's character, which is extremely terrifying in the eyes of normal people, is the best for Ken. After all, he is also a pervert, isn't he?

"Okay, then keep that old thing for a while, and wait until your experiment is successful."

Ken shrugged, spreading his hands as if helpless.

Bartley Scow didn't speak, obviously this was another form of approval.

Ken got out of the way and stopped blocking Bartley Scott. If he kept in the way, this guy was about to lose his temper.

"By the way, speaking of experiments, when will this experiment, which has lasted for more than ten years, be successful?"

Bartley Scott pushed his glasses that fell as he lowered his head, and said: "Any experiment requires a lot of time, let alone such an extremely difficult and whimsical experiment, I will take over In the past few years, I just have a little idea."

Bartley Scott talked more about his own experiment.

Ken strolled through the lab, his boots clicking on the ground.

"Is there any chance of success in this experiment?"

Ken is a little curious. Although he is not a lunatic like Jeff Marcus, he also wants great power.

These four words always have the power to make people crazy!
"Any experiment has a chance of success."

Of course, there is also the chance of failure.

It depends on what the odds are.

"However, the direction that idiot thought he had grasped was completely wrong."

After saying the previous sentence, Bartley Scott added calmly.

"Wrong? Are you sure?"

Ken was a little surprised now. Bartley Scott said that the high-intelligence lunatic who took over the experiment earlier was researching in the wrong direction?
But what about the changes in Jeff Marcus?
Besides, he did get some power.

Otherwise, how could that old Jeff Marcus dodge his bullets!
And there are those...

As if knowing what he was thinking, Bartley Scott said: "The power Jeff Marcus gained is only temporary. After losing these powers, he will be torn apart by a powerful backlash."

A sarcasm flashed across his face, and he continued: "As for those things, they are just failures."

It takes so much movement to transform even to use a single power, and the ugly appearance really insults the title of blood race.

The real blood race is the lowest level of existence, which is also elegant and beautiful, how could it be like those beasts that have lost their minds.

What's more, the real abilities and characteristics of the vampires were never obtained at all, it was just the waste that that idiot created that only knew how to suck blood.

After hearing Bartley Scott's explanation, Ken was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Ha, so, in fact, I don't need to take action at all, that old thing will also kill itself?"

What a delightful news!
It seemed that he didn't have to think about how to kill that old guy easily without hurting himself after this.


"By the way, if your experiment is successful..."

If Bartley Scott's experiment is successful, isn't that old thing...

"When the experiment is successful, Jeff Marcus will have gone to see God."

After he learned the direction of that idiot's experiment, he already knew the result of Jeff Marcus. He was so anxious to inject such a powerful force into himself that he couldn't wait for the day when the experiment was actually realized.

Ken rubbed his chin and said, "Not bad, not bad, since the old guy is about to die, I'll be more friendly to him, haha."

After all, what he pursued can never be obtained again, can he?

 Thanks to little angel Mingyue Qingfeng and little angel Lingyuan for their tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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